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06-23-13, 05:08 PM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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Looks like for some reason the nUI_L values aren't being recognised for some reason. For the first error message the following block of code is the one mentioned:

frame.label:SetJustifyH( "LEFT" );
frame.label:SetJustifyV( "MIDDLE" );
frame.label:SetFont( nUI_L["font2"], 10, "OUTLINE" );
frame.label:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 47, -10 );
frame.label:SetText( nUI_L["Minimap Button Bag"] );
As you can see the font and the text is using the nUI_L table to grab the text from. try putting a print(nUI_L["font2"]) statement in front of that block and the same for the text nUI_L as well and see whether it prints a nil or blank font or even a font that is getting removed from 5.4. If it comes up with a font name try replacing that font name with GameFontNormal and see what happens.

That said, I'll download the 5.4 ptr tonight and have a look tonight or tomorrow, depending on how quick it updates.

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