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02-17-10, 05:45 PM   #241
A Kobold Labourer
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Holding right mouse and a bind making unexpected actions

Hey guys I have not had problems with Macaroon for a long time but I have been hitting a snag. So I thought I would come here and ask those who are wiser then myself for advice. I have a few macros (From World of Warcraft) that’s just text. Directions for something, well I dropped these macros into a regular Macaroon bar and they DO NOT have any binds. No keys are binded to these directions. However when I get into a vehicle such as in WG (specifically the gunner) and I hold my left click to aim then my “1” key which IS BOUND to my vehicle bar, the shoot or fire button. Its starts firing my gun, which its supposed to do, and spamming my Directions macro, which its NOT supposed to do. Any ideas?

I also never have a “leave vehicle” button appear on my macaroon vehicle bar. Is there something I’m missing there too? If I jump into a vehicle I get stuck there until it gets destroyed or I get removed by the driver. Can anyone help me with these two problems? I LOVE macaroon and couldn’t live with out it. Thanks and I look forward to your responses.
02-21-10, 11:22 PM   #242
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Originally Posted by oo7_golden_1 View Post
I also never have a “leave vehicle” button appear on my macaroon vehicle bar. Is there something I’m missing there too?
I can't help you with the first issue, but the second one is easy...ish. Make a 'control'-type bar with three macro buttons in the 'control' state. In the macros for these buttons you should put (one per button):


This will give you the exit button, as well as the seat controls (IIRC).
Some days it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
02-22-10, 03:16 AM   #243
A Black Drake
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Hi, been using Macaroon since it was released now, great addon, as a healer on most of my toons, its great for using mouseover macros with trinket use on all my heals, how ever just recently ive been noticing a regular drop in frame rate every couple of seconds, nothing major but enough to make game play stuttery. Having worked through all my addons, disabling and enabling, Ive found its Macaroon Bag and Menu bar causing this ( most likeley the latency button on there )
No major problem, I've dissabled that bar for now and everything is fine, after doing a search for this problem on this forum ive only seen 1 post regarding it and that was awhile ago, so thought it best to report this also.

Thanks for a great action bar mod Maul, I cant imagine WoW with out it
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02-23-10, 05:41 AM   #244
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Hey guys, is there any way to look the macaroon bars like the default Blizzard bars ? I like the default blizz bars skin but there is just Button facade and its not the same...
03-01-10, 11:37 AM   #245
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Debuff timers?

I've bounced through a number of bar mods over the years, including trinity. Most recently came off using NUI+ but it just seems a bit heavy for me. Found Macaroon and LOVING IT. However, one feature of NUI I really like is debuff cooldown timers on spells. For example, when I cast serpent sting on my target, the button counts down until when it expires. The color is different, and obviously I can cast it again, as it's not a cooldown per se. Does Macaroon has this functionality, and I just missed it. If not, Any thoughts on how to make it happen? I'm perfectly willing to get my hands dirty. I haven't done much LUA programming, beyond a simple addon I wrote to track Darkmoon Card: Wrath statistics, but I can get back up to swing pretty quickly.
03-05-10, 10:07 PM   #246
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Vehicle bar not fully disappearing on forced dismount

When I am forcefully dismounted such as in the first stage of 5 man ToC or FL the vehicle bar only partially disappears. The Health/Mana jugs and the first few buttons stay there over my normal bars. It prevents me from pressing the buttons. I can mouse click them but can't press them from the KB. I have to reload my UI or leave the instance and reenter.
03-05-10, 10:17 PM   #247
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Originally Posted by kuroshiro View Post
I've bounced through a number of bar mods over the years, including trinity. Most recently came off using NUI+ but it just seems a bit heavy for me. Found Macaroon and LOVING IT. However, one feature of NUI I really like is debuff cooldown timers on spells. For example, when I cast serpent sting on my target, the button counts down until when it expires. The color is different, and obviously I can cast it again, as it's not a cooldown per se. Does Macaroon has this functionality, and I just missed it. If not, Any thoughts on how to make it happen? I'm perfectly willing to get my hands dirty. I haven't done much LUA programming, beyond a simple addon I wrote to track Darkmoon Card: Wrath statistics, but I can get back up to swing pretty quickly.
You could try omniicc for the cooldown part and inlineauras for the debuff part. It's where I explained to Scott why I used those two addons. He then added them to nUI as options so I could get rid of 2 extra addons If it doesn't work with macaroon perhaps the author can look into a similar feature

