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12-07-09, 09:47 AM   #1
Alpha Dog
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 56
Enemy Cast Bar

Since I changed to a wide screen monitor the enemy cast bar is now in the center of my screen so I want to move the enemy cast bar to a higher position on my display. I looked but cant find the lua file where that is located so any direction would be appriciatedl.

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12-07-09, 10:44 AM   #2
nUI Maintainer
Xrystal's Avatar
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First go to this folder :

Then choose the Hud Layout folder you wish to change it for :

The open up the file :

In there is a section called [casting] which sounds like the cast bar you want to change. The anchor part of that has the xOf and yOfs you want to change.

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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12-07-09, 11:16 AM   #3
Alpha Dog
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Alpha Dog's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 56
Thanks for the reply Xrystal

I have been to each folder in the tree you suggested & all relate to "PLAYER" what I need to move is the "ENEMY" or "TARGET" casting bar. This is the bar that is centered at the top of the hud when an enemy casts a spell.

This is the folder that seems most likely to have the target/enemy cast bar nUI_UnitSkins[nUI_HUDSKIN_PLAYERTARGET_CASTBAR] & the only one I found with reference to cast bars. In this folder I can adjust the PLAYER cast bar location but not the TARGETS. lol

If I move the hud this bar moves along with the hud, so I guess it's a nUI setting someplace & I'm not using any other casting addons.


Last edited by Alpha Dog : 12-07-09 at 11:18 AM. Reason: add info
12-07-09, 12:10 PM   #4
nUI Maintainer
Xrystal's Avatar
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 5,961
I think you misunderstood. You want to open the Target.lua file and not the Castbar.lua file. The Castbar.lua relates to the player's castbar. Here's the complete block of code in the Target's file. And I've highlighted the casting section specifically for you.

	height   = 2,
	width    = 2,
	elements =
		["Label"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "TOPLEFT",
				relative_to = "$parent_Power",
				relative_pt = "TOP",
				xOfs        = 45,
				yOfs        = 0,
			options =
				enabled = true,
				height  = 15,
				width   = 2,
				inset   = 0,
				strata  = nil,
				level   = nil,

