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Layback_ 02-27-16 03:25 AM

Needs Graphics Help regarding frame level and layers.
Hi all,

So, I was trying to create unit frame layout with oUF that I saw somewhere (but can't remember where it was) and stuck with frame level and layer issues.

Here's what I have done so far.

Lua Code:
  1. A.CreateHealthBar = function(f, unit)
  2.     local Health = CreateFrame("StatusBar", f:GetName() .. "HealthBar", f);
  3.     Health:SetFrameStrata("LOW");
  4.     Health:SetSize(f:GetWidth() - 12, f:GetHeight() - 12);
  6.     if (unit == "player") then
  7.         Health:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f, "TOPLEFT", 1, -1);
  8.     elseif (unit == "target") then
  9.         Health:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", f, "TOPRIGHT", -1, -1);
  11.         Health:SetReverseFill(true);
  12.     end
  14.     Health:SetStatusBarTexture(STATUSBAR);
  15.     Health:SetStatusBarColor(0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 1);
  17.     local backdrop = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Health);
  18.     backdrop:SetSize(Health:GetWidth() + 2, Health:GetHeight() + 2);
  19.     backdrop:SetPoint("CENTER");
  20.     backdrop:SetBackdrop({
  21.         bgFile = nil,
  22.         edgeFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
  23.         edgeSize = 1,
  24.         insets = {
  25.             left = 1,
  26.             right = 1,
  27.             top = 1,
  28.             bottom = 1,
  29.         },
  30.     });
  31.     backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
  33.     Health.backdrop = backdrop;
  35. = Health:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  38., 0.2, 0.2, 1);
  40.     A.AddOptions(Health, "frequentUpdates");
  42.     f.Health = Health;
  43. =;
  44. end
  46. A.CreatePowerBar = function(f, unit)
  47.     local Power = CreateFrame("StatusBar", f:GetName() .. "PowerBar", f);
  48.     Power:SetFrameStrata("LOW");
  49.     Power:SetSize(f.Health:GetWidth(), f.Health:GetHeight());
  51.     if (unit == "player") then
  52.         Power:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f.Health.backdrop, "TOPLEFT", 11, -11);
  53.     elseif (unit == "target") then
  54.         Power:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", f.Health.backdrop, "TOPRIGHT", -11, -11);
  56.         Power:SetReverseFill(true);
  57.     end
  59.     Power:SetStatusBarTexture(STATUSBAR);
  61.     local backdrop = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, Power);
  62.     backdrop:SetSize(Power:GetWidth() + 2, Power:GetHeight() + 2);
  63.     backdrop:SetPoint("CENTER");
  64.     backdrop:SetBackdrop({
  65.         bgFile = nil,
  66.         edgeFile = "Interface\\ChatFrame\\ChatFrameBackground",
  67.         edgeSize = 1,
  68.         insets = {
  69.             left = 1,
  70.             right = 1,
  71.             top = 1,
  72.             bottom = 1,
  73.         },
  74.     });
  75.     backdrop:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1);
  77.     Power.backdrop = backdrop;
  79. = Power:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND");
  82., 0.2, 0.2, 1);
  83. = 0.3;
  85.     A.AddOptions(Power, "frequentUpdates", "colorClass", "colorClassNPC");
  87.     f.Power = Power;
  88. =;
  89. end

and here's the image link of what it does.


I was thinking to use "SetFrameStrata", "SetFrameLevel" and so on, but I have been told from someone that it is very risky to use them on many frames.


"imho playing with textureSubLevels should wait until you've got some more experience with how draw layers work. Otherwise you'll fall into some horrible practices by not planning your drawlayers in advance, such as your messed up situation of two "BACKGROUND" textures with completely different widgets."

So, I would like to ask how I would simply(?) fix the problem.

As long as I can fix this fault, I'm more than happy to re-write the entire code.

EDIT: "Power:SetFrameLevel(f.Health:GetFrameLevel() - 1);" and "Power.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(f.Health.backdrop:GetFrameLevel() - 1);" seem to be sending "Power" and "Power.backdrop" back to "Health" and "Health.backdrop". I guess this should be fine, but "Power.backdrop" is still sitting in front of "", the background of "Health" status bar.

Any advises or tips are welcomd :)!!

EDIT 2: Another question apart from this issue.

How could I flip StatusBarTexture vertically or horizontally?

