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06-25-09, 01:53 AM   #1
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A new place to complain...

Decided to open a thread dedicated to things we don't like about our favorite game. Whether it be things that could be changed by Blizz, or things that'll NEVER change, like trade chat!

My chief complaint at the moment is the prices for everything at higher levels! I reached 74 on my hordie DK earlier tonight so I ported to Ebon Hold for training. 3 spells. Cost somewhere in the neighborhood of 105g! I know that's not really a lot, but when you're still in the process of leveling and trying to maintain gear somewhere close to your current level, it REALLY adds up! Not to mention higher repair costs for higher level gear, and trying to keep up to date on mounts (my dk can't even fly in Outland yet, for god's sake!). It's really no wonder that gold farmers make money hand over fist! I don't buy gold, and never will, but I can see why some people become that desperate.

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06-25-09, 02:26 AM   #2
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I've always had a big issue with Gold Farmers myself and still do from time to time. There have been a number of occasions where I would be meeted with an open trade box and several misc. items that I wouldn't have any interest in, followed by a whisper asking for a certain amount of gold from a level 1 toon with a name that makes absolute zero sense.

I wish they would implement what CCP (Eve Online) have done to deter people from buying gold off of illegal sites and then turn around and b**ch and complain about getting banned for it. For those that don't know, Eve Online allows you to spend say 35$ on what they call a "Plex". And what this "Plex" does is go up on the Market for a determined amount of ISK say, about 600-800 mill. But in the same turn about, people who buy up the Plex with ISK get free game time. So it's a win-win situation. No, it hasn't stopped the spammers in the game, however, CCP has implemented a legal way for people to make more money in the game and get free game time through means of the game itself.

If Blizzard could implement a similar solution to this problem, I'm sure that they would get more people hopping on the bandwagon. Then not many people would be willing to complain about not being able to afford that Epic Flying mount, or those level 80 non tier epics in the AH. It could really work in both theirs and the players favor.

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06-25-09, 02:34 AM   #3
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This sounds like an excellent idea! I was tracking the forums here earlier tonight, and a gold farmer created a thread and spammed it 3 or 4 times with the same message, just like in trade chat. I reported it and the thread was deleted within a couple of minutes, but it just goes to show how ballsy these people are getting. Here lately, a lot of people have been worried about North Korea lobbing a nuke at somebody.. I tell em "Don't worry, they're too busy farming gold!"

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06-25-09, 11:21 AM   #4
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My top complaints revolve more around player attitudes lately, specifically elitism and blatant greed when it comes to virtual items. I have one of each class, so obviously there just isn't time to raid on all of them, yet I get looked down upon as a "baddie" when playing a few because there aren't 15 days in a week to raid? Just irritates me, especially since most of the time, their achievements reflect significantly less progress than my main raiding character...yet I don't feel any desire to criticise or deride them at all, even when provoked. Honestly, does it really matter that my druid isn't in full 7.5 to run the non-heroic daily, for example?

Greed is the thing that really frosts my flakes, though. Call me old fashioned, but if I'm doing something with friends and something drops that's a bigger upgrade for someone else than it would be for me (or they're a serious collector of something like mounts), I don't bother rolling against them. With people I don't know, I understand the "every person for themselves" thing, but with people that you consider your friends? I guess I'm just more considerate with my friends, and it's not like the items will just stop dropping altogether if I don't get them right that instant.
"I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people." - Sir Isaac Newton
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06-25-09, 11:43 AM   #5
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Totally agree, Verissi. It's gotten so bad that I won't even associate with anyone in-game unless I already know them. I almost hate gear-snobs and elitists worse than the gold spammers. At least gold spammers don't try to pretend to be anything but what they are. I've only got one level 80 so far and he's not geared at all, simply because I don't want to ask to go on a raid and be embarrassed when my gear is checked. And I KNOW without a doubt that I would be heavily criticized on the gear issue. What am I supposed to do? Appologize for not being hard-core enough? I rarely even will do a bg anymore for the same reason. It's all a circular argument to me... You can't get geared without raiding or at least doing a butt-load of bg's, and you can't do those without the proper gear. Maybe I'm just too thin-skinned or something.

Whew... Better stop this here for the moment, I believe I'm about to have an episode...

~ no need to make the message completely obnoxious - Cairenn

Last edited by voodoodad : 06-25-09 at 05:14 PM.
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06-25-09, 12:43 PM   #6
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Yes. The elitism and gear-whoring is bad. Always has been but I think it gets worse as time goes by. More and more players forget that they weren't born into WoW, they had to l2p as well. And there are still new players coming to the game, who unfortunately often get alienated.

Gold Farmers are Very Bad (TM). Not much else to say about them. The money issue has gotten way better over the years though. Between the ample gold that drops and dailies, earning money is nothing like the grueling experience it used to be back in Classic. My first toon was raiding MC weekly in mostly T1 (which also used to be ridiculous to obtain a set) trying to earn enough gold to buy epic land mount. To farm 100 gold could take hours and alot of luck. 1k gold back then was like 5-10k now.

