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10-22-22, 09:55 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 2
Question wow ScrollFrame ui

This is my first time using Lua and I try to make the button scroll

I would like to know how to make the button scroll in the ScrollFrame

Sorry, English is not my native language

I hope someone can help me, this confused me for a long time,Thanks

local fk_ui = {}
local backdrop = {
    bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
    edgeFile = "Interface/GLUES/Common/Glue-Tooltip-Border",
    tile = true,
    edgeSize = 8,
    tileSize = 8,
    insets = {
        left = 5,
        right = 5,
        top = 5,
        bottom = 5,

local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyScrollMessageTextFrame", UIParent)
f:SetSize(450, 450)
f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
f.Close = CreateFrame("Button", "$parentClose", f)
f.Close:SetSize(24, 24)
f.Close:SetHighlightTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Highlight", "ADD")
f.Close:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)

f.SF = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "$parent_DF", f, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
f.SF:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f, 12, -30)
f.SF:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", f, -30, 10)

for i = 1,15 do
	fk_ui[i] = "fk_1a"..i
	fk_ui[i] = CreateFrame("Button",fk_ui[i],fk_box,"GameMenuButtonTemplate")
this is all

I referenced the content here

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10-22-22, 12:18 PM   #2
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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It works a bit differently than using an EditBox as your "source" list (table).

Using the games FauxScrollFrame, you would need to create the number of rows you want your scroll list to show (5 rows to scroll, each with a button in the code below) and then as the list is scrolled, the information from your source table, starting at the entry indicated by the position of the scroll thumb, is "copied" to the corresponding "row and button" in the scroll list". The math for the thumb position is calculated based on the height of a single row in the scroll list (35 in this case which is both the row and button height)

Lua Code:
  1. local fk_ui = {}
  2. local backdrop = {
  3.     bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
  4.     edgeFile = "Interface/GLUES/Common/Glue-Tooltip-Border",
  5.     tile = true,
  6.     edgeSize = 8,
  7.     tileSize = 8,
  8.     insets = {
  9.         left = 5,
  10.         right = 5,
  11.         top = 5,
  12.         bottom = 5,
  13.     },
  14. }
  16. local function OnClick(self)
  17.     local entry = fk_ui[self:GetParent().index]
  18.     print("You Clicked: ", entry)
  19. end
  21. local function Update_List(self)
  22.     local table = fk_ui
  23.     if not table then return end
  24.     local offset = self.offset or 0
  25.     local index, row
  26.     local entries = #table
  27.     local include = 0
  28.     local rows = #self.Rows
  29.     for i=1, rows do
  30.         index = offset + i
  31.         if table[index] then
  32.             include = include + 1
  33.             row = self.Rows[include]
  34.             row:Show()
  35.             row.index = index
  36.             row.Button:SetText(table[index])
  37.             if include == entries then break end -- only loop enough to fill #rows (5)
  38.         end
  39.     end
  40.     if include < rows then
  41.         for i = include + 1, rows do
  42.             self.Rows[i]:Hide()
  43.         end
  44.     end
  45.     FauxScrollFrame_Update(self, entries, rows, 35)
  46. end
  48. local function OnVerticalScroll(self, offset)
  49.     self.ScrollBar:SetValue(offset)
  50.     self.offset = math.floor((offset / 35) + 0.5)
  51.     Update_List(self)
  52. end
  54. local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyScrollMessageTextFrame", UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
  55. f:SetSize(450, 450)
  56. f:SetPoint("CENTER")
  57. f:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
  58. f:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
  59. f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
  60. f.Close = CreateFrame("Button", "$parentClose", f)
  61. f.Close:SetSize(24, 24)
  62. f.Close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
  63. f.Close:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Up")
  64. f.Close:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Down")
  65. f.Close:SetHighlightTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Highlight", "ADD")
  66. f.Close:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
  67.     self:GetParent():Hide()
  68. end)
  70. f.SF = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "$parent_DF", f, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate")
  71. f.SF:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f, 12, -30)
  72. f.SF:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", f, -30, 10)
  74. f.SF.Rows = {}
  75. for i=1, 5 do
  76.     local fr = CreateFrame("Button", "#parentRow"..i, f.SF)
  77.     tinsert(f.SF.Rows, fr)
  78.     fr:SetSize(f.SF:GetWidth(), 35)
  79.     if i == 1 then
  80.         fr:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
  81.     else
  82.         fr:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f.SF.Rows[i-1], "BOTTOMLEFT")
  83.     end
  85.     fr.Button = CreateFrame("Button", "$parentButton", fr, "GameMenuButtonTemplate")
  86.     fr.Button:SetPoint("CENTER")
  87.     fr.Button:SetSize(128,35)
  88.     fr.Button:SetScript("OnClick", OnClick)
  89. end
  92. for i = 1,15 do
  93.     fk_ui[i] = "Press for " .. i
  94. --[[
  95.     fk_ui[i] = "fk_1a"..i
  96.     fk_ui[i] = CreateFrame("Button",fk_ui[i],fk_box,"GameMenuButtonTemplate")
  97.     fk_ui[i]:SetPoint("CENTER",-6,120+(i*-40))
  98.     fk_ui[i]:SetSize(128,35)
  99. ]]--
  100. end
  102. f.SF.ScrollBar = FauxScrollFrame_GetChildFrames(f.SF)
  103. f.SF:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", OnVerticalScroll) -- set the list to update when scrolled
  104. Update_List(f.SF) -- initialise the list with the first 5 entries in the source table to get started

Each buttons gets information from the source table based on the .index set for the row when the text is set for the button (see the OnClick function).

