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03-28-06, 01:57 PM   #9
A Kobold Labourer
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1
diff on the original PTR patch notes

[staharaj@hyperion]$ diff WoWTest/patch.txt patch.txt
< (Disclaimer: These patch notes are for the Public Test Realm and the
< content of the patch is subject to change.)
< invisible.
> invisible.
> - Traps can now be detected in the same way stealthed units can be
> detected.
> - Stealth and Invisibility effects will now be canceled at the
> beginning of an action (spellcast, ability use etc...), rather than
> at the completion of the action.
> - Reputation will no longer be gained if a pet kills a monster without
> aid.
> - Added support for widescreen video resolutions.
> - Arathi Basin
> The Horde can no longer bypass the gate before the match officially
> begins.
< significantly increased.
> significantly increased.
> - Several Civilian NPCs that would assist the guards in attacking
> players no longer do so.
< - Distract no longer rotates hunters who have feigned death.
> - Distract no longer rotates hunters who have feigned death.
> - Hunter traps now use the same rules as stealth rather than being
> invisible. Detect Trap has been changed to reflect this.
< - Blade Flurry - The additonal attacks generated by this ability will
> - Blade Flurry - The additional attacks generated by this ability will
< - Sweeping Strikes - The additonal attacks generated by this ability
> - Sweeping Strikes - The additional attacks generated by this ability
< - Death's Head Judgement and Wolfrunner Shoes now have stats more
> - Death's Head Vestment and Wolfrunner Shoes now have stats more
< - Dire Maul library book quests are no longer repeatable.
> - Dire Maul library book quests are no longer repeatable.
> - Drop frequencies for Tactical Task Briefing V and Logistics Task
> Briefing XI have been improved considerably. These were needed for
> the Mark of Cenarius and the Mark of Remulos, their drop rates are
> now comparable to the other task briefings.
< to have very little effect.
> to have very little effect.
> Removed the stacking acid from the Flesh Tentacles in the C'thun
> encounter.
> Digestive Acid now increases its effect over time during the C'thun
> encounter.
> Fixed a bug that could allow for the Digestive Acid debuff to be
> removed.
> Lowered the amount of knockback dealt by Giant Tentacles.
> Tentacles should no longer spawn on players who have just been
> knocked back by a previous tentacle.
< Guard Slip'kik's patrol path has been altered.
> Guard Slip'kik's patrol path has been altered.
> Tendris Warpwood will now call upon any protectors still alive to
> aid him.
> - Addons can no longer use RegisterForSave().
< version, buildnum, builddate = GetBuildInfo()
> version, buildnum, builddate = GetBuildInfo()
> MouselookStart()
> MouselookStop()
> mouselook = IsMouselooking()
> - Riding Instructors Velma Warnam and Xar'Ti will now let Tauren know
> in advance that they cannot be taught to ride Skeletal Mounts and
> Raptors.
[1] [staharaj@hyperion]$
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