Results: 997Comments by: lightspark
File: LS: UI10-17-18
I'll release an update a bit later...
Posted By: lightspark
I'll release an update a bit later today. There's a multitude of under-the-hood changes, but there's almost nothing interesting for you guys >_> I added text size, outline and shadow options to all UF elements: I also added aforementioned health loss animations and options to adjust when it's sh...
File: LS: UI10-15-18
While rewriting a buttload of UF-re...
Posted By: lightspark
While rewriting a buttload of UF-related code, I decided to rewrite gain/loss indicators, it didn't change much visually, but now multiple loss events are combined into one, which should make things prettier :P I also added similar indicator health bars, but it only shows health loss.
File: LS: UI10-12-18
Only add it if you think you need t...
Posted By: lightspark
Only add it if you think you need to. I am comfortable with remembering to edit the .toc myself as needed. Thank you for looking into it. I was looking through those libs as well but load order never entered my mind for some reason. I'll add it to improve compatibility :P It's just one line. I won't be adding Masque support...
File: LS: UI10-12-18
I'm trying to figure out why ls:UI...
Posted By: lightspark
I'm trying to figure out why ls:UI is changing the shape of the autocast glow on my round WAs. I use Masque: Serenity on the WA (which is attached to my mouse). If ls:UI is enabled, the glow is squared. If I disable ls:UI, then it shows a rounded (which is what I'd prefer). Any idea if this is fixable somehow (even if it is a fix I a...
File: LS: UI10-10-18
Hey ls! I had a curious question......
Posted By: lightspark
Hey ls! I had a curious question... I do a lot of battlegrounds these days and one of the frames that I noticed you don't have is the battleground flag carrier frames. Is that something that one day you would consider adding? I've no idea how much trouble that is. I honestly first thought they were the same as the boss frames until s...
File: LS: UI10-10-18
Woohoo! :D It'll take some time,...
Posted By: lightspark
Woohoo! :D It'll take some time, I have to rewrite a lot of stuff to make it work well, or at least the way I expect it to work :D But before I continue updating other elements, I need to rework my config's file/folder structure, it's getting quite hard to work on files w/ >3k lines in them, I have to jump between bookmarks a l...
File: LS: UI10-07-18
TY <3 The ability to choose cust...
Posted By: lightspark
TY <3 The ability to choose custom reaction colors (hated, friendly, exalted, etc) Do you mean overriding these colours? If yes, then it's planned, but no ETA. The ability to change the font size and font outline (and disable shadow) for unitframe texts. And this one is literally what I'm working on now :D
File: LS: UI10-06-18
getting a weird bug where the pet a...
Posted By: lightspark
getting a weird bug where the pet abilities Attack/Follow/MoveTo keep dissapearing off the petbar O_o I've never experienced anything like that, and there's nothing in my code that removes/clears pet action buttons for you.
File: LS: UI10-01-18
ls, just a quick question: is it po...
Posted By: lightspark
ls, just a quick question: is it possible to modify the ui with a kind of plugin so I can (for example) remove the action bar artwork? I have something in mind for my personal use and before I try it out I thought I ask if it's possible. I love the UI but sometimes I miss one of my old ... and maybe I could mix it up a bit :'D...
File: LS: UI09-30-18
Hey LS, ty for the update! If I...
Posted By: lightspark
Hey LS, ty for the update! If I could make a suggestion for what to do next, the option to color the artifact bar differently would be cool. Hm, but I'm using Blizz colours for all those bars >_> I'll think about it.
File: LS: UI09-28-18
Pushed 80000.11 - Added options...
Posted By: lightspark
Pushed 80000.11 - Added options to adjust auras' count text and aura type icon. It's also possible to display actual debuff types instead of generic down arrows; - Added options to adjust xp bar's text's format and visiblity; - Added options to adjust castbars' colours; - Added a hack for cooldown numbers. Cooldown spirals...
File: LS: UI09-22-18
More useless stuff incoming! :banan...
