Updated: 11-11-11 09:16 AM
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Updated:11-11-11 09:16 AM

Broker Factions  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 3.2.6 Release
by: Zhinjio, Torhal

Broker Factions is a simple Ace3 LDB Data Feed plugin that provides an easy way to monitor your reputation with the various factions. It is loosely based on FactionsFu (Elkano) and the older Titan Factions (Phanx).

What it does:

  • Provides a tooltip where all faction reputations are summarized. Details can be customized in the configuration panel (Right-Click on the plugin to bring up the configuration screen automatically). Factions that are under collapsed groups (or subgroups), in Blizzard's reputation tab frame (character screen) will not be shown. Likewise, inactive factions will be hidden. You may at any point expand or collapse a faction "header" (group) by simply right clicking on it (ensure that the "Show Collapsed Headers" option is enabled, in the configuration panel, if for some reason you are unable to view a faction group after collapsing it).
  • Provides a button where the addon's monitored reputation can be shown. You can select the faction you wish to monitor from either the configuration panel or by simply left clicking on it from the tooltip. Factions that are inactive/under collapsed groups will not be monitored. You may also choose to hide the monitored faction entirely, if you only want to view the tooltip, every now and then.
  • Session gains can be shown on both the button and the tooltip.
  • The addon "remembers" collapsed groups that you set per session and will attempt to restore these settings automatically, whenever you enter the world.
  • Provides an option so that your monitored faction switches automatically to reflect the faction you last gained reputation with (you also have the option to ignore negative reputation gains). Also provides options to use Blizzard's monitored faction or even set your own monitored faction as the "watched" faction (the one shown above the normal experience bar if not level capped). You may set a "watched" faction shown as an experience bar, by holding down Ctrl and clicking on a valid faction with reputation, either from the tooltip or by ctrl + clicking the plugin itself.
  • Provides an option to paste reputation info into a currently opened chat box. Just hold down Shift and click either on the plugin or on a valid faction with reputation, shown on the tooltip.
  • Provides an option to scale the tooltip and/or use a scrolling slider, to avoid issues with extremely large and detailed tooltips.

What it doesn't do:
  • It will not automatically set a faction to monitor according to your location/zone. I have decided against implementing this feature, so that the plugin can peacefully coexist and "cooperate" with addons that automatically switch Blizzard's reputation bar (the one above the experience bar if not level capped) according to your location.

Bear in mind that Broker Factions, as all DataBroker plugins does not provide it's own display, you will need a LDB-based display addon, such as Fortress, Carousel, StatBlockCore, Wraith, Titan Panel etc.

