Updated: 02-25-18 05:12 AM
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Shadows of Argus (7.3.0)
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Updated:02-25-18 05:12 AM
Created:08-27-09 09:05 AM

Konfer Suicide Kings Edition  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: r738
by: Cruciformer [More]

Konfer (Suicide Kings Edition) implements the Suicide Kings loot distribution system. This mod is under active development so comments, good or bad, are welcome. I especially want to hear from you if you find any problems so that I can fix them ASAP. The official home for KSK is Also if you are able to translate KonferSK into other languages I would love to hear from you.

== Features ==

  • Supports multiple configurations, including guild configs and PUG configs. Each configuration is completely discrete.
  • Quick and easy user and list management
  • Simple, compact user interface
  • Robust synchronization between administrators
  • Item editor that allows you to auto-assign items to users or set default loot priorities
  • User-only mode for non-administrators so they can see their list positions and watch looting take place
  • Auto-assignment of loot when a bid is won
  • Auto-assign loot to defined enchanters if no users bid on an item
  • Supports open rolls that do not suicide users on lists
  • Open roll system supports alt-spec rolls (/roll 101-200)
  • Import of existing SKG and Suicide Kings users and lists
  • Import users by guild rank or from a CSV list
  • Export to CSV or XML formats
  • Announces winners in guild or raid chat
  • Supports silent bidding (highest bidder not announced)
  • Filters out all mod-related messages for master looter so chat isn't cluttered
  • Will support automatic list position decay (in a few weeks)
  • Allows master looter to force bids and retractions
  • Automatically assigns BOE items that are not bid on to the master looter
  • Automatically supports class restrictions if an item is class specific
  • Guild rank based filtering (allow only raiders and above to roll, then members and above etc)
  • Allows you to define user "roles" such as tank, healer, spellcaster etc, and filter based on that role
  • Detailed admin guide at (summarized below)

== First Time Usage ==
To start using KonferSK you must first create a "configuration". KonferSK supports any number of configurations, each of which can be thought of as a completely different installation of KonferSK. They share no data whatsoever. To create a configuration type:

/ksk createconfig "Configuration Name"

Since this is your first configuration, it will also be the default. You can now use "/ksk" to access the main window. You can also type "/ksk config admin" to get to the configuration admin panel.

The first thing you need to decide is whether or not this is a guild or a PUG configuration. Guild configurations broadcast all of their information to the guild, and PUG configurations only to an active raid. Usually only the guild leader or an officer will create a guild configuration. You should then decide whether or not alts are "tethered". If alts are tethered, it means that only 1 entry will appear in any roll lists for a user. All of that user's defined alts will appear underneath that main user, and they all move on the lists as a group. Thus, no matter which toon they are playing, if they move on a list all of their toons move together. If you want each toon to be its own entity and move independently of each other, turn alt tethering off.

Once the configuration has been created, press the "Users" tab at the bottom or type "/ksk users". This will display the user editor. You can then either create each user by hand, import guild users by rank, or import an existing SKG players list if you were using SKG. When adding users you can assign each user a specific "role". The possible values for the role are "Healer", "Spellcaster", "Melee DPS", "Ranged DPS" and "Tank". It is possible to filter out bids based on which role a user has. If you don't care to do role filtering, leave this as "Not Set" (or you can define the roles for keeping track of who does what and simply not use role filters).

Once you have users defined, you should press the "Lists" button at the bottom or type "/ksk lists". This will show you the currently defined lists and the members on each list, in their correct order. Currently this will be empty. Press the "Config" tab at the top to display the list configuration window. At the bottom right are buttons you can use to create, delete, rename lists etc, or import users into the lists by rank or from an existing SKG roll list if you have SKG installed. Once a list has been created, you can change its sort order if you do not want lists to simply be sorted alphabetically (for example, you want the raiders list displayed before the members list). Lists with the lowest numbered sort order will be displayed first, and lists with the same sort order will be sorted alphabetically. If you do not import users from the guild roster or SKG, press the "Members" tab at the top, select the list you want to add users to, and press the "Insert" button to insert users into the list.

