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01-26-10, 07:53 PM   #101
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Hmm, note to self, do not .. I repeat do not make any changes while server is down without keeping the last good copy of the addon safe rofl.

I broke it rofl. Oh well, I have the functions the way I want it, now to get it working again rofl.

Okay, looks like the last editions to collapse and hide messed things up.. whew .. but did notice another flaw in my customization plans. No backdrop makes scrollbar look out of place rofl. So no removal of backdrop unless in InfoPanel where you can have either without it looking out of place.

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01-26-10, 09:36 PM   #102
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Hmm, well reverted back to the version that Scott helped make work and all I did was rename it to ScrollingWatchFrame and add 2 localisation files and it stopped working. The difference being that it now loads after nUI and it has gone back to not being locked into the frame *mind boggles* .. renaming back to a name before nUI and see if that makes it work again .. weird.

Edit: Hmm, even more confusing is that even the one that worked that Scott helped with is messed up without me touching it rofl. So thought it was due to dodgy WTF files so I renamed the folder and the Cache to be on the safe side but nope, relogged in with Mini_ObjectivesFrame addon and bam, watch frame in corner but container frame in center. But still, only when nUI is involved.

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Last edited by Xrystal : 01-26-10 at 09:51 PM.
01-27-10, 05:17 AM   #103
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Did you change how the WatchFrame is parented?

One of the problems that comes up is that the "c" frame *has* to use the SetAllPoints() method to anchor it to the scroll frame... trying to anchor it any other way will break the nesting of the watch frame.

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01-27-10, 10:40 AM   #104
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Nope, I never changed the parenting of anything except the WatchFrameTitle and the Collapse Button, but it worked after that change for a long while.

I thought it was the many changes I made while the server was down but even rolling back to the old version and clearing out the WTF folder in case it got corrupted didn't help matters.

And I don't recall any patch on Tuesday being downloaded unless I missed it when I blinked rofl. But Monday worked fine, Tuesday I amalgamated my code into function blocks with tests deciding which values to use and added in the saved variables information as a function to allow resetting of the whole saved variable table to default values.

We know the code worked once, so its just the case of finding out why all of a sudden the same code doesn't work now.

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01-27-10, 11:17 AM   #105
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I'm not sure what it might be. I never noticed a patch, either. I'll try the code I have and see if it works this evening if I can.

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01-27-10, 01:03 PM   #106
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Hmm, I think I know whats going wrong but I don't know why.

Is there any time when ADDON_LOADED is never triggered ? The test for nUI being loaded via the ADDON_LOADED never seems to trigger for nUI but it does for the blizzard addons, my addons but not nUI.

Edit: Weird. Realised I had an optional dependancy for nUI set up on the scrollingframe addons toc so removed it and nUI went through the addon loading process correctly. And it properly attached the watchframe to the scrollingframe. And this was with the code that you sent me that seemed to work without needing that change. So will go back to my featured up code and make the same change and see how that works.

Edit2: Nope, somehow the newer version already had the nUI optional dependanc removed and again nUI seemingly not loading.

Okay, you should see 2 screenshots, 1 showing the Mini_ObjectivesFrame working but unmoveable. Whereas screenshot 2 showing the ScrollingWatchFrame moveable but not in control of its contents.

I think the safest and sanest way forward is to use the new code as a guide and re introduce its changes gradually. And keep copies :P

Okay, using 2 identical versions of the addon with the only difference being one is called Mini_ObjectivesFrame and the other is called ScrollingWatchFrame and Mini_ObjectivesFrame works perfectly apart from it not being movable that is for some reason. The scrolling frame however has problems gaining parenting of the watchframe even though nUI is apparently not loading at all ... curious .. here's some screenshots.

If I have attached them in the order I recall taking them then you should see Mini_ObjectivesFrame addon in action, the screen showing I cant move the frame outta the way while I was switching the addon to the ScrollingWatchFrame one. Then the following 3 are the equivalent for that.

Edit... need to work on screenshots more .. all the wrong ones rofl.

Weird, lets repeat this again rofl, 2 screenshots. 1 shoing the Mini_ObjectivesFrame addon keeping control of the WatchFrame whilst unmovable and the ScrollingWatchFrame addon moving around but not able to control the WatchFrame. The WatchFrame itself is hding in the top left corner of the screen.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	WoWScrnShot_012710_194407.jpg
Views:	574
Size:	237.7 KB
ID:	3911  Click image for larger version

Name:	WoWScrnShot_012710_194440.jpg
Views:	588
Size:	229.5 KB
ID:	3912  

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Last edited by Xrystal : 01-27-10 at 01:57 PM.
01-27-10, 02:05 PM   #107
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The optional dependency *should* be there because that is what forces WoW to load nUI before it loads your addon so that you can replace nUI's function that modifies the watch frame.