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3.2.6 Release
- Updated ToC version for WoW 4.2
3.2.5 Release
- First "full function" release with new code
3.2.4 Beta
- Fixed db options bug. (thanks Torhal)
3.2.3 Beta
- Fixed a config bug
- This is the first release after taking this addon over. Fairly large portions of the code have been rewritten. Since Bliz implemented several changes that made some portions of this addon obsolete. I've removed that code.
- Most tooltip functions are now restored and working as before (or better).
- I have not yet implemented showing *any* information on the LDB display bar, though that is up next.
- I usually don't move beta version over, opting instead of wait for a full release, but I think its good to get the new code in circulation, and getting feedback and bug reports. PLEASE let me know what you find and do or don't like.
3.1 [2009.08.04]
- Library update.
- Removed LibQTipClick-1.1 from embeds.
- Modified tooltip click handler to use SetCellScript method, present in LibQTip-1.0.
- Set the BackdropBorderColor and alpha to always reflect the original values of the GameTooltip.
- .toc bump for WoW version 3.2.
3.0b [2009.06.21]
- Updated Chinese localization.
3.0 [2009.06.16]
- Major Update
- Properly localized a few forgotten global vars.
- Embedded LibQTipClick-1.1. Added support for a clickable tooltip.
- Left clicking a faction name, on the plugin's tooltip will now cause said faction to be "watched" on the button/block. Note: Left click will NOT function if the user has selected the "Use Blizzard's faction watch" option, in the plugin's configuration menu.
- Shift + left clicking a faction name, on the plugin's tooltip will paste the faction information on a chat frame editbox (assuming it's open).
- Ctrl + left clicking a faction name, on the plugin's tooltip will cause said faction to be "watched" on the default Blizzard reputation bar. Note: Ctrl + Left click will NOT function if the user has selected the "Use Blizzard's faction watch" option, in the plugin's configuration menu.
- Added a new option under the configuration "Tooltip" category, that enables the user to hide the "hint" from the plugin's tooltip.
- Split the code in the OnEnter script to acquire and set tooltip properties and implemented a new function to actually draw the rest of the tooltip, in order to facilitate clickable functionality for faction headers.
- Right clicking a faction header will now cause it to collapse or expand and the tooltip will be automatically redrawn to reflect the changes in the faction index.
- Refined the argument return table for the callback handler function, to also return the faction's index ID, in order to avoid unnecessary checks using the faction name.
- Refined the tooltip hint, to provide better explanation in regards to the new functionality.
- Updated localization to support the tooltip changes (work in progress).
2.4 [2009.06.05]
- Updated to the latest revision of LibQTip-1.0 that deals with the clipping issue once and for all.
- Updated .toc with proper tags for Minion support.
2.3c [2009.05.26]
- Updated to r92 of LibQTip.
2.3b [2009.05.24]
- Updated to r87 of LibQTip-1.0 in order to resolve the issue with the problematic upgrade code.
2.3 [2009.05.24]
- Updated to r83 of LibQTip-1.0.
- Removed the hack of the previous version, properly "releasing" the tooltip again, when the mouse isn't over it.
- Updated French localization.
2.2 [2009.05.16]
- Attempt to fix the broken Faction tooltip, when interacting with specific plugins using the same version of LibQTip-1.0, pending a proper update of the library.
2.1 [2009.05.15]
- Fixed a small bug, where the tooltip would not display properly after moving the plugin.
- Updated Chinese and Korean localization.
2.0 [2009.05.14]
- Updated Ace3 and LibQTip-1.0 (Elkano's scrollable branch merged).
- Corrected errors in localization (work in progress).
- Moved the slider controlling tooltip scale, under the 'Tooltip' tab, in the plugin's configuration menu.
- Implemented a new option to add an optional scrolling slider to the tooltip (can be found under the 'Tooltip' tab, in the plugin's configuration menu).
- Allowed the mouse cursor to be placed over the tooltip, in order to enable mousewheel control of the scrolling slider.
- Small optimization fixes.
1.10 [2009.05.09]
- Added an option to reset session reputation gains, in the configuration menu ("General" tab).
- Added Chinese localization.
- Library update.
1.9b [2009.04.13]
- Updated .toc to 30100
- Ace3 Update.
- Updated Korean localization.
- Properly added a global variable holding initial faction reputation values, to the addon's namespace.
- Moved icon setting according to player faction, to the PLAYER_LOGIN event.
1.9 [2009.03.24]
- Library Update.
- Added two more options for the tooltip configuration category, "Show Collapsed Headers" and "Show Collapsed Header Suffix". Appropriate descriptions can be found by hovering over said options.
- Added Korean localization.
- Fixed a few global references for the sake of code brevity.
1.8 [2009.02.03]
- Moved saved variables initialization from VARIABLES_LOADED to ADDON_LOADED event for reliability and performance purposes.
- Properly initialized variables when the addon is installed and loaded for the first time.
- Added a new option to ignore Exalted factions when the addon is set to auto-switch to a faction on reputation gains or losses.
1.7 [2009.01.18]
- Fixed a bug where the column titles would not display if only faction headers were visible.
- Added French localization.
1.6b [2009.01.10]
- Fixed a bug that would prevent the state of a few variables from properly being set to false, between sessions.
1.6 [2009.01.09]
- Added two new options in the addon configuration tab(s), "Ignore negative reputation gains" and "Colorize faction statistics".
1.5b [2009.01.08]
- Cosmetic changes to the tooltip so that the 2nd column isn't too close to the faction names.
1.5 [2009.01.08]
- Configuration menu has been totally revamped. Display details for factions/reputation have been split into tabs for Button/Tooltip.
- Removed unnecessary labels and characters.
- Ace3 update.
- LibQTip-1.0 beta update (experimental). This version should allow players to change tooltip style (background/borders etc) via addons that manipulate the GameTooltip.
1.4b [2008.11.09]
- LibTooltip-1.0 renamed to LibQTip-1.0. Implemented necessary changes.
1.4 [2008.10.28]
- Added German localization.
- Implemented code changes to support non-English locales for reputation gains and new factions discovered.
- Fixed a bug (hopefully) where more than 1 factions would not set initial values properly, when 'discovered'.
- Added a slider widget in the configuration menu, that allows the user to explicitly set the tooltip scale, in order to compensate for abnormally large tooltips.
1.3 [2008.10.28]
- Ace3 Update.
- Removed Wotlk specific code.
- Implemented an option to hide text entirely from the button/block.
- Revamped tooltip handling. LibTooltip-1.0 (beta) is now being used, faction data should properly appear, justified in columns.
- Implemented different DO icons for Horde/Alliance.
1.2b [2008.10.14]
- Moved LibDataBroker-1.1 outside libs to properly support no-external version.
- Ace3 lib update.
- .toc bump for WoW 3.0.
1.2 [2008.09.28]
- Fixed a bug with certain Wrath of the Lich King factions that also act as headers. The addon should now properly show such factions on the tooltip and monitor them as intended.
- Implemented a couple of safeguards just in case something goes wrong when faction info is requested and not found.
- Added data source type for the LDB object.
1.1b [2008.09.26]
- Fixed an issue where newly discovered factions would not register an initial reputation value in order to properly monitor session gains.
- Fixed a small locale typo.
1.0b [2008.09.26]
- Initial release (committed proper zip)
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Unread 05-23-09, 10:08 PM  
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Originally posted by Arkive
With latest version (2.3):

