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05-12-19, 10:27 PM   #1
A Firelord
JDoubleU00's Avatar
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Reputation Bar

I need some feedback/ideas/help on my reputation bar addon JWRepBar (I'll use the same ideas for my XP bar addon JWXPBar). As you can see in the screenshot, the reputation is just about to exceed the width of the bar. I'd like the bar to be dynamic and increase in size to accommodate the reputation displayed. Here are some ideas I have but, I'm not sold on them. I've looked at a lot of examples and they all seem to follow the approach to create a frame, then the bars, font then set the text later after calculating the rep.

1. Make the font smaller, but I like 18pt. font due to my eyes.
2. Make the bar wide enough to account for the longest reputation string. Not practical and could lead to some really long bars.
3. I tried to make the code that creates the frame and bars a function so I could call it and pass the width base on the length of the reputation string. It never worked very well, or I was missing something in my coding.
4. Change the format (i.e. 10.6k/12k), but I'm also not sure if I like it.
5. Modify the display of the rep so that after a set length it shows ... (Bilgewater Ca...).

Here is a screenshot:


Here is my code (I'm omitting the code from Zork's rLib as it doesn't directly affect the creation of the bar):
Lua Code:
  1. ## Interface: 80000
  2. ## Title: JWRepBar2
  3. ## Version: 8.0
  4. ## Notes: Simple Rep Bar
  5. ## X-Category: Character Advancement
  6. ## OptionalDeps: JWXPBar
  7. ## RequiredDeps: rLib
  9. ## Author: JDoubleU00
  10. ## X-Email: [email][/email]
  11. ## X-Copyright: Copyright (c) 2017 JDoubleU00 MIT License
  12. ## X-Credits: Inspired by stExperience bar by Kendian
  13. ## X-Website: [url][/url]
  15. JWRepBar2.lua
Lua Code:
  1. -- Yes Another XP Bar.
  3. --Config area
  4. local A, L = ...
  6. L.addonName       = A
  7. L.dragFrames      = {}
  8. L.addonColor      = "00FF00AA"
  9. L.addonShortcut   = "jwrep"
  11. local cfg = {
  12.     fader = {
  13.         fadeInAlpha = 1,
  14.         fadeInDuration = 0.3,
  15.         fadeInSmooth = "OUT",
  16.         fadeOutAlpha = 0.4,
  17.         fadeOutDuration = 0.9,
  18.         fadeOutSmooth = "OUT",
  19.         fadeOutDelay = 0,
  20.     },
  21.     JWBarHeight = 28,
  22.     JWBarWidth = 350,
  23.     JWBarPoint = {"CENTER", "JWRepBarFrame","CENTER", 0, 0},
  24.     --JWBarTexture = "Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-StatusBar",
  25.     JWBarTexture = "Interface\\AddOns\\rThreat\\media\\statusbar",
  26.     JWBarFont = [[Interface\Addons\SharedMedia_MyMedia\font\Lato-Regular.ttf]],
  27.     JWBarFontSize = 18,
  28.     JWBarFontFlags = "NONE",
  29. }
  33. --Beyond here be dragons
  34. function comma_value(n)
  35.   return tostring(math.floor(n)):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):gsub(",(%-?)$","%1"):reverse()
  36. end
  38. local function tchelper(first, rest)
  39.   return first:upper()
  40. end
  42. local JWRepBarFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", "JWRepBarFrame", UIParent)
  43. JWRepBarFrame:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
  44. JWRepBarFrame:SetHeight(cfg.JWBarHeight)
  45. JWRepBarFrame:SetWidth(cfg.JWBarWidth)
  46. if IsAddOnLoaded("JWXPBar") then
  47.     JWRepBarFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOM", "JWXPBarFrame", "TOP", 0, 5)
  48. else
  49.     JWRepBarFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIPARENT, "CENTER", 0, -275)
  50. end
  52. --drag frame
  53. rLib:CreateDragResizeFrame(JWRepBarFrame, L.dragFrames, -2, true)
  55. if cfg.fader then
  56.     --frame fader
  57.     rLib:CreateFrameFader(JWRepBarFrame, cfg.fader)
  58. end
  60. --Create Background and Border
  61. local backdrop = JWRepBarFrame:CreateTexture(nil, "BACKGROUND")
  62. backdrop:SetHeight(cfg.JWBarHeight)
  63. backdrop:SetWidth(cfg.JWBarWidth)
  64. backdrop:SetPoint(unpack(cfg.JWBarPoint))
  65. backdrop:SetTexture(cfg.JWBarTexture)
  66. backdrop:SetVertexColor(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
  67. JWRepBarFrame.backdrop = backdrop
  69. --Rep Bar
  70. local JWRepBar = CreateFrame("StatusBar", "JWRepBar", JWRepBarFrame)
  71. JWRepBar:SetWidth(cfg.JWBarWidth)
  72. JWRepBar:SetHeight(cfg.JWBarHeight)
  73. JWRepBar:SetPoint(unpack(cfg.JWBarPoint))
  74. JWRepBar:SetStatusBarTexture(cfg.JWBarTexture)
  75. JWRepBar:GetStatusBarTexture():SetHorizTile(false)
  76. JWRepBarFrame.JWRepBar = JWRepBar
  78. --Create XP Text
  79. Text = JWRepBar:CreateFontString("JWRepBarText", "OVERLAY", "NumberFontNormal") --GameFontNormal
  80. Text:SetFont(cfg.JWBarFont, cfg.JWBarFontSize, cfg.JWBarFontFlags)
  81. Text:SetPoint("CENTER", JWRepBar, "CENTER",0,1)
  82. Text:SetAlpha(1)
  84. local function UpdateStatus()
  85.     local JWRepName, JWRepStanding, JWRepMin, JWRepMax, JWRepCur = GetWatchedFactionInfo()
  86.     if JWRepName then
  87.         local JWRepColor = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[JWRepStanding]
  88.         JWRepBar:SetStatusBarColor(JWRepColor.r * 0.8, JWRepColor.g * 0.8, JWRepColor.b * 0.8)
  89.         JWRepBar:SetMinMaxValues(JWRepMin, JWRepMax)
  90.         JWRepBar:SetValue(JWRepCur)
  91.         JWRepName = JWRepName:gsub("(%a)([%w_']*)", tchelper) --Proper case
  92.         --JWRepName = format("%s %s/%s ", JWRepName, comma_value(JWRepCur), comma_value(JWRepMax))     
  93.         Text:SetText(format("%s %s/%s %.2f%%", JWRepName, comma_value(JWRepCur-JWRepMin), comma_value(JWRepMax-JWRepMin), (JWRepCur-JWRepMin)/(JWRepMax-JWRepMin)*100))
  94.         return
  95.     end
  96. end
  98. JWRepBarFrame:RegisterEvent("UPDATE_FACTION")
  99. JWRepBarFrame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
  100. JWRepBarFrame:SetScript("OnEvent", UpdateStatus)
  102. --create slash commands
  103. rLib:CreateSlashCmd(L.addonName, L.addonShortcut, L.dragFrames, L.addonColor)

