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03-27-09, 04:41 AM   #6
nUI Maintainer
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I've been using WoW Instant Messenger to handle whispers. Some mistells could mess a person up (especially considering I whisper my US fiance alot while I'm in the UK). But moving on swiftly.

Whats cool with WIM, in case you weren't aware, is that it stores x days of messages with options to limit or expand as fits your needs. Imagine you've gone afk longer than you were expected and come back to find yourself logged out. You log in unaware that 10 minutes earlier your guild friend had asked you to make him something before logging out not realising you didn't receive the message in time. This stops that from happening as you can check to see what messages you received when you log back in.

So, I was thinking that it would be cool to create a guild chat window to do a similar thing. maybe keep 7 days of guild chat in storage. Maybe less. You could always expand on the in game addon by extracting the information and store offline for guild reading at a later date if you so wish. Also, you could have an officer chat window to stop the accidental officer chat slipping into the guild chat.

Having it as an infopanel would be one step nearer to what I was thinking about but I personally cannot imagine the first steps to do that beyond drawing a frame on screen and saying 'Hello <name> of <server>' etc Although, helping identify problems and their causes in nUI is helping me figure out some things.