[2009/05/23 23:18:52-9-x1]: LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):848: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):848: in function `WipeHeap'
LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):857: in main chunk
I saw comments regarding these two mods, so worth mentioning I'm also using both tomQuest2 and Auditor.
And it seems that the version of LibQTip they are using is older than the one Broker Factions is embedding and due to some bug in the upgrade code, you are getting this error. I'll see what I can do about it, along with the library authors.
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Unread 05-23-09, 09:30 PM  
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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With latest version (2.3):

[2009/05/23 23:18:52-9-x1]: LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):848: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):848: in function `WipeHeap'
LibQTip-1.0-17 (Broker_Factions):857: in main chunk
I saw comments regarding these two mods, so worth mentioning I'm also using both tomQuest2 and Auditor.
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Unread 05-15-09, 04:31 PM  
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Version 2.2 should fix the issue with the faction tooltip interacting badly with either Auditor and/or tomQuest2. Note however that this is a temporary fix and small clipping issues (a few pixels) to the rightmost column may still occur on occasion but for the most part, it should be ok (for now). Let me know, if its borked again.
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Unread 05-15-09, 12:47 AM  
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Originally posted by paraquat
It seems like there's some conflict between addons using the LibQTip library. I have Broker_Factions and Auditor (which comes with Broker_Auditor). I have Factions at 0.7 scale and Auditor at 1 scale. If I pull up the Factions tooltip and then pull up the Auditor tooltip, it messes up the display of the Factions tooltip from then on (characters get all spread out and about half the columns are clipped off the right side of the tooltip. If I put them at the same 0.7 scale, they co-exist ok. I guess there's some kind of global state in the tooltip library related to scale or something and the two addons are overwriting each other in tragic ways.

