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05-30-09, 09:35 AM   #19
nUI Maintainer
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1. Manage Attachments when adding a post .. scroll down a bit to see the option. It then adds the image to the message itself.

2. Looking at the code I don't think there is a way to shift the Console Top Bars section down as it is designed to only move if there are bar addons specifically known ( Scott has nUI_Fubar.lua and nUI_TitanBar.lua ).

3. nUI Allows you to scale the hud and if individual elements of the screen dashboard (bottom) or console (top) need resizing this should be possible by tweaking some of the layout lua files.

You can try editing the nUI_Layout_Default_Console.lua file in nUI\Layouts\Default\ folder and setting the micromenu options to false to see what that does. Maybe that in conjunction to turning off the console display will do what you want. But I know Scott has designed the top bars ready for future growth to include the panel information like Titan or Fubar.

Originally Posted by Apraxia View Post
Shortened, updated, and slightly revised of OP for customizing help by me:

1. Could someone explain that way of uploading your SS's to WoWinterface's site to post here again? Can't find it damnit.

2. Original hope in manipulating nUI's default support which adjusts for fubar the same way for what I use (Docking Station) seems to not be a possibility. So looking for feedback on how to manually edit my top panel to always if possible by default to load just slighty further down with that extra spacing.

3. nUI's default scaling on my resolution settings (1680x1050 widescreen) is absolutely HUGEEEEE. I realize and have been (frustrated though) instead reverting to working with the manual UI scale slider in blizz's video settings panel, but this is just pissing off two many other addons in WoW and MOST do not have their OWN scaling configurater to then go fix them as well to all be a decent size relevant to the whole UI. Suggestions? QQ think this might be a SoL issue but can't hurt to ask.

2?'s directly to Scott: I just want to get a verbal yay or nei to 2 things I was wanting to toy with but wanted to get the clear from you first. One, is it okay to hide an entire frame element in the UI for the purposes of a customized layout but more so for certain skins ect? Example: I want to hide the whole micro menu on the top console, but DO NOT want the top console hidden or even on mouse over (I plan to have my broker bar at the top with the menu there) I still want the art and even the hud display change button clearly and always visable.

and second: My skin I did came out pretty cool, but it's not lookin so hawt with the way some of the anchoring or semitransparent placement graphics beneath some elements are done. Is it okay for me to either 1. hide those all together, or 2. add different colored hues to them manually to compliment or blend to the skin, or 3. Manually myself further enhance and add more transparency to them as to not stand out on my skin so badly?

Thanks in advance again guys.

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