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    Quest log problems
    Bug #: 3535
    File: MetaMap
    Date: 04-16-07 10:45 PM
    By: clr
    Status: Unconfirmed
    Since i've installed Metamap (latest) i've been experiencing continous problems with my questlog. At first when i was trying to abandon a quest in the normal quest log it wasn't abandoning the quest highlighted but another in the list instead. Then i began using the quest log in the map and that also did the same (though it looks much nicer . Sometimes it was also trying to abandon quests already abandoned. Then i've switched of the "archiving quests" option and that seemed to solve it for a while but then it started all again. Another thing that happened from time to time that it was trying to abandon a quest of another character. Refresh also seems to be a problem as most of the time a quest was already completed (or simply the related data changed) and it was only refreshing after a few clicks as they were showing the old state. And finally it was showing less quests than i actually had in the normal questlog (that has 21, it had only 19 and i was watching the entire map of the world) It is a very nice mod but i guess it needs a little finetuning for the questlog-part (other parts seems to be working for me

    A few suggestions/requests though:
    - It'd be nice if there'd be a switch to show all quest data all the time for a character (like the original quest log) for easier tracking. I think it's more important then seeing other character's quests. I though that by clicking "show all quests" it'll show that as the active char was clicked in the filter but it was showing all characters quests for the map.
    - Herbalism/Mining/Treasure tracker is a very nice part but couldn't it work like the knowledgebase tracker (so i could set it to add item to database by hovering above a vein or treasure from a distance of 5,10, inf distance instead of having to come very close)

    Thanks for this great mod,