				text          = nil,
				show_reaction = false,
				class_colors  = true,
				label =
					enabled     = true,
					fontsize    = 16,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "LEFT",
					color       = { r = 1, g = 0.83, b = 0, a = 1 },
		["Spec"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMLEFT",
				relative_to = "$parent_Label",
				relative_pt = "TOPLEFT",
				xOfs = 0,
				yOfs = 10,
			options =
				enabled = true,
				width   = 120,
				height  = 30,
				inset   = 0,
				strata  = nil,
				level   = 2,
				show_name   = true,
				show_points = true,
				show_type   = true,
				icon =
					enabled         = true,
					height          = 256,
					width           = 64,
					anchor_pt       = "CENTER",
					relative_to     = "$parent_Health",
					relative_pt     = "CENTER",
					xOfs            = 87,
					yOfs            = 20,
					elite_icon      = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_EliteRight",
					rare_icon       = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_RareRight",
					rare_elite_icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_RareRight",
					world_boss_icon = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_WorldBossRight",
				label =
					enabled     = true,
					fontsize    = 12,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "LEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_LabelText",
					relative_pt = "RIGHT",
					xOfs        = 0,
					yOfs        = 0,
					color       = { r = 0, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1 },
		["Range"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_to = "$parent_Label",
				relative_pt = "TOP",
				xOfs = 0,
				yOfs = -2,
			options =
				enabled         = true,
				size            = 2,
				inset           = 0,
				strata          = nil,
				level           = 2,
				inrange_icon    = false,
				outofrange_icon = false,
				label =
					enabled     = true,
					fontsize    = 17,
					justifyH    = "CENTER",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
					relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Bottom",
					relative_pt = "CENTER",
					xOfs        = 0,
					yOfs        = -45,
		["ComboPoints"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
				relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Bottom",
				relative_pt = "TOP",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = 130,
			options =
				enabled = true,
				size    = 30,
				strata  = nil,
				level   = nil,
				orient  = "CENTER",
		["RaidTarget"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
				relative_to = "$parent_Health",
				relative_pt = "TOP",
				xOfs = 0,
				yOfs = 0,
			options =
				enabled = true,
				size    = 35,
				inset   = 0,
				strata  = nil,
				level   = nil,
		["Health"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Right",
				relative_pt = "CENTER",
				xOfs = 0,
				yOfs = 0,
			options =
				enabled  = true,
				height   = 600,
				width    = 300,
				inset    = 0,
				strata   = nil,
				level    = nil,
				bar = 
					enabled    = true;
					orient     = "BOTTOM",
					min_offset = 0.01171875,
					max_offset = 0.990234375,
					texture    = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_rhb1",
					overlay    = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_rhf1",
				max_health =
					enabled     = true,
					maxcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 16,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "TOPLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "TOP",
					xOfs        = 65,
					yOfs        = -30,
					color       = { r = 0.5, g = 1, b = 0.5, a = 1 },
				cur_health =
					enabled     = true,
					barcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 17,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
					xOfs        = 60,
					yOfs        = 30,
				pct_health =
					enabled     = true,
					barcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 17,
					justifyH    = "RIGHT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
					xOfs        = -90,
					yOfs        = 30,
		["Power"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
				relative_to = "$parent_Health",
				xOfs = 0,
				yOfs = 0,
			options =
				enabled  = true,
				height   = 600,
				width    = 300,
				inset    = 0,
				strata   = nil,
				level    = nil,
				bar = 
					enabled    = true;
					orient     = "BOTTOM",
					min_offset = 0.01171875,
					max_offset = 0.990234375,
					texture    = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_rhb2",
					overlay    = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_HUD_rhf2",
				max_power =
					enabled     = true,
					maxcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 15,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "TOPLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "TOP",
					xOfs        = 75,
					yOfs        = -60,
					color       = { r = 0.5, g = 1, b = 0.5, a = 1 },
				cur_power =
					enabled     = true,
					barcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 15,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
					xOfs        = 45,
					yOfs        = 0,
				pct_power =
					enabled     = true,
					barcolor    = true,
					fontsize    = 15,
					justifyH    = "RIGHT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Power",
					relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
					xOfs        = -105,
					yOfs        = 0,
		["Casting"] =
			anchor =
				anchor_pt   = "TOP",
				relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Top",
				xOfs        = 0,
				yOfs        = -20,
			options =
				enabled = true,
				height  = 40,
				width   = 400,
				inset   = 0,
				strata  = nil,
				level   = 4,
				orient       = "LEFT",
				persist      = false,
				show_bar     = true,
				show_gcd     = false,
				show_latency = false,	
				overlay     = "Interface\\AddOns\\nUI\\Layouts\\Default\\Art\\nUI_BarOverlay1",
				cur_time =
					enabled     = true,
					fonsize     = 11,
					justifyH    = "RIGHT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "RIGHT",
					xOfs        = -5,
					yOfs        = 1,
					color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1 },
				spell_name =
					enabled     = true,
					fonsize     = 11,
					justifyH    = "LEFT",
					justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt   = "LEFT",
					xOfs        = 5,
					yOfs        = 1,
					color = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 1, a = 1 },
				msg_label =
					enabled   = true,
					fonsize     = 13,
					justifyH  = "CENTER",
					justifyV  = "MIDDLE",
					anchor_pt = "CENTER",
					xOfs      = 0,
					yOfs      = 1,
					color = { r = 1, g = 0, b = 0, a = 1 },
				border =
					backdrop =
						bgFile   = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", 
						edgeFile = nil, 
						tile     = true, 
						tileSize = 1, 
						edgeSize = 5, 
						insets   = { left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0 },
					color =
						border   = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0 },
						backdrop = { r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0.75 },
		["Aura"] =
			[1] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "TOPLEFT",
					relative_to = "$parent_Health",
					relative_pt = "TOPRIGHT",
					xOfs        = -40,
					yOfs        = -100,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 45,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "harm",
					origin           = "TOPLEFT",
					player_auras     = false,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = false,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = true,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					clickable        = true,
					rows             = 3,
					cols             = 4,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,

					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 10,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,
			[2] =	-- debuffs
				anchor =
					anchor_pt   = "BOTTOM",
					relative_to = nUI_HUDLAYOUT_PLAYERTARGET.."Bottom",
					relative_pt = "TOP",
					xOfs        = 0,
					yOfs        = 80,
				options =
					enabled = true,
					size    = 40,
					strata  = nil,
					level   = 1,
					aura_type        = "help",
					origin           = "TOPLEFT",
					player_auras     = true,
					dispellable      = false,
					horizontal       = true,
					dynamic_size     = true,
					highlight_player = false,
					aura_types       = false,
					cooldown_anim    = false,
					flash_expire     = true,
					rows             = 1,
					cols             = 10,
					expire_time      = 10,
					hGap             = 5,
					vGap             = 20,

					timer =
						enabled     = true,
						fontsize    = 12,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "TOP",
						anchor_pt   = "TOP",
						relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 1,

					count =
						enabled     = true,
						justifyH    = "CENTER",
						justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
						anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
						relative_pt = "CENTER",
						xOfs        = 0,
						yOfs        = 0.5,

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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WoWInterface » Featured Projects » nUI, MozzFullWorldMap and PartySpotter » Support » nUI: Technical Support » Enemy Cast Bar

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