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05-03-09, 02:19 PM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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Yeah its currently something to do with the fact that nUI manages the tracking window but no longer needs to. It has probably resized it too small but you can manually change it yourself.

In the options window under game objectives you should be able to see a new set of check boxes to do with advanced tracking. they need to be ticked including the mouseover.

Now if you mouseover where the tracker is it should appear. If you right click the title bar you should be able to see a menu. You want to unlock the window and then drag the bottom left part of the window until it is bigger.

Then reverse the process until mouseover is unchecked unless you want to mouseover again.

This is because the new tracker doesn't only track quests but also tracks achievements and contains the quest timer. It needs to have room for at least 1 of each before it starts complaining.

Try that out and if you still have problems come back.