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Latest server restart killed /fill possibly other features
Bug #: 7535
File: BankStack
Date: 10-11-11 08:15 PM
By: Arkansas
Status: Fixed
I've noticed that my inventory is no longer able to complete /fill. It will move about 4-6 items into my guild bank and then stops. I've also noticed that manually right clicking the items feels MUCH clunkier than usual...and much slower. This might be an issue on blizzard's end so I'll file an in-game ticket as well just in case and let you know what the GM tells me.

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By: Arkansas - 10-13-11 03:51 PM
GM told me to delete cache, interface, WTF folders and to run repair.exe...but the problem persists and I think I found the culprit.

So when you right-click items quickly to go into the normal bank it seems to "que" them up and they turn grey meaning that item is on it's way to the bank. Try that with a guild bank and the items are not turning grey after Tuesday's server reset. My ticket is being escelated and I'll keep you informed.
By: Arkansas - 10-13-11 05:15 PM
It looks like the GM is giving the issue to their testers...I've also posted this on a bug report page at this address:

I will also try a full fresh reinstall of WOW and see what happens...but I'm fairly convinced that this is a bug on WOW's end. Works fine with normal character banks...guild banks broken.