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Arithmetic on string
Bug #: 3851
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 08-03-07 05:51 AM
By: lellefot
Status: Unconfirmed
After installing QuestsFu I get the following error as soon as I try to click on any of the quests in the drop-down menu.

Error: Bad argument #1 to 'format' (number expected, got string)
AddOn: FuBar_QuestsFu
File: PartyLog.lua
Line: 78
Count: 1


Error: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'level' (a string value)
File: Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua
Line: 599
Count: 3

I have no idea what all this means but maybe you do.

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By: lellefot - 08-03-07 06:09 AM
All this appears to be connected to the 'custom' details frame. Since these errors only occur when I attempt to use it. If I disable the details-module, I get no errors and get the blizzard default questlog when clicking a quest.