I have tried Texture:SetTexCoord() thing, but it didn't work :(

Resike 02-27-16 05:38 AM

Lua Code:
  1. Health:SetFrameLevel(10)
  2. Health.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(8)
  3. Power:SetFrameLevel(Health:GetFrameLevel() - 4)
  4. Power.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(Health:GetFrameLevel() - 6)

SetFrameLevel only supports numbers between 0-20 so you also need to make sure to not give it a smaller/bigger numbers.
I would also suggest to always use at leas 2 level diferrences between frames due a strata bug in the game, and also you might want to show something between that two frame layers.

Fizzlemizz 02-27-16 10:13 AM

Rotating the image can be done in graphics package like Gimp.

You can extract the WoW image (and code) files by following these instructions. They create the BlizzardInterfaceArt and/or BlizzardInterfaceCode folders under you Wow folder.

You can convert the .blp files using Blp2Png or BlPng Converter.

Save the rotated images as .tga (the Gimp default settings is all you need) or convert them back to .blp.

Copy the rotated image to your addon folder before starting the game, otherwise you will get a green square).

Change the path to the image to Interface\\Addons\\your addon\\image file.

Edit: If you want to just flip the texture along the x-axis then Texture:SetTexCoord(1 ,0, 0, 1). To flip along the y-axis then Texture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0). This is commonly used for a texture file that contains a single image.

Yukyuk 02-27-16 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313241)
You can convert the .blp files using Blp2Png or BlPng Converter.

Am using Gimp 2.
No need to convert blp files. Gimp 2 can read them just fine.
They are automatically converted to xcf files (the gimp format).

Exporting them back to tga format is also easy.
If you need help just say so ;)

Fizzlemizz 02-27-16 12:41 PM

What version of Gimp? Using Gimp 2.6.11 I get an unknown file type error trying to open .blp. Is there a plugin required to get it to open .blp files?

Edit: Just took my own link and see Gimp is up to 2.8.16. I feel old :).

Edit2: Still failed with 2.8.16 but at least I'm up-to-date.

Layback_ 02-27-16 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 313237)
Lua Code:
  1. Health:SetFrameLevel(10)
  2. Health.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(8)
  3. Power:SetFrameLevel(Health:GetFrameLevel() - 4)
  4. Power.backdrop:SetFrameLevel(Health:GetFrameLevel() - 6)

SetFrameLevel only supports numbers between 0-20 so you also need to make sure to not give it a smaller/bigger numbers.
I would also suggest to always use at leas 2 level diferrences between frames due a strata bug in the game, and also you might want to show something between that two frame layers.

Hi Resike,

I've tried your solution and seems like "Health.backdrop" edge is sent behind the "Power" and even "Power.backdrop"...

EDIT: Argggg.... nvm. there was another SetFrameLevel under "Power" and "Power.backdrop".

Everything is fine now :)

Layback_ 02-27-16 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313241)
Rotating the image can be done in graphics package like Gimp.

You can extract the WoW image (and code) files by following these instructions. They create the BlizzardInterfaceArt and/or BlizzardInterfaceCode folders under you Wow folder.

You can convert the .blp files using Blp2Png or BlPng Converter.

Save the rotated images as .tga (the Gimp default settings is all you need) or convert them back to .blp.

Copy the rotated image to your addon folder before starting the game, otherwise you will get a green square).

Change the path to the image to Interface\\Addons\\your addon\\image file.

Edit: If you want to just flip the texture along the x-axis then Texture:SetTexCoord(1 ,0, 0, 1). To flip along the y-axis then Texture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0). This is commonly used for a texture file that contains a single image.

Yes, I was trying to flip the texture along the y-axis and it does not seem to be doing things :(

Here's what I have done.

Lua Code:
  1. (Health:GetStatusBarTexture()):SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0);

Fizzlemizz 02-27-16 03:22 PM


I don't know what STATUSBAR is, presumably it contains a path to your status bar texture file.

Looking at the image in the original post though the statas bar texture looks to be just a solid orange square(rectangle). Flipping/Rotating that won't give you any visible difference.

Are you instead wanting the status bar to be taller than it is wide and fill from bottom to top?

Status bar orientation.

Layback_ 02-27-16 05:44 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313247)

I don't know what STATUSBAR is, presumably it contains a path to your status bar texture file.

