Updated: 10-26-16 09:10 AM
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Updated:10-26-16 09:10 AM

Scrolling Combat Text  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

Version: 7.1
by: Grayhoof [More]

Please post all errors and suggestions on using the provided forms.

Be sure to check out my simple but enhanced combat log EavesDrop

Also check out SCTD if you want SCT to show your damage.

What is it? - A fairly simple but very configurable mod that adds damage, heals, and events (dodge, parry, windfury, etc...) as scrolling text above you character model, much like what already happens above your target. This makes it so you do not have to watch (or use) your regular combat chat window and gives it a "Final Fantasy" feel.

What can it do?

- Damage messages
- Heals (incoming and outgoing) and Overhealing (with healer ID's), with filtering for small heals.
- Spell Damage/Resists and Damage Type
- All "Miss" events (dodge, block, immune, etc...)
- Custom Colors for all text events
- Config file to setup custom events (self and target), capture data, and display it.
- Debuff/Buff gain and loss Messages
- Low Health and Mana Warnings with values, and optional sounds
- Rage/Mana/Energy Gains
- Enter and Leave Combat Messages
- Rogue Combo Points, 5 CP Alert Message
- Class Skill alerts (Execute, Overpower, CounterAttack, etc...)
- Honor, Reputation, Skill Gain
- Eight Animation Types (Verticle, Rainbow, Horizontal, Angled Down, Angled Up, Sprinkler, Curved HUD, Angled HUD)
- Four Fonts
- Two seperate Animation frames, each with their own settings. Assign any Event to either.
- Ability to flag any event as critical or as a text messages
- Sliders for text size, opacity, animation speed, movement speed, and on screen placement (with custom editbox)
- Lightmode, for when you care most about performance (at the loss of a few features).
- Now Based in Ace3.
- Settings saved per character by default, but supports all Ace3 Profiles
- Load/Delete settings from another character. Load built in Profiles.
- Localized to work in almost all WoW clients.
How do I use it? - First unzip it into your interface\addons directory. For more info on installing, please read install.txt. Now just run WoW and once logged in, type /sctmenu to get the options screen.

SCT_EVENT_CONFIG.LUA is used to setup custom message events. Please open up the file (notepad, etc...) and read the opening section to understand how to use it all.

/sctdisplay is used to create your own custom messages.
/sctdisplay 'message' (for white text)
/sctdisplay 'message' red(0-10) green(0-10) blue(0-10)
Example: /sctdisplay 'Heal Me' 10 0 0 - This will display 'Heal Me' in bright red
Some Colors: red = 10 0 0, green = 0 10 0, blue = 0 0 10, yellow = 10 10 0, magenta = 10 0 10, cyan = 0 10 10

How do I get My Crits or My Hits to show? I would suggest you get SCTD:

I don't understand what the 2 frames are for! - Each frame lets you set different features. So you can set frame one using Sprinker animation and Default font, while frame 2 can be using Veritcle animation and Adventure font. You can then assign each event to a specfic frame using the radio buttons next to the events.

There's too many options. Help someone new see how things work! - Try out some of the new built in profiles. While on the options screen, click the "Profiles" button. At the top of the window will be a listing of some default profiles to try out. Maybe you'll fine one you like or it will spark some ideas for you to try.

How do I change the fonts? - You can now select from many fonts on the options page. You can also change the font of message and apply the font to the in game damage font used for your damage (requires relog)

I don't like friendly nameplates on. How do I make my heals appear over who I heal? - Friendly nameplates have to be on in order to show your heals. SCT will turn them on if you turn on the option, but you must manually turn them off if you don't like it (see Target keybindings).

I don't like the new spell icons, how do I turn them off? - There is an option to turn them off under the spell tab.

Please post all errors and suggestions on using the provided forms.