== Commands ==
  • /ksk or /ksk lists - opens the main window, which is the loot members list
  • /ksk loot - opens the loot assignment window
  • /ksk items - opens the item editor
  • /ksk history - opens the loot assignment history window
  • /ksk additem itemlink - adds the specified
    item to the item editor. You need to shift-click an item link from elsewhere to get the correct item link.
  • /ksk addloot itemlink - adds the specified item to the loot list (for manually adding loot items)
  • /ksk users - opens the user editor
  • /ksk sync - opens the sync manager
  • /ksk config - opens the loot assignment options window
  • /ksk help - shows all other commands you can use

== Loot Assignment ==
There are things you can do to make your life easier when it comes time to distribute loot. First, if you have multiple lists that people roll on and you usually start with one particular list, set the default roll list in the loot configuration window (/ksk config). Second, if this is a guild configuration and your ranks are sanely assigned and you use rank filtering, set the default rank you want to start bidding with in each list's configuration. Third, correctly mark those users that are enchanters in the user editor.

When a user has been marked as an enchanter in the user editor, you can select them in the loot assignment options to receive loot that is not bid on. You can set up to 6 enchanters here. Whichever of these enchanters is in raid will be awarded any item that is not bid or rolled on (they will **not** be suicided).

By default "Auto assign loot when bids close" is enabled. What this means is that when users have bid on an item and a winner has been determined (or users have rolled, or no users have bid and a trusted enchanter is online), KSK will give you the option to automatically assign the item to the relevant user. You always have the option of canceling this auto-assignment, but if you accept, the item is immediately awarded to the user, there is no need to select the item in the standard Blizzard loot frame. In fact if you auto-assign the loot, it will be removed from the Blizzard frame.

Sometimes you may want a specific user to receive a specific item, either because they are collecting a set or because you made a loot mistake or correction and want to ensure that a user receives an item the next time it drops. To do this, add the item with /ksk additem, and in the item editor (/ksk items) select "Assign Next Drop to user", and then press the "Select" button to select the user that will receive the item. You can optionally cause this auto-assignment to suicide the user on a given list, and if this is to be a once-off auto-assignment, select "Auto remove when assigned". If you want the user to receive all drops of the item leave that option unchecked. A good use of this option is for items like the shards for the legendary mace out of Ulduar, you can use this to always assign them to the same healer until they have all 30 shards.

When you add an item to the item list you can also select a specific list to roll on for the item (for example, force Tier items to be rolled for on a Tier list). You can also set custom class restrictions, although the defaults are based on the item type, armor type, or any intrinsic class restrictions.

Each time you click on a lootable item (the top right hand window in the loot panel) it will set whichever list is appropriate as the default (either the global default list or a list specifically set for that item in the item editor). It will also set the initial class filters and guild rank, if you have set any of those values for the roll lists or for the item. You can change the list and filters as you see fit, and then press either "Open Bids" or "Open Roll". Opening bids will allow users to whisper you the word "bid" to bid on an item or "retract" to retract their bid. If they are also using KonferSK, they will see the same window you do and will be able to press the Bid or Retract buttons.

You can change the bid list while bidding is active to move from one list to another, and you can change various filters such as the guild rank filter to allow more and more users to bid. For my own guild, we always start bidding for "raiders", and then if none bid change the guild rank filter to "members", then "initiates" etc. There is a little red "-" next to the guild rank filter that will automatically move down one guild rank to make life easier for rank based filtering.

As the master looter you can select a member from the members list (bottom left panel) and press "Force Bid" to force that user to bid, or select a person who has already rolled and press "Force Retract" to force a retraction. When bid time is over, press "Close Bids" and if there was a winner, it will suicide the user on the list they bid on, and optionally automatically assign the item to them. If no users bid and there are enchanters online (and the option is enabled) it will assign the item to an enchanter to be disenchanted. If the item is a BoE item and the option is set (it is by default) it will assign the item to the master looter instead of an enchanter.