As always, any help is appreciated.
Author of JWExpBar and JWRepBar.
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05-16-19, 09:37 AM   #2
A Firelord
JDoubleU00's Avatar
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Let me try rephrasing my question. Once you create a frame, can you change the width dynamically by using frame:SetWidth?
Author of JWExpBar and JWRepBar.
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05-16-19, 10:11 AM   #3
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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It depends on your SetPoint but if you've only set one point then yes. If you set a TOPLEFT/BOTTOMRIGHT or SetAllPoints then you would resize the the "container" (if you've only used one referece frame).

You might try a slightly taller bar with a slightly smaller font and the FontString with a SetAllPoints to the bar so you get two lines that wrap.

If you fix the width of the FontString to the width of the bar you will automaticaly get a "Text..." if the text gets too long.

Two FontStrings, Name(Justified Left) and Value (Justified Right or Center) sized 70/30 (80/20 or whatever works) across the bar so you get Steamwh... 92% if the name gets too long
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Last edited by Fizzlemizz : 05-16-19 at 11:40 AM.
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05-16-19, 12:49 PM   #4
A Firelord
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Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz View Post
It depends on your SetPoint but if you've only set one point then yes. If you set a TOPLEFT/BOTTOMRIGHT or SetAllPoints then you would resize the the "container" (if you've only used one referece frame).

You might try a slightly taller bar with a slightly smaller font and the FontString with a SetAllPoints to the bar so you get two lines that wrap.

If you fix the width of the FontString to the width of the bar you will automaticaly get a "Text..." if the text gets too long.

Two FontStrings, Name(Justified Left) and Value (Justified Right or Center) sized 70/30 (80/20 or whatever works) across the bar so you get Steamwh... 92% if the name gets too long
Thanks, I'll try it when I get home from work.
Author of JWExpBar and JWRepBar.
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06-06-19, 08:16 AM   #5
A Firelord
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I meant to post earlier, that your suggestions worked for me! I have some other minor annoyances that I'm in the process of addressing.
Author of JWExpBar and JWRepBar.
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06-06-19, 09:30 PM   #6
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz View Post
Two FontStrings, Name(Justified Left) and Value (Justified Right or Center) sized 70/30 (80/20 or whatever works) across the bar so you get Steamwh... 92% if the name gets too long
What I usually do, instead of manually setting the size for each FontString, I set the RIGHT anchor of Name to the LEFT point of Value. This dynamically allocates the width of both FontStrings without wasting space that could be used for the former.
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