7.1 - Changes for Wow 7.1. Fixes for working with nameplate addons.
7.0 - Changes for WoW 7.0
6.72 - TOC update for 6.2
6.71 - Turned Shorten Value option on by default.
6.7 - Added a Shorten Value option, updated sliders to work better and with newer values (finally).
6.67 - TOC update for 6.1
6.66 - TOC update for 6.02
6.65 - TOC update for 5.4
6.64 - TOC update for 5.3
6.63 - TOC update for 5.2
6.62 - Updates for 5.1 nameplate changes
6.61 - Updates for 5.1
6.6 - Updates for 5.0.4
6.56 - Fix for nil power strings, TOC for 4.3
6.55 - TOC Fix for options
6.54 - Fixes for 4.2
6.53 - TOC Fix for options
6.52 - Fixes for 4.1
6.51 - Fixes for power events and new power types
6.5 - Fixes for 4.0
6.41 - Fix for Nameplates
6.4 - Fixes for 3.2 and TOC
6.33 - Fixes for nameplates and misc errors
6.31 - Fixes for 3.0
6.3 - Updates and fixes for 3.0 patch
6.2 - Added icon support to the message frame. Added Dispel as a default event. Added Dispel and Cast events as custom event. Cleaned up string and cache code. Use 2.4.3 dispel events.
6.1 - Total rewrite of custom event code. sct_event_config.lua can be still be used for custom events (READ THE FILE), but in game option menu fully supports custom events now. Converted to a faster combat log system. Fix for nameplates in PvP. Fix some options not updating when copying or loading a profile. Convert to LibShareMedia-3.0.
6.01 - Added item buffs to buff events and fade events. Fixed interrupts causing errors with nameplates. Fixed timer call. Fix for custom damage and miss events. Fixed active skill names duplicating. Made fades use buff/debuff color. Fixed display usage message. Added CN translation. Allow fonts to scale down to size 8. Made Blizzard options frame movable. Made Blizzard dropdown clamp to the screen.
6.0 - Converted to WoW 2.4 Combat Log. Converted to Ace3. Custom events completely redone, make sure to read SCT_EVENT_CONFIG.LUA. Moved options menu to WoW 2.4 Addons Menu. Options menu reorganized to be much cleaner and simpler.
5.7 - Added optional EavesDrop style spell icons. Added damage filter. Added selfonly flag to debuff custom events. Made all font sizes change 1 step at a time.
5.61 - Fixed some minor bugs with SharedMedia and Messages.
5.6 - Added SharedMedia for fonts. Cleaned up Drain/Leech events. Added option to turn off WoW's 2.1 healing. Cleaned up Unit Nameplate code.
5.5 - Added Spell Name option. Added Truncating or Abbreviating of spell/buff names. Changed buff/debuff events to use SpecialEventsLib; allows for much better buff and debuff tracking. Added Test Button. Removed Light Mode. Added new Custom Event Buff types for much easier buff/debuff event tracking; see sct_event_config.lua for more info.
5.4 - Added Spell Reflection Tracking; only works when combat log reports events in correct order. Added ability to show outgoing heals over friendly nameplates; see FAQ for more info. Temporarily added manual execute/hammer tracking until blizzard fixes 60+ skill auto tracking. Added pet buffs to power gain tracking.
5.31 - Added Diablo Font. Fixed Chat Tab Tainting. Fixed Rampage event to use 20 rage. Fixed Overhealing bug. Fixed Gap Slider not working on all frames.
5.3b - Fixed color change saves.
5.3 - Made spell colors editable. Added interruption events. Added killing blow events. Added Rampage Notification (not 100% prefect, but works most of the time). Cleaned up crit overlapping more. Fixed custom event sorting/parsing issues. Made heal filter based on total amount actually healed (so overhealing spam can be removed). Removed compost lib. Added SpecialEvents-Aura lib (will do more in future with it).
5.2 - Converted to WoW 2.0 standards. Added Text Alignment to Frame: Left, Center, Right, or HUD (based on position around HUD) justified. Added new HUD Curved Animation: moves in a semi circle around your character, ideal for use with curve based HUD bars. Added new HUD Angled Animation: moves in a slight angle around your character, ideal for use with angle based HUD bars. Added Gap Distance to HUD Animations to change the distance they are from center. Made Crits overlap less often. Made spammed text behave better. Made Custom events save to the event that triggers them after being found, improves performance over time.
5.11 - Added glancing and crushing indicators. Added outgoing HOT flag. Added Emblem font. Fixed slider edit box bug.
5.1 - Total new look for options window. Added mana gain filter. More speed optimizations around passed args and function calls. Modified custom events so only events for current class are loaded (make sure to use this for you own events). Option window opens while dead =). Converted all table iterators to use pairs().
5.01 - Slight speed optimizations around passed args and function calls. Added more default events to event file. Added buff counts. Made heal filter defaults to zero.
5.0 - Complete rewrite using Ace2 and ParserLib with more performance in mind. Two seperate animation frames. Angled Up, Sprinkler, and Flash Crit animations. New Skill event. Seperate Buff and Debuff fading. Sounds to health/mana warnings. Color spell damage by spell type. Toggle for Custom events (improves performance when off). Light mode, users WoW's new built in events to gain performance, at the cost of a few features. Sample messages when changing options. Editboxes to position sliders. Sounds to custom events. Healer filter option.
...For full version history, please see here:
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10-26-16 09:11 AM

