Updated: 07-24-24 02:18 AM
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The War Within Beta (11.0.0)
Updated:07-24-24 02:18 AM
Created:06-22-18 02:52 PM
Categories:nUI+ Full Version, nUI: Core

nUI [Retail]  Updated less than 3 days ago!  Popular! (More than 5000 hits)

by: Xrystal [More]

Last year Scott made the decision to step away from nUI development and maybe even WOW itself. So that his baby would go forward without his assistance he placed the addon under Creative Commons license to enable others to carry on maintaining it. I was one of the people he asked if I wanted to be one of the developers going forward. At the time I wasn't playing the game at all due to funds but as per usual, expansion came along and it was time to get my characters up to speed, as well as my addons. So I monitored the CurseForge page and found disappointing customers, I then emailed Scott and had no reply. I decided I would take up the baton and try and keep it at least running with as few problems as possible, my skills are not on par with Scott so it may take me longer to identify some errors than it would for him.

Scott's Last Patch Notes
* Updated TOC for WoW
* Re-released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 3.0 Unported license

nUI is no longer author supported and is released to the public in the hopes that the
community will continue to support and grow nUI in the years to come. My sincere
thanks to everyone over the years who have helped make nUI what it is (was).

I will keep this maintained as long as I am able to and try to keep WOW non access to a period of working I will of course fix any errors that are identifiable without access, or available via lowbie access if money causes me to take another break.

Going Forward
Depending on the legalities of the license, I will either attempt to create a more robust version of nUI using the newer Blizzard API functionality or more likely attempt to create my own UI from scratch, that works in a similar vein to nUI for those that just can't play without it, I sure missed those InfoPanels

I've now been added as an author on the curse project for nUI so can you please post any bugs and issues there where possible so that they can be tracked that little bit easier. But feel free to post here if you are unable to.

Of course, like many others, we had problems with nUI that just couldn't easily be fixed or was getting too clunky to be worth using .. but the task of finding an alternative but similar UI is hard to come by .. so here are the ones I tried for a considerable while and will offer them as alternatives to enable you to play the game. All I believe are available via wow interface and may be enough for you to get by.

  • GW2_UI
  • SyncUI
  • SpartanUI
  • ElvUI

Latest Version Uploaded
WOW Expansion: The War Within Pre-Patch
WOW Interface: 110000
WOW Version:

nUI [Retail]
> Release Versions for the Current Retail Servers
nUI [Classic]
> Release Versions for the Current Classic Servers

Classic / Retail
Due to my version numbering system I have decided to keep Classic and Retail versions separate but there may be multiple Beta/Alpha versions about but the file name will confirm which nUI/WoW version it is for.

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
- Possible Blizzard Bug
- GetWatchedFactionData returns personal values
- GetFactionDataByID returns warband values
> Used GetWatched to get the factionID for the faction being watched
> Used the watched faction ID to get the warband values for it

Rename the WTF folder so that a new one is created.
If you don't want to do the whole WTF folder at least delete the files for nUI
Account Wide Values : WTF > Account > ACCOUNT_NAME > SavedVariables
Character Values : WTF > Account > ACCOUNT_NAME > SERVER > CHARACTER > SavedVariables
If just removing the nUI files doesn't correctly set up nUI ( with just nUI installed )
then, try renaming the WTF folder and letting it rebuild that as well. If that works
then something in the other files were messing nUI up.

Scaling has changed in some way in 11.0. At least something has affected how nUI displays
that appears to be affected by it. nUI appears to work with 100% uiScale setting which it
automatically sets when you first log in. If you try and adjust it, it messes things up and
you have to do a reload of the UI. I have added uiScale settings to the layout file to allow
custom layouts to work around a different uiScale setting.

For the last few months I have made some changes, most have been superficial but others
haven't. I suggest you browse back through the patch notes until you hit the version you
last used to see what's been done since. There is also a tidy up post on curse that explains
my plans for nUI in the near future.