If you want users to be able to roll for an item and not be suicided, you can press "Open Roll" instead of "Open Bids". This starts a 10-second roll-off. Only the 5 highest rollers are shown. If a user types /roll within the last 5 seconds of the countdown, the timer will be automatically extended back to to 5 seconds. KSK supports the notion of "rolling for alts". Normal users who want the item for their main spec can use /roll as per normal. If a user is rolling for an alt, they can use /roll 101-200 to indicate they are rolling for an alt. KSK automatically recognizes that a main spec roll of 89 is higher than an alt-spec roll of 190. If a user rolled incorrectly (they typed just /roll instead of /roll 101-200 for an off-spec item), they can re-roll. However, they do not actually get another shot at rolling a higher number. Their original number is preserved. For example, if a user typed /roll and rolled 65, but realized they should have rolled for off-spec and type /roll 101-200, KSK will adjust their original roll and pretend they had rolled 165 initially, even if their new roll was 199. You can manually pause and resume the roll countdown timer by pressing "Pause" and "Resume".

Changes in r738:
  • Fixed a Lua error related to cross-realm players
  • Fixed a long-standing (nearly 8 years) bug when creating a new admin. This could result in Lua errors later.
  • Fixed a bug where a user wasn't processing the "remove coadmin" event if they were the coadmin being removed.
  • When a config owner broadcasts, if there are new coadmins added and they are online they will automatically do a full sync.
  • Do not include alts in the "add coadmin" popup. Only mains should ever be made coadmins.
  • Display online and in-raid members first in the "add to list" popup.

Changes in r737:
  • Fixed a bug where a user who closed the Blizzard loot window while the ML is distributing loot would reset their loot window.
  • Other minor UI and internal tweaks and bug fixes.

Changes in r736:
  • Fixed a problem with open rolls for other-realm players.

Welcome to release 735 of KahLua Konfer Suicide Kings (KSK)!

This version represents a significant amount of work over the previous version. If you use KSK at all, this (or any later) version is the one you want to be using. The internals of the mod have been significantly reworked and many minor bugs (mostly cosmetic) fixed along the way. This version uses a completely redesigned and new KKore extension for loot and raid tracking, so that more than one Kahlua Konfer module all uses the same code without conflicts. That code has also been reworked to gather more, and more accurate information about raid members. It's a brave new world.

Aside from all of the internals, there have been some cosmetic tweaks, most of them minor. The UI is now more careful about disabling buttons when not in the right context, and some minor layout changes have been made. In a nutshell the UI changes include:
  • In all display elements, names are no longer Name-realm unless the standard Blizzard UI would display them that way. That means that guild mates and PUGs from the same server will just have their name displayed. It makes for a less cluttered UI.
  • In various places where a non-admin user should not have been able to click on an element, the click is now ignored.
  • In the main lists display panel the user control buttons that the admin sees is now displayed under the list of lists, as opposed to next to the members. This gives more width to the member list which is useful when you do now have Name-Realm names to display.
  • The open roll countdown "spark" that the master looter sees is now shown for all users so you can more easily see when a roll is going to close. If the admin pauses the timer, it will be paused for all users too.
  • The version check command (/ksk vc) now has a GUI! In raid it will fill it with all raid members, and if you are using a guild configuration it will also include all online guild members. As the various users respond (or do not) the list changes to list all raiders first, and all users with an outdated version at the top. Users who have an outdated version have their version displayed in red, users who are up to date are displayed in green.
  • For config admins, the number of definable disenchanters has been reduced from 6 to 4 to make way for forthcoming options on that page.
  • For all users, the config selection drop-down at the top right of the screen will now lists all configs for which you are the owner in green, configs for which you are an admin in cyan, and configs for which you are just a normal user in white.
  • For admins, a few minor improvements have been made to syncing. The details are complicated but there were a few corner cases where things were displaying incorrectly until you did a /reload. I am not sure I have covered all such cases. If you find you need to /reload to get your sync panel correct please tell me about it, and what you were doing to lead up to that point.
  • The user list now correctly refreshes for admins after doing a guild import or any other form of bulk user add.
  • When a co-admin is deleted or added the syncers tab is now correctly updated.
  • The user add dialog allows you to type name-realm strings longer than 16 characters now.
  • Many other small improvements and cleanup.