Also checkout 3.2 patch notes. Blizz is again dropping mount costs to almost nothing, and first mount at lvl 20 and epic at 40 now. They also move faster. Lots of stuff coming.
Retired prior to 3.2, before all challenge was removed.

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06-25-09, 01:37 PM   #7
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I agree completely with the gear thing. I recall a while back i made a post about being snubbed for a run to kill coren direbrew becasue i had 1 green item (a trinket) the rest blues and purples and was told i wasnt geared enough to heal it. I do my best to try and help folks that need gear get it. Ill even run a heroic with a tank thats not defense capped if i feel i can keep them alive.

The funny thing about all of this is as stated above you need the gear to get the gear so to speak. So as a consequence if you dont grind hard-core to get the newest gear within in a short time of it coming out (keep in mind all the people grinding for it arent 'geared' either in this regard) then you will have a hard time dealing with these knuckleheads.

I've been hearing from friend that frequent the blizzard forums that the hardcore folks are shall we say annoyed with the changes to the emblem system. While i dont totally agree (i think the truly insane deserve a little something) with the regular and heroic dailies dropping the triumph emblems i still cant help but get a giggle out of imagining people sitting at their computer raging over this. I get a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

People need to get back to their roots and remember its a game and its meant to be fun and entertaining. If you need a calculator and a spreadsheet to decide if someone should be allowed to group with you then you have bigger issues than just gear.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor
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06-25-09, 01:52 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 View Post
People need to get back to their roots and remember its a game and its meant to be fun and entertaining.
I really wish more people would remember this. Then again, net anonymity does funny things to some people who would otherwise be mild-mannered.
"I can calculate the motions of the heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people." - Sir Isaac Newton
"Half of twice as intimidating as Saurfang is still one whole Saurfang worth of intimidation." - Anticlaus, Gorefiend server
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06-25-09, 02:40 PM   #9
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My chief complaint about WoW is Blizzard's (mainly the GMs) complete lack of care when it comes to issues like players being jerks toward one another, gold farming, and all the other irritating things in game.

A while back, I was leveling my Orc Shaman through Swamp of Sorrows, and was on a quest to get some essence or other from the emerald whelps there. The drop rate was nowhere near 100% (more like 5 or 6% at the time) and there was a lvl 70 (level capped, right before Lich King) farming the whelplings faster than I could target them. Normally I wouldn't have much of a problem, because if she were farming the minipet, I can see not wanting the random drop to go to a low level toon that happens to get luck after you'd been there for hours killing whelps....but, she already had the whelp. She has the emerald whelpling pet out while farming for another one. Clearly farming for no other purpose than to sell the whelpling, not giving me a chance to kill my quest mobs and get my drops. On top of all of this, I was on an RP server, which is supposed to have even more strict rules about farming (for any reason) interfering with characters story progress. When I put in a ticket to a GM about it, I was informed that since it was an RP server there was nothing they could do, because that character's "role" on the RP server could be a dragon slayer, and their "mission" could be to rid the world of all dragonkin..............seriously???

Blizzard....if you're going to make least enforce them. Please.
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06-25-09, 02:47 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by littlebuddha79 View Post
My chief complaint about WoW is Blizzard's (mainly the GMs) complete lack of care when it comes to issues like players being jerks toward one another, gold farming, and all the other irritating things in game.

A while back, I was leveling my Orc Shaman through Swamp of Sorrows, and was on a quest to get some essence or other from the emerald whelps there. The drop rate was nowhere near 100% (more like 5 or 6% at the time) and there was a lvl 70 (level capped, right before Lich King) farming the whelplings faster than I could target them. Normally I wouldn't have much of a problem, because if she were farming the minipet, I can see not wanting the random drop to go to a low level toon that happens to get luck after you'd been there for hours killing whelps....but, she already had the whelp. She has the emerald whelpling pet out while farming for another one. Clearly farming for no other purpose than to sell the whelpling, not giving me a chance to kill my quest mobs and get my drops. On top of all of this, I was on an RP server, which is supposed to have even more strict rules about farming (for any reason) interfering with characters story progress. When I put in a ticket to a GM about it, I was informed that since it was an RP server there was nothing they could do, because that character's "role" on the RP server could be a dragon slayer, and their "mission" could be to rid the world of all dragonkin..............seriously???

Blizzard....if you're going to make least enforce them. Please.
So, if that player's "role" was to be a complete ass (as apparently it was) then it was perfectly ok I guess. Hmmm... Maybe I'll go start a toon on an RP server and make a ticket saying my role is to be level and stat capped, as well as being fully geared....

Hmmm... Wonder how that would go?

/play flashback music from the end of Wayne's World

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06-25-09, 02:55 PM   #11
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*plays the song*

I think that is it
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06-25-09, 02:58 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Cralor View Post
*plays the song*

I think that is it
That's a good one, but I meant the little "doodle doodle doo" thing they did when they did the Scooby Doo multiple ending deal.