Blizzards UpdatePressAndHoldAction function calls SetAttribute during combat
which is not allowed with addons. Some characters might see it more than others but
doesn't seem to cause many issues apart from triggering the error.
It appears to be linked to abilities with charges.
Reload the UI if you start seeing issues after to reset the restricted environment.

* Incorporated the Keybinding related changes from

-- - Keybinding Tooltip Addition for buttons
* nUI_Keybinding.lua
> Added addon wide function to get keybinding keys for a given button, currently only used in this file
> Adjusted to use the Blizzard Options Keybinding values rather than nUI's custom alternative

* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Added access to nUI Keybinding frame for easier set up of keybinds
NOTE: Some bars may still need to be added, like the PetBar. Once this has been tested
and appears to be working as expected, I will do another update for any of the bars that
don't seem to work for whatever reason it is.

* nUI_Tooltips.lua
> Added tooltip postcall to add nUI keybinding information
> It should display what keybinds it currently has or whether it has none
> And also, the mouseover keybind to access the nUI keybinding frame

* nUI_Integration.xml
> Put nUI_Keybinding.lua back into the addon loading process

-- : The War Within Pre-Patch PTR
Based on

* nUI_PetBar.lua
> Update Autocast changes

* nUI_CooldownBar.lua
> Update Spellbook Changes

* nUI_UnitRange.lua
> Deal with Spell Namespace and SpellBook Changes

* nUI_Minimap.lua
> TrackingFrame renamed again

* nUI_FactionBar.lua
> Deal with Reputation Namespace Changes

Had to activate the Blizzard Option to use UIScale but keep it at 100% for the default nUI setup.
There are some minor dashboard positioning issues, but the micro menu is quite bad, so will likely
need to alter the base frame size.
If the UIScale is set to minimum 65% the Console area is almost perfect along with the objectives frame ( for me at least ) .

* nUI_MicroMenu.lua
> Removed block of code that rescaled/resized the micromenu buttons
> Without it, the 100% useUIScale setting works fine ( even if big - might have to look into a scalable UI at some point )

* nUI_Movers.lua
> Added ProfessionsBookFrame and ProfessionsFrame to the mover system and removed TradeSkill and CraftUI off.
> Although if this was to be a cross version addon, they may have to be reinstated if they don't move the new UI to the Classic versions

* nUI_HUD.lua
> Correctly scaled the font by including the base scale variable

* nUI_Layout_Console_HUDSelector.lua
> Resize default button Size and font Size

* nUI_Viewport.lua
* nUI_Layout_Misc.lua
> Corrected SlashCommand callback function ( darn copy and paste errors rofl )
> Raised the default offset to 150
> Using /nui hud vofs x will allow personal adjustments with 0 resetting to default

* nUI.lua
* nUI_Layout_Misc.lua
> Added uiScaling Setup to the Layout files to allow layouts to define the scaling settings of the UI
> Default Layout requires Enabled and 100% scaling

NOTE: Although nUI presets the settings to the layouts values, and reverts any changes to it back to the skin's values,
It doesn't update the settings screen with the reset and the PetBar gets messed up along with the HUD.
A reload is the only solution but cannot be done automatically, it involves a user interaction
I tried to trigger a button to push but it triggers when the addon sets the initial values as well .. so not a solution.

-- - Out of Range Dimming
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> Out of Range dimming now works more accurately with the use of a Blizzard Function
> ActionButton_UpdateRangeIndicator which allows us to use similar tests and results to
> dim the button accordingly.
> Also an adjustment to the previous patch as the main action bar had issues

NOTE: This doesn't seem to want to work with cooldowns however. While InCombat or a target
it will stay undimmed but out of combat and no target it will dim as expected.

* nUI_Button.lua
> Adjusted nUI's overlay.updateCooldown function to set up alpha status if there is a timer text
> or not. But, it doesn't stop the abovementioned rules from kicking in and replacing it.