I have tested this as thoroughly as I can with only two accounts so please, if you encounter any bugs report them on Curse and I will fix them as soon as possible.

Changes in r733:
  • Fixed an error where a user opening the mod with /ksk would disable the open roll for all users in the raid.

Changes in r732:
  • Fixed a problem that prevented new users who had not received a guild broadcast from doing so.

Changes in r731:
  • Added ability to define which ranks are officer ranks for guild configs. This will affect who normal users will accept a broadcast from. The GM will have to do a broadcast any time these ranks change.
  • Fixed a number of instances where the mod didn't correctly detect that it was in a raid, or had left a raid.

Changes in r730:
  • Updated for release 7.3.2 (Legion)
  • Guild config broadcasts will only be accepted by normal users if the GM does the broadcast. This is due to a change in Blizzard code that is unavoidable.

Changes in r700:
  • Updated for release 7.0.3 (Legion)
  • Added support for Demon Hunters
  • Increased max level for guild import to 110 (default level is still 100)
  • Fixed UI issue with slider values

Changes in r610:
  • Updated for release 6.1.0
  • Guild rank priorities now work again
  • Guild import level slider now goes to 100

Changes in r605:
  • Fixed a small Lua error introduced with the last version

Changes in r604:
  • Fixed a problem where the local realm was being replaced for xrealm characters
  • Try to fix a problem where disconnected realm player rolls aren't recognised

Changes in r603:
  • Fixed a problem with detecting guild officers.

Changes in r602:
  • Fixed a problem that was preventing broadcasts due to incorrectly determining guild rank permissions.

Changes in r601:
  • Fixed a problem that was preventing raids being correctly detected, which meant that the mod wasn't active in SoO, for example.

Changes in r600:
  • Updated to work with 6.0.x. This is largely untested so please report any problems immediately.

Changes in r544:
  • Fixed guild configs so they can be broadcast again
  • Fixed a Lua error that sometimes appeared when adding users

Changes in r543:
  • Fixed whisper bids not working
  • Fixed not assigning loot correctly
  • Fixed not assigning to enchanter when no successful bids

Changes in r542:
  • Fixed a bug where brand new users or if you removed your configs would create a Lua error

Changes in r541:
  • Updated for 5.4.x
  • Hopefully works with cross-realm guild and raid members now

Changes in r530:
  • Updated for 5.3.x
  • No longer get "user in raid but not in list" warnings when in LFR
  • Hopefully fix bug where sometimes loot window doesn't open for some bosses
  • Other minor improvements

Changes in r510:
  • Updated for patch 5.1.0

Changes in r502:
  • Fixed a Lua error when clicking on some loot items the ML can't loot
  • Fixed a Lua error relating to the removal of the decay option that would show up when clicking users sometimes

Changes in r501:
  • Fixed several bug relating to API changes that Blizzard made. A bunch of Lua errors were fixed.
  • Removed the "Exempt from Decay" option in the user editor because KSK will never have decay.
  • A very big thank you to Malkie and LestatAlmighty for helping me test this new release. Lets just pretend r500 never existed.
  • Fixed a string that was causing an unlocalized warning to appear.

Changes in r500:
  • Updated to work with 5.0.x
  • Fixed problems with checksums and other issues for 64-bit client

Changes in r430:
  • Updated to work with 4.3 client

Changes in r412:
  • Hopefully fixed addon communication so syncing will work again

Changes in r411:
  • Updated for 4.2 (finally)

Changes in r410:
  • Updated for patch 4.1.0. Should fix things not being communicated between players.

Changes in r312:
  • Fixed a bug that was causing a Lua error on startup due to changes in 406. Now all relics are available to all classes, and bosses won't drop sigils, librams etc.

Changes in r311:
  • Fixed max level to be 85 instead of 80.

Changes in r310:
  • Updated for 4.0.1
  • Minor French locale fix

Changes in r309:
Changed the way guild ranks are interrogated. This will hopefully eliminate the issue of users not getting broadcasts for guild configs for once and for all.

