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Mashugana 06-27-13 10:34 AM

Unit Frames theory crafting
I struggle with where to put my unit frames - in fact, I do not think there is a right answer. I found some great advice on the overall theory of UI placement in blogs like 'oops i hit alt+z lol' and on the forums, but I'd like to pick your brains on overall approach.

It seems like there are three popular way to place unit frames:
  • Center screen to the left and right of the center
  • Center screen just below the character
  • Bottom of the screen as part of a larger button and info graphic

Anyone have ideas on why they use any in particular? I like the last one - putting them on the bottom like in Tuk or the others but then I cannot see my health because, well, it is at the screen bottom. I like having it all in the senter for tanking heroics, but for solo it blocks the whole screen.

Anyways, if anyone has links to general UI design idea or tips on how they see unit/target details in combat I'd love feedback.


Clamsoda 06-27-13 11:10 AM

I prefer my unit frames to be positioned 1/3rd of the way up from the bottom.

My eyes are able to adequately focus on my unit frame, my target's unit frame, my character's position, and the overall events going on around my character.

You want something that is easily recognizable by your peripheral vision, should you have to avert your focus.

Here is a reference, if it helps at all.

Mashugana 06-27-13 11:17 AM

Wow - nice! TY. Sounds like you have the same thing as me. If you put those frames any lower it would be hard to quickly see health - you'd need to avert eyes down and then up again.

How the heck do people put them at the bottom? Weak Auras that pop in center at 50% health or something?

Fizzlemizz 06-27-13 11:53 AM

I like the Mazzle approach which is bottom heavy so your eyes don't have to roam all over the screen for information. As for health, mana etc. while in combat, just add a HUD. You can see my UI (Mazzle rip off that it is) at:

Tonyleila 06-27-13 01:03 PM

I like my Unitframes at the bottom of the screen so I can see more of the things that happen around me.

The unitframes HP color gets more red if my life gets lower than 50%
Also there is a combattext in the middel of the screen.
Infight - I use buttoncooldows and timers so I most times look between bottom and middel of the screen.

Overall its just it's only a matter of getting used to it :)

Mashugana 06-27-13 05:41 PM

Awesome advice - ty all.

Mayron 06-30-13 09:13 AM

I personally think that they look so much better at the bottom of the UI like mine:
However I can understand that having them more in the center would be easier to look at especially when a boss hits you for a ton of damage, you are quickly notified.

I like how my UI is arranged because I have the spells and unit frames so close together that I can see everything in the same place. I try to limit myself on how much I need to look around my screen to see information. If I had the unit frames in the center then I think I would want the action bars there too which would look horrible. Might try having them in the center one of these days though to try it out.

Mashugana 07-02-13 09:21 AM

Tyvm Mayron. Your UI is one of the ones that is inspiring me to move everything down into a clean dashboard. Your UI is awesome. Two questions:

- Cooldowns: How do you track cooldowns? The action bars at the bottom? My Prot Pally has to manage several under 10 sec cooldowns that I need to see clearly - how do you do that?
- Health warnings: I think if I just set MIKs up to scream at me when health is below 50% then I could keep the unit frames at the bottom. Do you have anything that pops mid screen in emergencies?

TY again.

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