Thread: Omen
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08-02-09, 06:11 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by dystrophy View Post
I also receive this error message he is talking about even though my Omen is up to date also. The exact error message is this....

interface\addons\omen\omen.lua:1649: Usage: Getshapeshiftform Info(index)

Problem is I can't get rid of this error until the current fight ends, hitting OK just throws up the error again right away.

Thanks that helps somewhat. Hopefully the omen developers have been keeping track of this thread themselves but here is the block of code in question.

if lastWarn.mobGUID == mobGUID and myThreatPercent >= t.Threshold and t.Threshold > lastWarn.threatpercent then
	if not t.DisableWhileTanking or not (myClass == "WARRIOR" and GetBonusBarOffset() == 2 or
	  myClass == "DRUID" and GetBonusBarOffset() == 3 or
	  myClass == "PALADIN" and UnitAura("player", GetSpellInfo(25780)) or
	  myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" and GetShapeshiftFormInfo(GetShapeshiftForm()) == "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Deathknight_FrostPresence") then
		self:Warn(t.Sound, t.Flash, t.Shake, *****ssage and L["Passed %s%% of %s's threat!"]:format(t.Threshold, guidNameLookup[lastWarn.tankGUID]))
Okay, looking at wowwiki the only thing that seems to be wrong here is the deathknight test section.

GetShapeshiftFormInfo needs to have its parameter set to nil or false to work with DEATHKNIGHT information as per this page:

For those ambitious people out there or the developers themselves you might want to change that last part to:

or myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" and GetShapeshiftFormInfo(nil) then

or myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" and GetShapeshiftFormInfo(false) then
and see if it solves the problem for you. I'd try it myself but I don't have a deathknight to test it with.

This is I think because the Aura and Presence information for DeathKnights and Paladins aren't classed as true Stances unlike the other classes stance bars

Edit: Actually, the code change is wrong after re-reading it.

Change it to :
or myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" and (GetShapeshiftForm(false) == 2) then
or myClass == "DEATHKNIGHT" and (GetShapeshiftForm(nil) == 2) then
It in essence does the same thing without hardcoding the filename used for said presence. If you read the wowwiki page you can see why I changed it.

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Last edited by Xrystal : 08-02-09 at 06:21 AM.
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