Normally you would re-size the scrollframe (or add more rows and adjust the code) to fit the area you want to display on-screen.
Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.

Last edited by Fizzlemizz : 10-22-22 at 03:28 PM.
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10-22-22, 09:04 PM   #3
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 2
Originally Posted by Fizzlemizz View Post
It works a bit differently than using an EditBox as your "source" list (table).

Using the games FauxScrollFrame, you would need to create the number of rows you want your scroll list to show (5 rows to scroll, each with a button in the code below) and then as the list is scrolled, the information from your source table, starting at the entry indicated by the position of the scroll thumb, is "copied" to the corresponding "row and button" in the scroll list". The math for the thumb position is calculated based on the height of a single row in the scroll list (35 in this case which is both the row and button height)

Lua Code:
  1. local fk_ui = {}
  2. local backdrop = {
  3.     bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
  4.     edgeFile = "Interface/GLUES/Common/Glue-Tooltip-Border",
  5.     tile = true,
  6.     edgeSize = 8,
  7.     tileSize = 8,
  8.     insets = {
  9.         left = 5,
  10.         right = 5,
  11.         top = 5,
  12.         bottom = 5,
  13.     },
  14. }
  16. local function OnClick(self)
  17.     local entry = fk_ui[self:GetParent().index]
  18.     print("You Clicked: ", entry)
  19. end
  21. local function Update_List(self)
  22.     local table = fk_ui
  23.     if not table then return end
  24.     local offset = self.offset or 0
  25.     local index, row
  26.     local entries = #table
  27.     local include = 0
  28.     local rows = #self.Rows
  29.     for i=1, rows do
  30.         index = offset + i
  31.         if table[index] then
  32.             include = include + 1
  33.             row = self.Rows[include]
  34.             row:Show()
  35.             row.index = index
  36.             row.Button:SetText(table[index])
  37.             if include == entries then break end -- only loop enough to fill #rows (5)
  38.         end
  39.     end
  40.     if include < rows then
  41.         for i = include + 1, rows do
  42.             self.Rows[i]:Hide()
  43.         end
  44.     end
  45.     FauxScrollFrame_Update(self, entries, rows, 35)
  46. end
  48. local function OnVerticalScroll(self, offset)
  49.     self.ScrollBar:SetValue(offset)
  50.     self.offset = math.floor((offset / 35) + 0.5)
  51.     Update_List(self)
  52. end
  54. local f = CreateFrame("Frame", "MyScrollMessageTextFrame", UIParent, BackdropTemplateMixin and "BackdropTemplate")
  55. f:SetSize(450, 450)
  56. f:SetPoint("CENTER")
  57. f:SetFrameStrata("BACKGROUND")
  58. f:SetBackdrop(backdrop)
  59. f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0)
  60. f.Close = CreateFrame("Button", "$parentClose", f)
  61. f.Close:SetSize(24, 24)
  62. f.Close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT")
  63. f.Close:SetNormalTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Up")
  64. f.Close:SetPushedTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Down")
  65. f.Close:SetHighlightTexture("Interface/Buttons/UI-Panel-MinimizeButton-Highlight", "ADD")
  66. f.Close:SetScript("OnClick", function(self)
  67.     self:GetParent():Hide()
  68. end)
  70. f.SF = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", "$parent_DF", f, "FauxScrollFrameTemplate")
  71. f.SF:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f, 12, -30)
  72. f.SF:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", f, -30, 10)
  74. f.SF.Rows = {}
  75. for i=1, 5 do
  76.     local fr = CreateFrame("Button", "#parentRow"..i, f.SF)
  77.     tinsert(f.SF.Rows, fr)
  78.     fr:SetSize(f.SF:GetWidth(), 35)
  79.     if i == 1 then
  80.         fr:SetPoint("TOPLEFT")
  81.     else
  82.         fr:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", f.SF.Rows[i-1], "BOTTOMLEFT")
  83.     end
  85.     fr.Button = CreateFrame("Button", "$parentButton", fr, "GameMenuButtonTemplate")
  86.     fr.Button:SetPoint("CENTER")
  87.     fr.Button:SetSize(128,35)
  88.     fr.Button:SetScript("OnClick", OnClick)
  89. end
  92. for i = 1,15 do
  93.     fk_ui[i] = "Press for " .. i
  94. --[[
  95.     fk_ui[i] = "fk_1a"..i
  96.     fk_ui[i] = CreateFrame("Button",fk_ui[i],fk_box,"GameMenuButtonTemplate")
  97.     fk_ui[i]:SetPoint("CENTER",-6,120+(i*-40))
  98.     fk_ui[i]:SetSize(128,35)
  99. ]]--
  100. end
  102. f.SF.ScrollBar = FauxScrollFrame_GetChildFrames(f.SF)
  103. f.SF:SetScript("OnVerticalScroll", OnVerticalScroll) -- set the list to update when scrolled
  104. Update_List(f.SF) -- initialise the list with the first 5 entries in the source table to get started

Each buttons gets information from the source table based on the .index set for the row when the text is set for the button (see the OnClick function).

Normally you would re-size the scrollframe (or add more rows and adjust the code) to fit the area you want to display on-screen.

Thank you

I found wow 3.3.5 API no FauxScrollFrame_GetChildFrames
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10-22-22, 09:13 PM   #4
I did that?
Fizzlemizz's Avatar
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Originally Posted by dust514 View Post
I found wow 3.3.5 API no FauxScrollFrame_GetChildFrames
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Maintainer of Discord Unit Frames and Discord Art.
Author of FauxMazzle, FauxMazzleHUD and Move Pad Plus.
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