-- - Keybind Clicking
* nUI_ButtonBar.lua
> When I moved nUI's personal keybinding entries in the Bindings.xml file and thus the settings
> page, it also removed access to the pushed status update process.
> This resolves that issue - hopefully

Based on
Earlier Patch Notes are in the addon's Patch Notes folder
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04-20-24 03:29 PM
04-18-24 01:31 PM
03-21-24 08:42 PM PTR
01-16-24 06:07 AM
11-07-23 08:57 PM
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Unread 07-23-24, 09:20 PM  
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Patch Day Delays

Just to let you know that I waited as long as I could do to test my cold coded last updated before patch day, but unfortunately the test server was down all day as well as the live servers as you may have noticed.

The Alpha version upload at :* might work without issues, but it won't have the latest keybind patch from 10.2.7 applied yet.

For those that do try the 11.0 version, I would suggest renaming the wtf folder or removing the nUI specific wtf files, so that nUI can recreate them again.* *I personally do this on Expansion Day just in case old wtf values corrupt new functionality even without addons.

For those that are willing to wait for the first release version of nUI for 11.0.0, you can always try unmodded wow for a while to see if you really do need some of those addons.* If you still need that nUI layout you can try the edit mode layout I have listed amongst the issue pages on curse ( ) and make any tweaks as needed.**

I also spent part of the time waiting for the server to come up working on the next addition to nUI.* *Settings Menu and Page.* *I am half way through the Menu portion ( mainly toggles ) with the Page(s) to do after that.* *If I think it will be a quick code and test to finish that off I might well do that for the initial version, but otherwise it will be in the next patch which will likely be in a few days depending on other issues.*

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
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Unread 07-20-24, 02:00 PM  
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Intermediate Test Versions of nUI 10.2.7 on Curse

I have been jumping between 10.2.7 and 11.0 to make sure the 2 versions are as close to each other as possible ready for pre-expansion patch. Curse has an easier *alpha/beta/release* facility than wowinterface so if you want to test the intermediate versions of nUI the links and their main changes are listed below.

A day or two before the 11.0 patch hits I'll do one last 10.2.7 update and 11.0 test and update to ensure initial game play works as best as I can make it. There are still 1 or 2 combat related issues that I haven't been able to figure out yet however.
Resurrected the nUI Keybinding frame to allow easier access to the keybinding system. It still uses the Blizzard keybinds, but now you don't have to figure out which nUI bar relates to which Blizzard bar ( although I did provide some help in the mover system ). The buttons also keep the keybinding text ( although I read that other addons may gain access to it and override it ).
Out of Range Dimming update. Utilises the new range functions provided by Blizzard to give a more accurate test on range checks and provide accurate dimming. Dim value is adjusted via /nui dimalpha with 0.3 the default value
Keybinds were noticed to not allow additional *clicks* once the button was activated, unlike official blizzard buttons. This patch fixes that and triggers the *pushed* flag when you use your keybind so that it works in a similar way to clicking the button.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Unread 07-09-24, 06:00 PM  
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The Great Big CleanUp ( Uploaded )

The latest upload ( ) has a few changes alongside the tidy up work I have been doing.

- This was reinstated into Classic a while back but I had delayed putting it back into Retail as that was where the initial problem surfaced when Dragonflight came out.
- The Viewport toggle now works with the bottom offset set in the DefaultConfig Misc layout file, defaulting to just below the main action bar area.

- I have used the bar buttons action id ranges to setup 7 unique bars with 1 hiding behind the main action bar paging system ( I reinistated the bar arrow slash command functionality ).
Main Action Bar ( Pages 1, 2 )
Left ( Bar 2 ) , Right ( Bar 3 )
LeftUnit ( Bar 4 ) , RightUnit ( Bar 5 )
BottomLeft ( Bar 6 ), BottomRight ( Bar 7 )
The respective bars in the settings screen are activated by default to allow access to the keybinding section for those bars.
Bar 8 I have left as a Blizzard controlled Bar which can be set up using the EditMode system and useful for those problem abilities that don't work on addon based bars ( like the flyout buttons ).

- I have moved this button to sit next to the Dungeon Eye icon that sits above the micromenu bar.

EditMode.Exit event trigger
- ChatFrame recalculates its layout after the Edit Mode is accessed and closed, to ensure accidental adjustments are corrected by nUI. But this should only happen if nUI is managing the chat frame.