Changes in r308:
There is still a problem with initialization where the guild ranks are not being set correctly when the mod first starts up. I am working on that issue. For the time being if you use a guild config I suggest you do:
/kore ginit
/kore status
before trying to do major syncs or broadcasts. Not only you, but the recipient needs to do it too. I will find a way to fix this but it is taking a while to get it exactly right.
  • Added French locale support thanks to Florian Dupret (Grimal)
  • Added BBcode export thanks to Florian Dupret (Grimal)
  • Attempt to improve guild member detection which was preventing broadcasts from working sometimes, which made it difficult for users to sync.
  • Corrected Warlock weapons list as they can use staves. This would affect the class filter and make it incorrectly disallow warlocks from receiving staves unless you explicitly enabled it.
  • Added /kore ginit command to force guild rank initialisation in case the mod gets it wrong.
  • Added /kore status command that produces some useful debugging info in case you are still having trouble with some users not able to receive broadcasts.
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong enchanter was being set when you pressed different "Select" buttons for the 6 possible enchanters.

Please note if you use KonferPUG you must also update it to get the new version of KKore.

Changes in r307:
  • Small change to the sync display window that was preventing some users from doing an initial sync with the config owner due to the sync button being greyed out for first time usage.

Changes in r306:
  • Improved /ksk repair to repair missing data from lists that was causing Lua errors. Lists could have had incorrect data broadcast if they had a ":" in the name.

Changes in r305:
  • Slight change to loot announce to announce one item per line, always.
  • XSLT sorting issue fixed (thanks to David Fillmore)
  • Co-admin highlight issue fixed
  • Added list name and membership checks to /ksk repair

Changes in r304:
  • Fixed a bug where the initial broadcast of a config was causing a Lua error, which would prevent the mod from working further, and users would be unable to select a config correctly.
  • When you change configs, clear out the syncers list in case you had existing sync requests displayed from the old config.

Changes in r302:
  • Fixed the Lua error with SetMinMax that some users were seeing

Changes in r301:
  • Fixed the Lua error during a suicide roll
  • Clean up the owner's user structure if they remove all admins
  • Fixed a problem with detecting alts for co-admins

Changes in r300:
  • This is mostly cosmetic but changed the way version numbers are generated. No longer use the Subversion revision number but rather a manually incremented number. For no particular reason other than the fact that its a round number, this version number is 300.
  • When you switch lists or looting begins, optionally display a list of current raiders who are not on the selected list.
  • Fixed a problem where if an admin's alt tried to create a user, it was using the wrong admin ID.
  • Fixed announcement message for off-spec rolls.
  • Fixed a logic bug with the sync history auto-trimming code that was keeping processed events around even after the events are known to have been safely processed. This didn't affect functionality but did cause a small amount of memory to be wasted.
  • Ensure stored events are auto-trimmed even if it was an admin's alt that sent us the auto-trim event.
  • Fixed a problem where the user count was being corrupted when you switched from tethered to untethered alts and back. This could also be triggered when you marked or unmarked as user as being an alt. If you had a previously corrupted user count this version will fix the user count.
  • Fixed a problem where the list count was being corrupted when a list was deleted. If you had a previously corrupted list database this version will automatically fix the list count.
  • Item tooltips are now enabled in the history browser.
  • You can now Shift-Click items in both the loot distribution window and the history browser to insert a chat link for the clicked item. If you do this in the loot window it does NOT select the item or change the currently selected item, it just inserts the link.
  • Significant changes and speedup in the list display code for long lists (like the full user list, roll lists etc).
  • Significant change to the few places where popup menus are used (inserting a user into a roll list, selecting an alt's main, selecting an enchanter and assigning the next drop to a specific user). Uses the new KKore popup list code and no longer wastes memory the way the old code did.
  • A few other visual cleanups, such as disabling the user interface elements in the user panel when no user is selected (and disabling the Delete and Rename buttons).
  • When using the "Announce All" button in the list panel, prefix additional lines with "KonferSK" so that the chat message filter works for any additional lines that get sent, not just the first.
  • When the chat message filter is enabled, also filter out mod messages that go to guild chat, not just raid chat.
  • In the config administration panel, the config owner is now a dropdown list of currently configured coadmins. Only existing coadmins can ever be converted to the list owner and it makes more sense to have this be a dropdown rather than having to type the user's name in.
  • Fixed a bug in the dropdown code that was causing a titled dropdown to lose its title. This could be seen in the Copy Config dialog where the dialog box with the list of roll lists to copy was not correctly titled.
  • If you inserted a user into the list and you had tethered alts set, selecting an alt from the popup list would incorrectly insert the alt into the list, not the user's main. Fixed.
  • Correctly disable the force bid button if you cancel a bid.
  • Several under the hood improvements to the KKore UI module, many of which improve the visual appearance. The changes are subtle but noticable if you are as picky as me.