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Unread 11-06-08, 02:28 AM  
A Murloc Raider
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I'm not sure what's causing this problem, if it's SCT/SCTD or another addon, but in BGs and during raids my SCT sometimes just stops showing new events, as if it froze for a few seconds, and then shows everything that happened at the same time. At first I thought it could be lag, server or FPS, but both are perfect (40ms and 60+ FPS at all times).

Anybody notice something similar?
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Unread 11-06-08, 01:06 AM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Hi! Is there anything wrong with this line? I never hear the sound in game.
[5] = {name="Overpower", display="Overpower!", type="MISS", target="TARGET", source="SELF", override=false, misstype="DODGE", r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256, iscrit=1, soundwave="Interface\\AddOns\\sct\\opa.wav", class={"Warrior"}},
Does lower/upper case matter? The file is in the sct directory and playable by winamp.
Last edited by IRID1UM : 11-06-08 at 01:06 AM.
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Unread 11-01-08, 10:10 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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How can I make Whisper messages show up in SCT (messages) section

There used to be a Addon ( pluggin ) called SCTchat - that would display the chat channel you turned on ( Say / Yell / Whisper / Guild / Party/ etc) messages in the SCT message section - so if could see the messages easier on the screen - I had a computer crash and lost everything -- I have reinsatalled all now but SCTchat can no longer be found on this site
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Unread 11-01-08, 10:05 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Re: SCT Options showing as red in the addonmenu

Originally posted by Stavarn
Hi, i'm having some trouble geting the sct options to work. Its displayed as red in the wow addon menu and when ever i type /sctmenu or anything related to sct it says its disabled.. i've tryed to get sct to work for about 2 days now and still no luck. i have tryed to install the latest version and even an old one. It still does not work. i'v tryed removing the WTF and Interface and only installed sct after. Didnt work. I have even reinstalled wow intierly and then only installed sct.. sct options are still displayed as red in the wow addon menu with no clue to why. i have checked and unchecked and checked the load out of date thingy and still its gives me the attitude Please help me. im clueless, and not very good with english. so my apologies for any incorrect language or spelling.

Thanks and cya.
The Addons that show in red (aka SCT - Options or SCTD -Options ) means they load on demand now - they only load up when you need them to save on Addon Memeory - so them being red is ok - dont worry about it
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Unread 10-26-08, 12:57 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Originally posted by jinleileiking
Can this addon show the mob damage infomation ???
Oh I know sctd)
cwow 2.4.3 二区 伊利丹: Brotherlei (lv.4x warlock)


Dominos / Bartender4 / marocoon ■ Bugsack ■Cartographer + Cartographer QuestInfo + Cartographer QuestObjective + Cartographer_mining + Cartographer_vendor + Cartographer_trainner + Cartographer_treasure + Lightheaded + QuestHelper ■ Mobmap ■ MobInfo2 ■ msbt / sct / parrot ■ or_soulshard ■ bagnon / onebag ■ phanxchat / neochat ■ minimapbuttons ■ doTimer ■ mendeleev + auctionner ■ ratingbuster
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Unread 10-26-08, 12:55 AM  
A Murloc Raider