The patch notes have more details.

After Upload I noticed that the minimap mail icon is in the wrong place. It's visible, so will suffice until the next patch update.

Edit: 20th July
The mail icon apparently adjusts its position under certain conditions, but hopefully it stays where it's supposed to be most of the time until I can identify the reason for this odd re-positioning.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Unread 06-29-24, 08:10 PM  
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The Great Big Clean Up Project

The details are on Curse ( ) but I'll post the headings here and amend their status over time. These are not in any particular order.

1. Update to the Config System
2. Move to addon namespace rather than a ton of globals around the place
3. General Tidy up of the addon
- Currently in progress with 62 out of 200+ completed
4. See what Blizzard Options we can use instead of nUI slash commands
5. Sort out nUI's SetAttribute issues
- Currently in investigation stage with 3 characters consistently reporting the same ability with similar visuals
- Just not consistent enough to make replicating and testing an easy solution
6. Localization AddOns
7. Identify fixes in Classic that weren't in Retail
8. Profiling System
- In the process ( via task 3 ) of removing Scott's version which involved commenting and uncommenting individual sections of the addon

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Unread 06-20-24, 10:39 AM  
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The War Within - Initial Patch Uploaded

No log in errors and basic combat with a pet didn't produce any errors so fingers crossed the worst of the issues are done with - I should be so lucky.

I still have to do my ALL CLASS TESTS by jumping through all my characters - as a bonus I will be able to check how the warband stuff looks like as I log in each one.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
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Unread 06-18-24, 09:39 PM  
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The War Within Update

I have started looking at the the required changes to nUI so far and some look to be hefty fixes, I'll see if I can work around them ( maybe code/information that nUI doesn't need any more etc )

If you don't see an update here check on curse but any uploads should appear on both sites at the same time ( on Curse under alpha, or on here under the development version )

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
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Unread 06-17-24, 12:07 AM  
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Override Bar and Keybinding Development Patch

If you want to test this out on any of these override bar quests then you can find the download here ( ). I have tested it on 3 different quests that have the override bar work in different ways.

1. Big Boom - buttons added one at a time during the quest progress

2. King Dun - bar shows and hides during combat

3. Reports - regular show and hide and the beginning and end of the quest

All three of these work now as expected along with their keybinds.

I will merge this into the main version when the pre-patch version is updated when it is released.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
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Unread 06-10-24, 04:40 AM  
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The War Within Compatibility

Thanks to CDAGaming who has beta access, nUI has been put in a log in working status with their assistance.

As soon as I get into beta or on the PTR when it arrives I will introduce their changes into the addon and do my usual round of tests and make sure at least general gameplay is as good as possible.

It gives me more time to figure out how to recreate that nUI feel from the ground up and truly make the nUI offspring that I want and hopefully others want too.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
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Unread 06-06-24, 02:16 PM  
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Also, for resizing/positioning the action bar you can use this guide from the original creator

Outside of the keybindings instruction ( nUI now uses the built in keybinding system ) it's pretty much on point.

Scott explicitly designed nUI to work outside of the box, but allow people who choose to tweak it with the slash commands and modify it with the layout file system. I personally haven't needed to change anything, although in the past I did adjust the main action bar buttons to be bigger. Way back when Scott was still working on the addon.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Unread 06-06-24, 02:11 PM  
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Re: Configuring

Originally Posted by BigCritties
Hello, newbie here, is there any video links to view to see how these can be edited? I feel overwhelmed with this addon.

Firstly, i don't know how to make my bars not so spaced out

Secondly, there is a big green aura around my bars I don't know how to get rid of.

Do you have any advice for that?

This is a really hard UI to configure when I have to use all kinds of slash commands, is there nothing simpler?
There are a few more visual changes, but they are not much better unfortunately. Some of the slash commands may not be in them and there may be some slash commands that no longer exist. But feel free to try them out and see if they work.

There's my one - - which I do try and keep up and running each expansion - even if some of the commands haven't been updated ( added or removed etc ).