Looking at the image in the original post though the statas bar texture looks to be just a solid orange square(rectangle). Flipping/Rotating that won't give you any visible difference.

Are you instead wanting the status bar to be taller than it is wide and fill from bottom to top?

Status bar orientation.

O... Sorry about the lacking explanation.

Yes, like you presumed STATUSBAR is a plain white texture.

In addition to this, I have forgot to edit the code, but I actually changed this texture to something different which has a shape on it. So, I would like to flip the status bar texture along the y-axis if the frame is for a target's unit frame.

Fizzlemizz 02-27-16 06:03 PM


local f = CreateFrame("Statusbar")
f:SetSize(50, 50)
--f:GetStatusBarTexture():SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0)

Start the game with the above code then un-comment the TexCoord line and /reloadui and the bag will be upside down.

Actually, looking at your setup you might want the x-axis flip from > to < rather than Y-axis which is from ^ to v. X-axis flip will make images "face" each other when placed side by side.

Layback_ 02-27-16 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313249)

local f = CreateFrame("Statusbar")
f:SetSize(50, 50)
--f:GetStatusBarTexture():SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0)

Start the game with the above code then un-comment the TexCoord line and /reloadui and the bag will be upside down.

Actually, looking at your setup you might want the x-axis flip from > to < rather than Y-axis which is from ^ to v. X-axis flip will make images "face" each other when placed side by side.

Yep... was X-axis flip not Y-axis flip haha...

And more about STATUSBAR, it is actually a media that is fetched from LibSharedMedia (LSM).

Lua Code:
  1. local STATUSBAR = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "fer33");

So, instead of using this variable, I have set statusbar's texture with direct path like you just did, and SetTexCoord() worked on this.

Thus, I'm guessing that SetTexCoord() is not compatible with a media that is fetched from LSM.

Fizzlemizz 02-27-16 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by Layback_ (Post 313251)
Thus, I'm guessing that SetTexCoord() is not compatible with a media that is fetched from LSM.

If your texture widget didn't have a compatible image you would just see a bright green square. SetTexCoord is just adjusting the view into that image. If you flipped on the Y into a verticaly symmetrical image you wouldn't see any change.

Yukyuk 02-28-16 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313243)
What version of Gimp? Using Gimp 2.6.11 I get an unknown file type error trying to open .blp. Is there a plugin required to get it to open .blp files?

Edit: Just took my own link and see Gimp is up to 2.8.16. I feel old :).

Edit2: Still failed with 2.8.16 but at least I'm up-to-date.

Oops, my bad. I also get a error while opening a blp file.

What can I say, long day with lots of programming and creating tga files :rolleyes:

Layback_ 02-28-16 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313252)
If your texture widget didn't have a compatible image you would just see a bright green square. SetTexCoord is just adjusting the view into that image. If you flipped on the Y into a verticaly symmetrical image you wouldn't see any change.

Hi again, Fizzlemizz!

Here's screenshot of the texture shape that I used.

As you can see, the image isn't symmetrical vertically or even horizontally.

And like I mentioned on previous reply, if I set the texture with its direct path

Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\media\\textures\\statusbar.tga");

, Texture:SetTexCoord works perfectly.

However, if I get a path of media after fetching from LibSharedMedia

Lua Code:
  1. local STATUSBAR = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "fer33");
  2. frame:SetStatusBarTexture(STATUSBAR);

, Texture:SetTexCoord starts not working D:

Resike 02-28-16 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Yukyuk (Post 313253)
Oops, my bad. I also get a error while opening a blp file.

What can I say, long day with lots of programming and creating tga files :rolleyes:

XnView can open blps without any issue:

If you want to edit them, then Photoshop and this plugin:

Yukyuk 02-28-16 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by Resike (Post 313257)
XnView can open blps without any issue:

If you want to edit them, then Photoshop and this plugin:

Yep, have xnview installed.
And at 24euro/month, Photoshop is to expensive for me.
Not really to expensive but I would not use it very often.

Resike 02-28-16 06:01 AM


Originally Posted by Yukyuk (Post 313258)
Yep, have xnview installed.
And at 24euro/month, Photoshop is to expensive for me.
Not really to expensive but I would not use it very often.

You can get CS2 legally and free from here:

More info:

Layback_ 02-28-16 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Layback_ (Post 313255)
Hi again, Fizzlemizz!

Here's screenshot of the texture shape that I used.

