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05-21-09, 12:45 PM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 104
Simple HUD - Target Debuffs

First of all, I have to say how wonderful it is to use nUI just one more time. After seeing the video that Spiel did using the simple HUD it inspired me to become more minimalistic on the open screen space (of which there is a ton with nUI). I reloaded my computer from scratch, then WoW, then nUI and spent a lot of time reconfiguring and testing my settings so that I see ONLY stuff that is needed in combat, arena or Raids. I have determined that those things are primarily my targets debuffs, my focus and what he is casting, my cooldowns time left, and basically anything that procs. With just nUi and MSBT loaded I was getting 80-100 FPS in the K3 spider dungeon while testing. Gratz on the optimization, my computer is smoking hot and it is a two year old gaming rig that I built myself. Not necessarily cutting edge stuff

Issue #1 - On my mage the Slow debuff isn't always showing when it was applied. It seemed to be about 50/50 chance of whether it would show up or not below the healthrace bar. The hud target debuff is crucial for my PvP arena aspirations as arcane. No slow = dead mage.

Issue #2 - I use MSBT to see my procs in big red letters. However, it would be really nice if there was a way within nUI to make those stand out as opposed to the other 20 Buffs that I may have on myself. For instance when Missile Barrage or Hot Streak proc I would like it to be very big and very bold at the top of the buff list and almost burn itself into my retina so I don't miss it. Sometimes I'm busy running around saving my low HP buttocks and miss the proc on the screen, so then I turn to my list of buffs and barely catch it in the list as the timer is ticking down because it starts blinking. Who knows how many I actually miss because I'm a nub. nUI could really help players out with rotations by making procs stand out in a bold way.

Issue #3 - Similar to #2 but in a different light, it would just be nice to have a font sizing option with the buff and debuff list. With Elk buff bars they are very big and very boldly legible.

So that was what I noticed last night while reconfiguring everything (besides my bags filling up with iceweb spidersilk). Overall, my new screen looks awesome and I only see useful info as opposed to the spammy over populated screen of addons I had before I reloaded. Nice work on the UI once again. And nice videos demonstrating how clean WoW can look with this UI.

05-21-09, 12:59 PM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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Welcome to the nUI fan club - rofl.

1) Slow Debuff Icon - are you sure the slow debuff spell was successful ? I'm sure it was but just want to confirm.

2) That would be a cool idea but yeah, I use msbt for that reason too.

3) The Debuff Icons and fonts can be adjusted to suit your own needs but only via editing the lua layout files.

Folder: nUI\Layouts\Default\HUDLayouts
Then choose the HUD folder you want to change the layout for.

File: nUI_HUDSkin_PlayerTarget_Target.lua ( I believe )

And .. I'm sure Scott will correct me if I am wrong .. the code that shows your debuffs on the target are in Aura block 2. As you can see there is a fontsize there anongst other things.

Until the Layout Engine is finished this is all we can do.

		["Aura"] =
			[1] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "TOPLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Health",
					relative_pt = "TOPRIGHT",
					xOfs        = -40,
					yOfs        = -100,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 45,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "harm",
					origin           = "TOPLEFT",
					player_auras     = false,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = false,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = true,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					clickable        = true,
					rows             = 3,
					cols             = 4,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,

					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 10,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,
			[2] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
					relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Bottom",
					relative_pt = "TOP",
					xOfs        = 0,
					yOfs        = 80,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 40,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "help",
					origin           = "TOPLEFT",
					player_auras     = true,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = true,
					dynamic_size     = true,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = false,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					rows             = 1,
					cols             = 10,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,

					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 12,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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05-21-09, 02:25 PM   #3
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 104
Thanks for the reply Xrystal. Believe it or not I have been using and contributing (a couple of times) to nUi for about a year now. I am sure the debuff applied on the spiders every time because they were in fact walking slowly and I was kiting them, but it just wasn't showing in my HUD. Also, thanks for the tips on the lua editing. I will likely make my text size bigger.

05-27-09, 07:19 AM   #4
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 1
Wow Wow Wow

Yeah I am a huge fan but only for a couple of months..
there is so much involved here it is Awesome....

I am a Huge Scott Piel FAN!

thanks for the info on changing the fonts. ...

Nice to also have someone taking some of the burden of of scott.

I have a druid mage and dk ( never play him ) and nui works great..

even better is that everytime I see something that I would like to have Scott is already working on it . Therefore, instead of posting, I have just been reading..

Keep up the fantastic work everyone !

WoWInterface » Featured Projects » nUI, MozzFullWorldMap and PartySpotter » Support » nUI: Bug Reports » Simple HUD - Target Debuffs

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