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Can this addon show the mob damage infomation ???
cwow 2.4.3 二区 伊利丹: Brotherlei (lv.4x warlock)


Dominos / Bartender4 / marocoon ■ Bugsack ■Cartographer + Cartographer QuestInfo + Cartographer QuestObjective + Cartographer_mining + Cartographer_vendor + Cartographer_trainner + Cartographer_treasure + Lightheaded + QuestHelper ■ Mobmap ■ MobInfo2 ■ msbt / sct / parrot ■ or_soulshard ■ bagnon / onebag ■ phanxchat / neochat ■ minimapbuttons ■ doTimer ■ mendeleev + auctionner ■ ratingbuster
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Unread 10-25-08, 06:15 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I apologize in advance if this has been asked but I couldn't seem to find anything.

I'm trying to add in an event to tell me when sword specialization procs for my rogue. However, I can't seem to figure out what type it would be... I have tried using "Aura Gains", "Cast", "Damage" and "Power" as well as "Buff" in the .lua file. I can't really see the other options working if those didn't and since it is a small proc it takes a bit to test out if it worked or not. So if you could be so kind as to shed some light on which type would work I would be most appreciative.
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Unread 10-23-08, 07:52 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This may be a dumb question,

How can I change the Low health/mana sounds?

I've been trying to change it for hours. Please help me.

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Unread 10-23-08, 02:47 PM  
A Kobold Labourer
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Special crits event.


I posted this a couple days ago over on your wowace thread, but incase you don't read there any more..

You actually originally helped me with this, but I can't manage to get it working with the new way events work

[19] = {display="", type="DAMAGETARGET", search=ACTION_SWING, critical=1, selfonly=1, r=256/256, g=256/256, b=0/256},
[20] = {display="*1: *4", type="DAMAGETARGET", critical=1, selfonly=1, r=190/256, g=190/256, b=190/256},

It filters out regular melee crits, and shows only special ability crits.
It may not seem like a big deal, but I've been desperately trying to make it work on my own, so if you can lend me a hand, I'd be very grateful.

Thank you!
Last edited by Daarky : 10-23-08 at 02:47 PM.
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Unread 10-22-08, 08:18 PM  
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Is the any public function (and documentation) to display a message through an macro or other AddOn?
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Unread 10-22-08, 04:32 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Can't see combo points. Everything else with mod works fine though, wth?
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Unread 10-21-08, 06:35 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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seems can work in cwow2.4.3
cwow 2.4.3 二区 伊利丹: Brotherlei (lv.4x warlock)


Dominos / Bartender4 / marocoon ■ Bugsack ■Cartographer + Cartographer QuestInfo + Cartographer QuestObjective + Cartographer_mining + Cartographer_vendor + Cartographer_trainner + Cartographer_treasure + Lightheaded + QuestHelper ■ Mobmap ■ MobInfo2 ■ msbt / sct / parrot ■ or_soulshard ■ bagnon / onebag ■ phanxchat / neochat ■ minimapbuttons ■ doTimer ■ mendeleev + auctionner ■ ratingbuster
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Unread 10-20-08, 04:22 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hey, i have problems with SCT:
-Cant edit "Brain Freeze" (Frostmage talent"Procc) tried to make it similair to Frostbite but it still remains the same..
-Dont see energy gains
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Unread 10-20-08, 03:58 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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I'm probably an idiot, but I can't seem to make a custom event work. I am trying to get a message to display when I gain "The Art of War" buff so that I can cast my instant FoL. I've read the custom event lua but still can't figure it out.
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Unread 10-19-08, 05:45 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Combat Text Fonts

Hi great addon

SCT picks up fonts from other locations (I guess SharedMediaAdditionalFonts and/or LibSharedMedia-3.0) but unlike the fonts that come bundled with the addon I can't get these to apply to the default WoW combat text... is there anything I can do to force this?

Many thanks!
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