All Level 70 Characters:
Demon Warlock
Resto Druid
Disc Priest
Resto Shaman
Survival Hunter
Augment Evoker
Frost Mage
Vengence Demon Hunter
Rogue ( was subtlety )

Brewmaster Monk (TR)
Prot Paladin (TR)
Blood Death Knight ( TR)

As you can see I am missing a warrior

And .. I don't have all the allied races covered. Time Runner time when it happens again

03-11-10, 08:32 PM   #248
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Originally Posted by Hangar View Post
I've been getting that for a while now upon every login:


What does it mean? I thought maybe it was a debug mode that was left on but it's not going away even after updates. I'm using Mac in only the most basic way, as a few extra ability bars.

I have the same probleme. And when I add a buttons or use macro with /select (Print: "MacaroonSelectDock1").
03-13-10, 02:02 PM   #249
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Warrior berserker stance

I've been using Macaroon for ages now and not had any serious problems with it, but I've just got to 30 on my first warrior and am finding that the stance bar refuses to switch to Berserker stance - it will remain on Defensive or Battle, whichever was up when I switched. Since I'm prot this isn't a huge problem, but I'm planning on dual-speccing in ten levels and I'd like to be able to switch. I've seen this problem asked about but couldn't see if there was an answer - any help?
03-20-10, 09:18 AM   #250
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Im having trouble with the last fight in Drak my bar doesn't switch to a possesed configuration. Am I missing a checkbox...anybody please help. Im a tank and it makes me look bad lol
03-27-10, 12:29 PM   #251
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Augh, sorry if this is somewhere else...

I had to reinstall Macaroon and Xtras and now there is no castbar, it is using the blizzard default. How do I recreate a castbar? >.<

EDIT: My experience bar is also gone. This is across all characters, and deleting/re-copying the addon didn't help.

Last edited by Meltorefas : 03-29-10 at 11:08 AM.
03-29-10, 05:10 PM   #252
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Editing Text

Does anyone know where in the LUA and how to modify the font type/size of the cooldown and buff/debuff timers? I use fairly small buttons and my 30 minute duration buff timers spill over into the adjacent buttons.
04-22-10, 01:21 AM   #253
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popup instead of hide in combat

Is it somehow possible to make bars/buttons POPUP INSTEAD OF HIDE in combat? And how should I do that?
04-22-10, 06:34 AM   #254
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Originally Posted by raraz View Post
Is it somehow possible to make bars/buttons POPUP INSTEAD OF HIDE in combat? And how should I do that?
Yes, it is possible to have bars display upon entering combat. I use this in my UI. I just can't remember the name of the option that is used.
04-22-10, 06:54 AM   #255
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Originally Posted by Zyonin View Post
Yes, it is possible to have bars display upon entering combat. I use this in my UI. I just can't remember the name of the option that is used.
ok....I found it out myself as described here:

I just wonder now if it would be possible to popup bars/buttons (actions) if an action is available.
The concept of Power auras.
04-22-10, 07:56 AM   #256
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Originally Posted by raraz View Post
ok....I found it out myself as described here:

I just wonder now if it would be possible to popup bars/buttons (actions) if an action is available.
The concept of Power auras.
As in a clickable button? The short answer: No except for out of combat.

Prior to Patch 2.03/Burning Crusade, something like this was possible, however as of patch 2.03, Blizzard changed the combat code to "secure" code. Basically, when you enter combat, your UI will lock down. Thus buttons cannot appear or dissappear while in combat IF they affect combat in any way (such as popping up or removing buttons that can be used to click and perform an action such as casting a spell or using a special attack). This was done to prevent automating the game too much. When you enter combat, your buttons have to remain as they are until you exit combat. No switching out spells, popping up buttons based on available abilities, or anything of that nature.

Static info only displays such as Power Auras and Doom Cooldown Pulse are fine as they only present information (such as a cooldown finishing or something like Rime proccing) and you still have to select and press the needed button.
05-12-10, 02:07 PM   #257
A Kobold Labourer
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Hi all, Im new to Macaroon so let me try and decribe what I'm trying to do.