Changes in r217:
  • Fixed the user delete dialog to correctly display the "Delete all alts of user" option.
  • Pop up a visible warning rather than just printing a line of text if you receive protocol messages from a user whose mod is out of date.
  • Increased the protocol version number to force all users to upgrade. Users with older versions of the mod will still only see the printed warning, not the popup dialog.
  • Fixed a nasty bug in the user delete code where it was skipping over every second alt when you deleted a user and all their alts. Also fix corrupted user lists on startup if you had been affected by this bug.

Changes in r209:
  • Fixed importing of SKG and SuicideKings lists.
  • Fixed a Lua aerror that was popping up when you tried to add a new user.
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:53 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Id still love if it had broker support, would be easier to access it, and not always type /ksk :P
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:55 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Exclamation Release 83 changes

Only change this time is to reduce the amount of space the XML export takes. It was repeating information in an attempt to make XML parsing easier but it was taking too much space, so I have compacted the format considerably. I will also document the export format on for anyone that wants to know how to import from it.
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:58 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Eneswar
Id still love if it had broker support, would be easier to access it, and not always type /ksk :P
I am considering how best to add LDB support and what would be useful information but seriously ... typing /ksk is too much? Seriously? It will probably take you more time to move your mouse to your LDB bar, find the addon, click on it, find the submenu, select it, than it will to type /ksk :P

If you had to type: /konfersuicidekings each time you'd have a point but ... /ksk? Wow. Just wow!
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Unread 09-18-09, 04:46 AM  
A Fallenroot Satyr
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Originally posted by Cruciformer
I am considering how best to add LDB support and what would be useful information but seriously ... typing /ksk is too much? Seriously? It will probably take you more time to move your mouse to your LDB bar, find the addon, click on it, find the submenu, select it, than it will to type /ksk :P

If you had to type: /konfersuicidekings each time you'd have a point but ... /ksk? Wow. Just wow!
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Unread 09-18-09, 05:53 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Originally posted by Cruciformer
I've read this message about 10 times and I confess i don't understand you at all. But first, let me say, what makes you think the editbox is limited to 4K? I just exported our 3 lists with r80, and it happily produced a string that was 9179 characters long, no problems cutting and pasting it.

Second, since no-one is currently using it but may be about to, I am changing the XML export format to be much more compact. It was duplicating a lot of information, so the new smaller format will use a lot less space. I am about to make a new release with just that change. Exporting the same data that previous took 9179 characters now only uses 3280 characters.

As for the rest of your message please can you reword it, I really don't know what you are suggesting
The 4K issue is something I'd run into in the past, it appears to no longer be an issue because yes, the full export of my lists is 19K characters...

Just downloaded 83 and exported the new format, much cleaner! Of course now I need to write a new XSL sheet!
Last edited by Zanthor : 09-18-09 at 06:01 AM.
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Unread 09-18-09, 08:37 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Encoding on the XML needs to change to support the wierd characters people like to use in their names.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
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Unread 09-18-09, 09:48 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Zanthor
Encoding on the XML needs to change to support the wierd characters people like to use in their names.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
Nope. Pretty sure Wow encodes its internal strings in UTF-8, which is what allows the Russian and Chinese versions to work. And thats what I am outputting, an internal WoW string (from functions like UnitName() etc).
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Unread 09-18-09, 09:53 AM  
A Theradrim Guardian
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Originally posted by Cruciformer
Nope. Pretty sure Wow encodes its internal strings in UTF-8, which is what allows the Russian and Chinese versions to work. And thats what I am outputting, an internal WoW string (from functions like UnitName() etc). <- Note odd diamond in character names.

