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kasca 07-15-14 07:00 PM


Man this has finally died..cry. Anyone know of one like it??? I don't want a box. It neat to keep them around my map. Where there out of the way.

jeffy162 07-15-14 07:46 PM

Try MinimapButtonFrame.

Ummm, when you say "It neat to keep them around my map.", what exactly do you mean.

kasca 07-15-14 07:54 PM

Neat as in NEAT,not Cluttered. .. All in one place. Not as in a box taking up a lot of space.

def9 07-15-14 09:07 PM

MBB should allow you to tidy up minimap buttons nicely.

Seerah 07-15-14 09:26 PM

Aha! I knew it was still around, but was just searching for Minimap Button Bag. :o

jeffy162 07-16-14 06:32 AM

OK. I was just wondering (plus I am easily confused:o). Well, I stand by my original post, try MinimapButtonFrame.

kasca 07-16-14 06:40 PM

Frames a box =(

Phanx 07-17-14 12:12 AM

According to the description on the download page, you can change the background in the options.

If it doesn't have an option to remove the background entirely, rather than just telling everyone who's trying to help you here how useless their efforts are because they can't magically point you to an addon that doesn't exist, your time will probably be best spent either:

(a) asking the author of the addon to add an option to hide the background, or

(b) spend 5 minutes figuring out how to remove the background in the addon's code yourself.

jeffy162 07-17-14 04:34 AM

The "box" in MBF can be done away with in the options. See this: My UI. MBF is at the top center of the screen shot.

If you don't want to see the minimap buttons they can be made to appear, and disappear, on a key bind.

kasca 07-17-14 07:38 AM

humm .. i said nothing bad about it or the person who posted it. I pointed out it a box. I did read it and look at all the pics. Shows a box. Makeing the background clear. Still makes it a box. I always look before i ask. Ive gone throght here and curse. These being only 2 i trust to dl from. Before i asked for help.

I thought one the reasons these forms are here is help each other. Iam sorry that my not understand code makes you mad. I wish i did understand because then i make something differant. Mods are all becomes carbon copys.

jeffy162 07-17-14 08:52 AM

Not to get upset, but I'm not mad. I was just trying to explain that if you install MBF, and look at the options, you'll see how you can get rid of the "box" frame around it.

Once you install it you can open the options by clicking on the minimap button for MBF, or if you have an LDB display you can open it by clicking on the button for MBF. Both work the same way. They open the Blizzard Interface dialog. Click on the "AddOns" tab and look for "MinimapButtonFrame". Expand the options by clicking on the small "+" sign next to it. Then you want to make sure you click on the "Profiles" heading and make sure you have the proper profile set. Next go to the "Display" heading and open that. At the top is a "drop down" titled "Hide when Locked". Click on the arrow on the right, and choose what you want hidden in MBF.

Everything is self explanatory in MBF's options. Just take the time to get to know it, and hopefully you'll like it. I know I do and I've even made a few skin pack plug-in's for it.

Don't feel so bad about not understanding code. The plug-in's for this thing were ridiculously easy to figure out, or I never would have made them. I don't really understand code either. :o

Phanx 07-17-14 11:01 AM

And if when you're saying "box" you mean something other than the visible square background and border behind the buttons, then try to describe what you mean some other way, because that's the only meaning of the word "box" that makes any sense to me in the context of your question. :confused:

Seerah 07-17-14 06:47 PM

I thought he meant collapsed/condensed. "All in one place" instead of something that's "taking up a lot of space". Which is why I went looking for MBB instead of MBF.

/edit: though the addon kasca was previously using showed all of the buttons at once, but with the ability to individually position them wherever you want... /shrug

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