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Errors when sending non-dungeon quest to chat
Bug #: 1059
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 05-09-06 07:35 AM
By: holymist
Status: Fixed
I posted this to the forum page first. Sorry if that was wrong, didn't know about this bug report stuff. Pretty new to this stuff so still learning.

Get a nasty crash (takes down all of fubar pretty much) when I alt click a quest that doesn't have the dungeon tag. This bit of code in the right place seems to take care of it.

elseif IsAltKeyDown() and ChatFrameEditBox:IsVisible() then
-- Add [level:quest title] to the chat editbox if it's open.
if self.quests[questid].tag then

Just added an if to check for the tag before trying to print it.

Hope that helps.

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By: holymist - 05-09-06 10:54 AM
Forgot to mention that I'm using the latest versions of Fubar (1.1.1633) and QuestFu (1.1.1465)