I change the encoding:

And no funky characters... I'm no expert on XML or encoding but just trying to get a "pretty" output.

I did just google this and you are right, every thing I can find says it's UTF-8... /shrug.

BTW: I'm tired of being wrong now, I'll stop!
Last edited by Zanthor : 09-18-09 at 10:03 AM.
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Unread 09-18-09, 10:13 AM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Originally posted by Zanthor <- Note odd diamond in character names.

I change the encoding:

And no funky characters... I'm no expert on XML or encoding but just trying to get a "pretty" output.

I did just google this and you are right, every thing I can find says it's UTF-8... /shrug.

BTW: I'm tired of being wrong now, I'll stop!
Lol you haven't been wrong and you are giving good feedback, don't stop I confess I don't understand XML encoding anywhere near as well as I should. Actually a lot of people simply dont even put in the full XML header ... can you just ignore the XML header and use whatever works for you?

Also, on a side note, would you be willing to contribute, under the terms of the APL Version 2 license, your XSLT style sheet, perhaps so I can tweak it and use it as an example on my website for how people can use the XML export? If you do, please ensure the file you send me has a comment in it with your copyright and the Apache license reference. You can look at the top of any of the KSK source files for a workable example.

Thanks for all the suggestions and bug reports, they really are valued.
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Unread 09-18-09, 10:16 AM  
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Originally posted by Eneswar
Don't be sad-panda I was just surprised that *that* was the reason you wanted LDB support. Here I am thinking "it would be useful to have the current bid display on the LDB bar, and have a launcher for the different portions of KSK, maybe have tooltips that showed you your current position on all of the lists" etc. I was just taken aback that you just wanted to avoid typing 5 characters Hope I didn't come across as an ass. I sincerely do value all input. I write this as much for other people as for myself.
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Unread 09-18-09, 10:51 AM  
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Originally posted by Cruciformer
Don't be sad-panda I was just surprised that *that* was the reason you wanted LDB support. Here I am thinking "it would be useful to have the current bid display on the LDB bar, and have a launcher for the different portions of KSK, maybe have tooltips that showed you your current position on all of the lists" etc. I was just taken aback that you just wanted to avoid typing 5 characters Hope I didn't come across as an ass. I sincerely do value all input. I write this as much for other people as for myself.
Not at all I just like to have some of my addons on my LDB bar, and SK is one of them

On another whole note is there a way to export the lists etc to a website or something? letting ppl see what position they are in etc? Just curious
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Unread 09-18-09, 01:16 PM  
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Originally posted by Eneswar
Not at all I just like to have some of my addons on my LDB bar, and SK is one of them

On another whole note is there a way to export the lists etc to a website or something? letting ppl see what position they are in etc? Just curious
Yes. You can export both to CSV (comma-separated values and XML. In the list window, click on config at the top, then click the export button i the bottom right.
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:13 PM  
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Originally posted by Cruciformer
Yes. You can export both to CSV (comma-separated values and XML. In the list window, click on config at the top, then click the export button i the bottom right.
How would I be able to post it in a website, I need a XLM reader or something dont I?
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:39 PM  
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Originally posted by Eneswar
How would I be able to post it in a website, I need a XLM reader or something dont I?
I've been trying to work out an XSLT sheet for the new format but it's a bit beyond my skill... someone who knows XSLT should be able to whip something up in short order though.

For the old format I put one together, and it looks like:
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Unread 09-18-09, 03:54 PM  
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Originally posted by Zanthor
I've been trying to work out an XSLT sheet for the new format but it's a bit beyond my skill... someone who knows XSLT should be able to whip something up in short order though.

For the old format I put one together, and it looks like:
Well its better then nothing I supose, something to start with.
Could you tell me how you did that?

Would had been awesome if we had something like this:
Last edited by Eneswar : 09-18-09 at 03:54 PM.
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