Posted By: lightspark
More useless stuff incoming! :banana:
File: LS: UI09-20-18
yay! :banana: It's these little thi...
Posted By: lightspark
yay! :banana: It's these little things you do that make this UI and all your hard work so awesome. Heh, ty <3 I spent last few days working on my toasts, now I'm working on the UI again :D At this point there isn't that many major things I want to add to this addon, actually, the only major feature I still want to add eventu...
File: LS: UI09-20-18
Added few options to the xp bar....
Posted By: lightspark
Added few options to the xp bar. Here's the result.
File: LS: Toasts09-17-18
Thank you for supporting the addon!...
Posted By: lightspark
Thank you for supporting the addon! I received an update today. This is exactly what I need! Yeah, decided to push a small update to address this and few other issues. :banana:
File: LS: UI09-17-18
I'll release a small update a bit l...
Posted By: lightspark
I'll release a small update a bit later today, nothing major, added missing cooldown options to the unit frame config. Also updated embedded oUF, it'll address an issue that caused boss frames to not update correctly. - Added cooldown options to the "Unit Frames" and unit frames' "Auras" configs; - Removed "Show Cooldown Bling" o...
File: LS: UI09-16-18
Hey LS! Thanks for working on this,...
Posted By: lightspark
Hey LS! Thanks for working on this, first off. I actually had a question. I'm currently using iipui, and I like a lot of it's features, but there are some things I don't like, so I'm probably gonna switch back to LS. Haha, ty <3 I did have a question though, did you ever look into raid frame solutions? I love the design that...
File: LS: UI09-06-18
My m+ runs are going so "smoothly"...
Posted By: lightspark
My m+ runs are going so "smoothly" that I'm considering quitting wow, lmao :mad::D #TankLivesMatter :(
File: LS: Toasts09-06-18
It is possible to move anchor "deep...
Posted By: lightspark
It is possible to move anchor "deeper", like Y: 13, Y: 12 ... Y: 1 at least? Nah, these offsets are there because of my artwork, but I'm considering reducing them to 4px on each side because I know that many ppl don't use any artwork at all.
File: LS: UI09-04-18
Re: Re: Re: UI missing
Posted By: lightspark
Oh I see, thanks for your reply. Any plans on re-designing that part of the asset so it looks more polished similar to the previous versions of the UI? I love every part of the UI except that bit as it looks unfinished. I would be more than happy to donate for your time and effort if you are willing. It's kinda finished...
File: LS: UI09-03-18
Re: UI missing
Posted By: lightspark
Please see image my left bar is missing, how do i fix it? P.S. Best UI i have ever used. It's "missing" because you're a warrior, warriors don't have class or additional power bars :P
File: LS: UI09-02-18
First off, love your UI! Been using...
Posted By: lightspark
First off, love your UI! Been using it forever and it still gets better with each update. So kudos! TY <3 Now a question for you. I started playing a demon hunter and was tracking Lesser Soul Fragments with WA since I didn't see it on the unit frame. Soul fragments are an aura and not a proper class power bar like runes or a...
File: LS: UI08-28-18
Running your UI along side Kaliel's...
Posted By: lightspark
Running your UI along side Kaliel's Tracker doesn't work. turning on the tracker doesn't even load this UI Disable KT, disable objective tracker's tweaks in this addon's config, can be found at /lsui > Blizzard > Objective Tracker, then re-enable KT. Running two addons that do something to one UI element is the worst idea ever.
File: LS: UI08-23-18
I don't think I've encountered anyt...
Posted By: lightspark
I don't think I've encountered anything so far. At least, not anything so major that would get my attention. Got any examples of those issues? Read Deadlyz's and my comments below, that's prob the most noticeable case.
File: LS: UI08-23-18
Hi! I'm getting some severe screen...
Posted By: lightspark
Hi! I'm getting some severe screen freezes when leaving vehicles :( Are you sure you're up-to-date? I rewrote fading w/o using Blizz animation system and pushed it w/ the last update specifically because of said issue. Alpha animations were killing FPS after long gaming sessions, the longer you played, the bigger the impact on...