As you can see, the image isn't symmetrical vertically or even horizontally.

And like I mentioned on previous reply, if I set the texture with its direct path

Lua Code:
  1. frame:SetStatusBarTexture("Interface\\media\\textures\\statusbar.tga");

, Texture:SetTexCoord works perfectly.

However, if I get a path of media after fetching from LibSharedMedia

Lua Code:
  1. local STATUSBAR = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "fer33");
  2. frame:SetStatusBarTexture(STATUSBAR);

, Texture:SetTexCoord starts not working D:


Anyone have ideas regarding this?

Fizzlemizz 02-28-16 04:48 PM

I have to admit I thought SetStatusBarTexture() was just a method that encapsulated Texture:SetTexture which takes either a string path to and image file or r,g,b colour references.

Apparently not, StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture appears to take either a string path to the image or a reference to an existing image which is presumably what is happening here.

If you:

local STATUSBAR = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "fer33");
STATUSBAR:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0)

you would presumably get the desired outcome... I think

Layback_ 02-28-16 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz (Post 313276)
I have to admit I thought SetStatusBarTexture() was just a method that encapsulated Texture:SetTexture which takes either a string path to and image file or r,g,b colour references.

Apparently not, StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture appears to take either a string path to the image or a reference to an existing image which is presumably what is happening here.

If you:

local STATUSBAR = LSM:Fetch("statusbar", "fer33");
STATUSBAR:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0)

you would presumably get the desired outcome... I think

Hi Fizzle,

I'vs just tried your method and seems it's not working since STATUSBAR is returning a path to image file not the texture reference :(

zork 02-29-16 02:31 AM

You can solve any framelevel and strata issues via frame stacking. This can be done by parenting any frame to the last frame you created.

Like if you want power below health you create power first with all the desired layers and anchor your base health frame to your highest power frame (overlay?).

local power = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,self)
power.overlay = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,power)
local health = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,power.overlay)
self.power =power = health

For statusbar texture. Your texture is 258x34 pixel. If that is the case that is the wrong size. It has to be 256x32 pixel. (Multiplier of 8).

By default any statusbar is stretched into the space given. StatusbarTexture accepts two types of variables. A texture path string and a texture object. You could create a texture beforehand and pass into to SetStatusbarTexture. You do not have to do it that way because GetStatusbarTexture will return the texture object.

Either way. A texture objext can have SetVertTile and SetHorizTile. This will prevent texture stretching and will repeat the texture the way you defined it.

Layback_ 03-03-16 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 313293)
You can solve any framelevel and strata issues via frame stacking. This can be done by parenting any frame to the last frame you created.

Like if you want power below health you create power first with all the desired layers and anchor your base health frame to your highest power frame (overlay?).

local power = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,self)
power.overlay = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,power)
local health = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,power.overlay)
self.power =power = health

For statusbar texture. Your texture is 258x34 pixel. If that is the case that is the wrong size. It has to be 256x32 pixel. (Multiplier of 8).

By default any statusbar is stretched into the space given. StatusbarTexture accepts two types of variables. A texture path string and a texture object. You could create a texture beforehand and pass into to SetStatusbarTexture. You do not have to do it that way because GetStatusbarTexture will return the texture object.

Either way. A texture objext can have SetVertTile and SetHorizTile. This will prevent texture stretching and will repeat the texture the way you defined it.

Hi zork!

First of all, the reason why my texture had a size of 258x34 was because the website that I use to upload does only support .jpeg/.png/.gif and some kind of basic image formats.

I could've just change the format of this texture with some utilities (like BLP2PNG(?)), but was too lazy to do so :p...

So, after all, I just captured an image and the image got the size of 258x34 and the format of .png.

And about the SetStatusBarTexture/GetStatusBarTexture, could you please explain me with some in details?

In order to create a texture object, don't I need a frame which is going to use that particular texture object?

Lua Code:
  1. frame.texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY");

If so, you mean by this?
Lua Code:
  1. frame.texture = frame:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY");
  3. frame.texture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0);
  5. frame:SetStatusBarTexture(frame.texture);

zork 03-03-16 06:37 AM

Any texture you want to create needs a frame to be created on.
A statusbar is just a subtype of the frame element with an additional set of functions.

Make sure to read all the statusbar functions.

