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06-11-12, 02:27 PM   #18
nUI Maintainer
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Aha, that does help indeed, I hope.

That refers to a font Scott has labelled as nUI_L["font2"] which you sent in one of the files... let me check.

Ah there we go .. in the nUI/Main folder there are a bunch of localization files. Open up the one that is relevant to you and you should see a font name that is listed under.

For example:

zhTW localisation file has the following listed as it's font files. You need to make sure that those files are in the Fonts folder of your
nUI_L["font1"] = "Fonts\\FZLBJW.TTF";
nUI_L["font2"] = "Fonts\\FZLBJW.TTF";

if you do not have a Fonts folder in your World of Warcraft folder then that could well explain the problem. Have you got one ? And if so have you got any TTF files in there ? And finally what are they ?

Hopefully this will get us that little bit nearer to solving the problem. But this is pretty much what that previous post link was telling you to do so unless you missed a step out somewhere I can't think why it isn't working.

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