There's also this one - - but where it is more visual there is a chance that it has more issues as it doesn't look like it has been updated in a long while.

But, neither of them make editing the layout files easier. They just tweak some of the settings, not all.

Unfortunately, the addon wasn't originally designed with an in game configuration system, so the best people can do is create their own layout addon that permanently modifies the default layout.

At the moment there are only 2 custom layouts which may or may not work now with the changes I've had to do since I took over. But you could use them as inspiration in creating your own layout addon.

I'm not sure what the big green aura is.
1. What is the button it seems to be around ?
2. Have you tried /fstack and moused over the weird aura area to see what frame(s) appear to be under the mouse.
3. Does the green aura appear when no other addons are installed ?

Those would be my first ports of call.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
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Unread 06-06-24, 12:53 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Hello, newbie here, is there any video links to view to see how these can be edited? I feel overwhelmed with this addon.

Firstly, i don't know how to make my bars not so spaced out

Secondly, there is a big green aura around my bars I don't know how to get rid of.

Do you have any advice for that?

This is a really hard UI to configure when I have to use all kinds of slash commands, is there nothing simpler?
Last edited by BigCritties : 06-06-24 at 12:53 PM.
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Unread 05-15-24, 06:21 PM  
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New Update

Hopefully catches most of the causes for the action bar in combat issues. I suspect most were linked to the override bar changes I was trying to make to nUI every time they made a functional change to it.

Now, nUI does NOT control the override bar - just repositions it and stops the micro menu buttons from moving from it's nUI location.

If you have a curse log in, any error reports would be great there. Otherwise, here will be fine.

With the speedy aspect of Wow Remix - the least errors affecting progression the better.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
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Unread 04-13-24, 03:01 AM  
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Old Comment Clearout

As I usually do over time - I look at the old comments and clear out any that don't have any relevance now. Just to make things tidier.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
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Unread 04-13-24, 03:00 AM  
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10.2.7 Issues Noticed

I have been dipping into the new Pandemonium Event which starts off early with some vehicular/override bar functionality. The nUI buttons handled the vehicle bar seemingly well but the override bar is still being a pain in the butt, if not worse.
There also seems to be another error that kicks in when using nUI but not seemingly tied to nUI. At least to the point of offering a clue as to where nUI may be doing something wrong.

I would suggest avoiding nUI when you start hitting these issues , and anything that stops you from playing comfortably. And probably dungeons/raids if you're not in the situation where you can test, note and reload for feedback purposes. The good news is that you can keep the layout so most frames should be where you want them to be.

Whether I will be able to resolve these changes at all before 10.2.7 hits the live servers or not I don't know.

I am working on my own UI using nUI as inspiration but it is still early days so unlikely to be even remotely finished before The War Within arrives. But it is the furthest I have got in a long while. Once it has at least some useability I will upload it as the new XrystalUI version for testing.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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Unread 01-16-24, 09:34 AM  
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10.2.5 Version Uploaded

Although no errors spawned ( apart from those protected function ones that I still haven't figured out ) while doing regular stuff on the ptr for 10.2.5 I did catch some issues and new changes that needed changing.

There is a new AddonCompartmentButton attached to the calendar and followed it into the button bag, but still attached to the bottom of the calendar. So, gave it it's own allocation to the button bag. What the button does is allow users to choose which addons are accessible from this button. Whether addons have to *sign up* for access I don't know.

Although I didn't do a follower dungeon, the good news is that I can now test group setup now. And by default you have control of the dungeon so you can zone in and check UI set up before continuing. I did just that and received no errors or strange visuals ( although I did notice a party target and party pet bar rather than frame - which might be an issue if the frame doesn't appear when they target things ).

I will spend the first week or so play testing live and if I see anything I will make note, report and fix where needed. As per my normal process. But, please let me know ( via Curse preferably ) if there are any issues you are having. Some may be existing ones that I haven't been able to figure out yet ( see above ) or ones I knew about but forgot about as I don't really play much now if at all. Each expansion I hope my enjoyment is boosted but I hate the War part of Warcraft so I usually disappear after a short while due to combat weariness rofl.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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