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06-25-09, 03:48 PM   #13
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06-25-09, 03:54 PM   #14
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I'm going to continue the rant about gear elitists. My part in the rant is about gear elitists at levels under the cap. The BoA gear really twists my ni*ples in all the wrong ways.

The other day, I'm on my 67 Draenei Mage (I really need to update my siggie...), and some Gnome *shudder* joins a party with me for Coilfang Rez. He's the same level and asks me what my spell power is. I was all proud of the fact that I'd finally broken 500 unbuffed. I told him so, and he began berating me for the fact that he had nearly the same spec and I was wrong for not having broken 700 already. I told him this was my highest level toon on the server and that I didn't have access to the BoA gear he had to give me that kind of silliness. He told me I was a scrub and if I didn't have Wrath, I needed to uninstall his game from my computer...

Short little j*ck*ss is lucky it's not VR, or I'd have punted his big mouth right into Quagmiron's clutches...

Needlesstosay, he only did 50dps more than me overall, and I out dps'd him by ~20dps on all the boss fights because he kept /oom-ing (even though he had 220 more mana than me unbuffed). At the end of it, I told him he was lucky he had all that BoA gear to keep him from learning how to make his class work well.

BoA gear needs to be scrapped. It's making people think they're awesome when they aren't, and it's keeping morons like that Gnome from actually learning their class. He made Mages look bad, and I couldn't have wanted to be anything else more.


/rant off

Good thread, Voodoo!! Kthxbai! ^^

Last edited by us2006027321 : 06-25-09 at 03:57 PM.
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06-25-09, 04:09 PM   #15
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Good thread, Voodoo!!
I thought it might be a good idea to start a thread for people to let off steam about something other than the dreaded WM threads!

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06-25-09, 04:50 PM   #16
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Know what really pisses -me- off?


You know the difference between a newb and a nub?

Newbs are new to the game, and so therefore make dumb mistakes, but once informed of said mistakes, they go "oh, ok, sorry" and attempt to correct it for future issues. (some may fail, simply because they've never done MMO/RPG gaming before, but thats OK!)

Nubs aren't necessarily new to the game, but insist on doing idiotic things, like needing on -everything- in a pug. Saying "oh sorry, I was afk" when they stand there like an idiot for 10 minutes while we go "uhhhhh someone heal the tank" or similar..

I like newbs, at least they do their best.

Nubs just .. suck

Like the difference in Ignorance and Stupidity.

Ignorance can be overcome with learning.

Stupid is Ignorance PLUS a lack of desire to learn.
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06-25-09, 05:46 PM   #17
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I was a submariner and before a person was qualified submarines (able to stand all of their watches unsupervised), they were a NUB.


They take up air and resources, and rarely earn their keep. I never liked the hazing much, but it built character, trust, and gave motivation. To some of the people in gaming, they may think of it in this manner... which is sad to compare a video game to some of the other real life engagements that have hazing involved.

As for elitists and snobs, I wish I was never told I was good, or joined a decent raiding guild, or a few other things that impaired my outlook on recruiting for a raiding guild... that was a hard job for me, to have to examine someone's pixels for the first stage of an "interview", for a damned video game. I would have much rather had based everything on personality, compatibility, etc.., but in WoW, raiding isn't always about having fun with friends; it was sometimes about seeing who was the best, could get the game/server firsts, or even about not wasting teammates time with people who were just "too far behind". Raiding was fun at first, until you surround yourself with people with their head up their arses, helping to push your head up your own...

Thank you Voodoodad for starting this thread, reminding me of just one of the reasons I _needed_ to leave WoW. There are other reasons, too, but to remind me to not be a jerk is a pretty good one.

On behalf of a few other jerks who got to be a jerk in the same way I did, I'm sorry.
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06-25-09, 05:59 PM   #18
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Yhor, I'm really glad you responded here because I was going to ask you to tell us why you quit playing. And judging from everything I've seen you post here, I truly can't believe you were like many of the jerks that I and others were talking about. Anyway, you're welcome. That's exactly why I started this thread!

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06-25-09, 06:12 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by voodoodad View Post
Yhor, I'm really glad you responded here because I was going to ask you to tell us why you quit playing. And judging from everything I've seen you post here, I truly can't believe you were like many of the jerks that I and others were talking about. Anyway, you're welcome. That's exactly why I started this thread!
I don't think I've ever been a jerk to people who weren't asking me for my opinion, but there have been many occasions where I know I should have reacted/responded differently when they did. WoW was like a job in many respects.. and I have enough jobs.
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06-25-09, 06:56 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
I was a submariner and before a person was qualified submarines (able to stand all of their watches unsupervised)
Ok, you need to stop that.. you just creeped me out big time. My roommate just walked in the door with a new submarine model (the kind you put together and paint.. USS Lionfish.. whatever that is) and my daughter was asking about an emblem on the front of the box. My roommate was explaining that it's what the submariners wore, or something like that. Then I open this thread and go to newest post and see your first sentence... creepy.

Guess ya hadda be there lol.
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