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Can't sell message displaying at merchant.
Bug #: 6080
File: DropTheCheapestThing
Date: 08-23-09 10:28 PM
By: Cidrei
Status: Unconfirmed
Receiving DropTheCheapestThing Error: Can't sell items while not at a merchant. Aborting. while at a vendor. With only DropTheCheapestThing loaded, it works the first time you visit the vendor, and prints the message on subsequent visits. A short message added in the code, DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(MerchantFrame:IsVisible()) added after line 49, seems to indicate that the check on the MERCHANT_SHOW event is running after the sell attempt on repeat visits.

Further testing indicates that the following addons can cause the message on the first visit, if they are loaded: AckisRecipeList, Skillet, or StealYourCarbon. I am not running ArkInventory (also reported to cause this issue).