I do also have the bug Jesamyn mentions with the right edge of the characters getting trimmed off, but that's not as big a deal.
I'm guessing its the same kind of issue. We are looking at it, along with the library authors.
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Unread 05-14-09, 08:36 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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It seems like there's some conflict between addons using the LibQTip library. I have Broker_Factions and Auditor (which comes with Broker_Auditor). I have Factions at 0.7 scale and Auditor at 1 scale. If I pull up the Factions tooltip and then pull up the Auditor tooltip, it messes up the display of the Factions tooltip from then on (characters get all spread out and about half the columns are clipped off the right side of the tooltip. If I put them at the same 0.7 scale, they co-exist ok. I guess there's some kind of global state in the tooltip library related to scale or something and the two addons are overwriting each other in tragic ways.

I do also have the bug Jesamyn mentions with the right edge of the characters getting trimmed off, but that's not as big a deal.
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Unread 05-14-09, 12:44 PM  
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Originally posted by griffin224
I love the new changes, any way we could make faction selectable from the tooltip, via right click or something like that?
Maybe in the future. At the moment, something like that doesn't work the way I really want to, perhaps when the tooltip library is refined.
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Unread 05-14-09, 12:40 PM  
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I love the new changes, any way we could make faction selectable from the tooltip, via right click or something like that?
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Unread 05-14-09, 10:58 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Unread 05-14-09, 09:59 AM  
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I have uploaded version 2.0 of the plugin that uses the revised LibQTip-1.0 and provides an optional scrolling slider to the tooltip. Please note that this kind of functionality is brand new because of the new library version and it may have issues (despite the fact that my tests were all successful). In the extreme case that something game-breaking occurs, I would advise reverting to 1.10, until a solution can be found.
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Unread 05-11-09, 11:25 PM  
<This Space for Rent>
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You're probably right. I'm going to check some and see if I can pin down another revision of LibQTip.
I'm not an idiot. I'm just harmlessly psychotic.
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Unread 05-11-09, 04:50 PM  
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Originally posted by Jesamyn
In v1.10, I'm having an issue with the tooptip cutting off on the right side. I have Faction, Session, %, Standing, and Raw all showing. I had the tooltip scaled down to .93, and it was cutting off about the second part of 'Raw'. (For instance, showing 6500 with the border going through the / instead of 6500/12000, or similar.) I changed the scaling to 1, and the border is still just cutting off the last character a bit in the tooltip.

Please let me know if you need more information. I wasn't sure if you needed my res or UI scale or anything.
Jesamyn can you post a screenshot somewhere ? I didn't change anything in regards to column alignment in the tooltip, in 1.10 and I'm having difficulties reproducing this myself, even if I use your scaling values. My best guess is, that you are also using another plugin that embeds a newer version of LibQTip-1.0 which apparently has an issue with characters, ever since the scrollable branch was merged in it, as has been reported here. If that is indeed the case, there isn't much I can do about it, other than help the guys debug w/e is wrong with the library. I've been playing around with the new version anyway, since I'm exploring the possibility of implementing an optional scrolling slider in the tooltip, as many people have repeatedly requested, however I'm not going to go forward with this, unless I'm 100% positive that it works without issues.
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Unread 05-11-09, 10:14 AM  
<This Space for Rent>
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In v1.10, I'm having an issue with the tooptip cutting off on the right side. I have Faction, Session, %, Standing, and Raw all showing. I had the tooltip scaled down to .93, and it was cutting off about the second part of 'Raw'. (For instance, showing 6500 with the border going through the / instead of 6500/12000, or similar.) I changed the scaling to 1, and the border is still just cutting off the last character a bit in the tooltip.

Please let me know if you need more information. I wasn't sure if you needed my res or UI scale or anything.
I'm not an idiot. I'm just harmlessly psychotic.
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Unread 05-09-09, 04:28 PM  
A Defias Bandit

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new strings in 1.10 translated and some old strings changed, so here are the full .lua:
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Unread 05-01-09, 07:43 PM  
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Codex: Sure, if you think it will be useful, I'll look into it.

Sparanoid: I got it thanks, localization has been added and will exist in the next release.
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Unread 04-30-09, 12:01 AM  
A Defias Bandit

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Originally posted by Tristanian
Upload them somewhere and PM me the link, or email them to me.
email sent to your account
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