I'm designing my new UI layout and trying to find the best way to accomplish this without it getting too over the top comlicated. Basically my main design is going to be layed out around a Circle graphic that I have designed. I can import my image with kgpanels fine. Now my next thing is getting individual buttons layed out from around the top right of the circle going around the left side of the circle. I would like to scale the buttons slightly from largest to smallest. then there will be smaller buttons around one very larg button that is placed in the center of the circle image. I came accross Macaroon and since you can create as many bars as you like I figured it may work to just create the number of bars I need with single buttons on them and position them and scale them around my cricle image as I need. Then I could make a few extra bars for other things I would need like vehicle, fishing, potions etc. I may even add like an "alt" function for each bar/button to shoot my focus target as I hold down alt. Also I might add that I'd like to use button facade to make my buttons also circular to go along with my design.

With all that I have described does it seem that Macaroon is the best option for me to use as an addon? I am also so nubish at using it I have had a few failed attempts at even getting my bars and buttons made and scaled. I've read through your doc post so maybe that will help me get it going. Seems like a really sweet addon. If I can figure out how to do it. I'm also unsure how or what to do with my dual spec when I change. Do I need to do anything specail to each bar/button for my dual spec or simply change out what spells I want according to each spec?

Thanks in advance and I hope that made some sort of sense.

Last edited by Elethil : 05-12-10 at 02:15 PM.
05-14-10, 01:38 AM   #258
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Missing Bars

Originally Posted by notarichman
Bars not updating properly when changing specs. Always defaults to the primary on every login. Switching specs was perfect on the previous version, all bars/skills/macros/bindings auto-changed - what happened?

Also, the bag bar and character bars no longer come up and am having to use the incredibly crappy Blizz bars for those.

Make sure you get the addon Macaroon Xtras for the bag/menu buttons.

I have a new version in the works that should address issues with using profiles and dual specs. I should be able to release it quite soon

Greetings, I got to page 4 and found someone with the same issue as I have, but not for the same reasons, so I stopped there and decided to just ask my question.

I have been using and loving your work for many years now and for the most part have had no issues.

Today, I logged into WoW after installing it on my new laptop, and my son had been here before me, who doesn't use Macaroon, and has deleted my bags bar and my main menu bar. I am now being forced to use the blizzard main menu and bar, which is part of the reason I started using your addon.

Please tell me how to get my bags and main menu back.

Thanks for all of your wonderful efforts and I look forward to using your product for many years to come.

05-16-10, 09:18 AM   #259
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Professions links and button storage?

I've been using Macaroon for a couple weeks now and love it, and have been able to work my mind around most of it. I am able to set up my macros, bindings, and such when I work on the bars themselves. I was able to work up pet/vehicle/possess bars that appear to work, tested in runs and dailies. But I am a bit lost on three things initially.

I have been trying to somehow get a hotlink for my professions into a macro to send to trade, have tried with the linking buttons in Skillet and ATSW, but can't seem to get it to drop a link into the macro.

As I stated, I can work on buttons on the bars themselves, but in storage all I see are empty buttons with a slot assignments, more on my higher toons, a few on fresh ones. How do I work in button storage?

And finally, I'm a macro junkie, and alot are repetitive. The macro master pane seems difficult to work in, do I need to have multiple copies of a macro for each button I use it in? Resto druid, using mouseover macros for just about everything, but from setting everything up in the bars themselves, I've gotten multiple copies of the same spells in the database...caster wildgrowth, tree stance wildgrowth, etc.
05-23-10, 12:10 AM   #260
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Need Help With this addon

kk I do not get this whole addon, I have download it 4 times and 4 times so far I have not been able to figure how this addon works, seem to me either I missing it or not one ask the question so here it is

how in the heck do I take the button/macro I just made and put it on my blizzard action bars to use? I assume that what this addon does give more than the default 36 glob, and 36 char

I made the button, I even made a new bar but still can't figure out how to put it on the new bar or default action bars, I tried dragging it like you do if you make a macro in the blizzard macro window but nothing working,

I don't want to have to come up with some bind and hope to remember what it is, close I gotten it was to show up on the screen in the middle but that didn't help since I can't figure out how to move it around like I said, move it to the default action bars or the one I created.

Someone PLZ help me, if this addon can't do that, anyone know of another one that give more macro spaces. my warrior needs lot of them and I out of room and have many toon so my glob are full as well.

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