View Feature Request
Minimap usage - Tracker feature
Feature #: 2290
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 05-28-07 04:51 AM
By: Ektoras
Status: Under Review
Hey! Great mod, im using it instead of EQL3 now.

Some things i would like to see:

a. I am using this mod attached to my minimap.
I would like to have the "xx/25" quest counter in the tooltip title,
possibly only active when attached to minimap "QuestsFu (xx/25)"
As it is now, i have to open the Bliz questlog to see that.

b. Adding and removing all zone/category quests to/from the tracker
by clicking the zone name in the tooltip would be great, as in EQL.

c. A minimize all/expand all button on the tooltip would also be handy.

Thanx for all the great stuff u do for us (I also use KungFu and ToFu).
Keep up the good work!

Ektoras @Vashj