To be honest I really don't understand your issue. The statusbar has a rich set of functions providing possible solutions for anything you want. If it does not have what you are looking for do not use a statusbar at all. Instead use a texture object and apply any transformations manually via :SetTexCoord().

You can create a fake statusbar in oUF and hook the "OnValueChanged" event on the fake statusbar to trigger any math calculations on your texture.

Lua Code:
  1. local fakePowerBar = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,self)
  2. local powerBar = self:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-8)
  3. powerBar:SetPoint("RIGHT") --or "LEFT", "TOP", "BOTTOM" ... whatever you need
  4. self.Power = fakePowerBar
  5. local function UpdatePowerBar(...)
  6.   print(...)
  7.   local ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy
  8.   local width, height
  9.   --calculations are pretty easy. Just take a piece of paper IRL and mark the corners. Now flip it in any direction you want. That is your conversion UL becomes UR and UR becomes UL and so on.
  10.   --What is important is since the texture needs to be cut off once you loose value you need to ajust the corners properly.
  11.   --Your texture will be stretched to full width/height, thus you need to adjust the size to make it look right.
  12.   powerBar:SetTexCoord(ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy)
  13.   powerBar:SetSize(width,height)
  14. end
  16. self.Power:SetScript("OnValueChanged", UpdatePowerBar)

Layback_ 03-04-16 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 313375)
Any texture you want to create needs a frame to be created on.
A statusbar is just a subtype of the frame element with an additional set of functions.

Make sure to read all the statusbar functions.

To be honest I really don't understand your issue. The statusbar has a rich set of functions providing possible solutions for anything you want. If it does not have what you are looking for do not use a statusbar at all. Instead use a texture object and apply any transformations manually via :SetTexCoord().

You can create a fake statusbar in oUF and hook the "OnValueChanged" event on the fake statusbar to trigger any math calculations on your texture.

Lua Code:
  1. local fakePowerBar = CreateFrame("Statusbar",nil,self)
  2. local powerBar = self:CreateTexture(nil,"BACKGROUND",nil,-8)
  3. powerBar:SetPoint("RIGHT") --or "LEFT", "TOP", "BOTTOM" ... whatever you need
  4. self.Power = fakePowerBar
  5. local function UpdatePowerBar(...)
  6.   print(...)
  7.   local ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy
  8.   local width, height
  9.   --calculations are pretty easy. Just take a piece of paper IRL and mark the corners. Now flip it in any direction you want. That is your conversion UL becomes UR and UR becomes UL and so on.
  10.   --What is important is since the texture needs to be cut off once you loose value you need to ajust the corners properly.
  11.   --Your texture will be stretched to full width/height, thus you need to adjust the size to make it look right.
  12.   powerBar:SetTexCoord(ULx, ULy, LLx, LLy, URx, URy, LRx, LRy)
  13.   powerBar:SetSize(width,height)
  14. end
  16. self.Power:SetScript("OnValueChanged", UpdatePowerBar)

Hi again zork,

My issue is that Texture:SetTexCoord() simply not working on my code at all (well... within ouF). So, creating fake status bar did not fix the fault here :(...

Since I'm guessing the problem(?) is between oUF and the place where Texture:SetTexCoord() function is called (as it works fine outside oUF), I'll go back to oUF forum and ask if they have any clues regarding this.

zork 03-05-16 06:50 AM

I posted a working solution here:

Yukyuk 03-05-16 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Yukyuk (Post 313253)
Oops, my bad. I also get a error while opening a blp file.

What can I say, long day with lots of programming and creating tga files :rolleyes:

This is what I do to get BLP files.
Open the file with XNview and do "save as" and choose the TGA format.
Gimp 2 can read TGA files and can save them as CXF files.

This way I can I can edit them if I want.
And save them and Export them as TGA files.
Then they can be used in an Adonn.

jeffy162 03-05-16 09:17 AM

You can use BLPNG Converter to change to .blp's. Read the page, it tells you what it can convert to .blp's. Gimp2 can export them all, so it's a "win-win" situation. You can use Blpc to convert various formats, also, but I linked it because it is a .blp viewer. You can get BLPView if you want to view .blp's natively on your machine. It's a shell extension, so it will provide thumbnail views on a Window's machine. I have a Window's 10 machine, and all of them work for me.

Yukyuk 03-05-16 12:12 PM

@jeffy162, thanks for the pointers, will check them out.

jeffy162 03-05-16 03:39 PM

You're welcome.

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