Rather than using the "ADDON_LOADED" event, I would use the IsAddOnLoaded( "nUI" ) function call which you can count on working no matter what *as long as* you have not removed the optional dependency for nUI.

PS: It was me that added that optional dependency.

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01-27-10, 02:28 PM   #108
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Aha. Okay, I'll put that back in but yeah ended up doing a test for IsAddonLoaded in combination with the flag to see if it had bypassed the addonloading sequence. But looks like that was causing the problem, the name change. Although, the amount of changes I made on Tuesday probably didn't help things so will add them one at a time and make sure they still work before moving onto the next.

And realised the moving problem was due to the nUI_Loaded test before allowing a movable frame.

Yep, with a combination of the opt dependancy and the IsAddonLoaded test it's back to working with the new name

*archives folder before I do any more*

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01-27-10, 04:12 PM   #109
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okay, got everything working so far ( barring the new changes I don't want to touch quite yet ) so thought next stage is to get it back in an infopanel.

yeah, right, easy huh .. erm nope. The code I had working before, no longer works. Checked it with my other infopanel addons and I can't for the life of me see whats gone wrong.

Is there something I have overlooked to get the infopanel frame to appear ? I thought all I needed to do was to create it and because by default it is active ( and in this case stays active ) I expected it to work. But nada.

If I use setEnabled(true) it errors out saying that the plugin.container value is nil, but the only value setting it I never seem to get access to. What value should this hold ?

local function CreateInfoPanel()

	print("CreateInfoPanel: ",  SWF.Flags.nUI_Loaded, SWF.Flags.nUI_InfoPanel);
	-- If we do not have nUI loaded then there is no need to make an info panel for it
	if ( not SWF.Flags.nUI_Loaded ) then return; end
	if ( not SWF.Flags.nUI_InfoPanel ) then return; end
	print("Time to work on the info panel system");

	-- Make sure that the InfoPanel table exists.  If not create it.
	if not nUI_InfoPanels then nUI_InfoPanels = {}; end

	-- Assign an identity number and name for the InfoPanel
	nUI_INFOPANEL_SWF = "Scrolling Watch Frame";
	-- Initialise the InfoPanels Data Table
	nUI_InfoPanels[nUI_INFOPANEL_SWF ] =
		enabled   = true,
		desc      = "Info Panel Text",         -- player friendly name/description of the panel
		label     = "Info Panel Label",		   -- label to use on the panel selection button face
		rotation  = nUI_INFOMODE_SWF,       -- index or position this panel appears on/in when clicking the selector button
		full_size = true;                          -- this plugin requires the entire info panel port without the button bag			
		options  =
			enabled  = true,
	print("Initialisation done now create the plugin frame and get it running");
	-- Create the InfoPanel Frame
	local plugin = CreateFrame( "Frame", nUI_INFOPANEL_SWF, nUI_Dashboard.Anchor );   = true;

	local function onInfoPanelEvent()
		if event == "VARIABLES_LOADED" then
			if ( not SWF.Frames.WatchFrame ) then
				print("WatchFrame not created yet so abort"); = false;

	plugin:SetScript( "OnEvent", onInfoPanelEvent );
	plugin:RegisterEvent( "VARIABLES_LOADED" );

	-- Initialise the Panel
	plugin.initPanel = function( container, options )
		print("initPanel with ", container, options );
		plugin.container = container;
		plugin.options   = options;
		if options and options.enabled then
			plugin.setEnabled( true );
	-- Handle any size changes
	plugin.sizeChanged = function( scale, height, width )
		print("sizeChanged with ", scale, height, width);
		local options  = plugin.options;
		plugin.scale = scale;

	-- Enable the InfoPanel
	plugin.setEnabled = function( enabled )
		print("setEnabled with ", enabled);
		if plugin.enabled ~= enabled then
			plugin.enabled = enabled;
			if not enabled then
				if plugin.saved_parent then
					plugin.WatchFrame:SetParent( plugin.saved_parent );
				print("Enabling the InfoPanel");
				plugin.WatchFrame = SWF.Frames.WatchFrame;
				if not plugin.saved_parent then
					plugin.saved_parent   = plugin.WatchFrame:GetParent();
				print("Setting new parent to ", plugin.container );
				plugin.WatchFrame:SetParent( plugin.container );
				plugin.WatchFrame:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", plugin.container, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 );
				plugin.WatchFrame:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", plugin.container, "TOPLEFT", 0, 0 );
				plugin.WatchFrame:SetFrameStrata( plugin.container:GetFrameStrata() );
				plugin.WatchFrame:SetFrameLevel( plugin.container:GetFrameLevel()+1 );

	-- Select the frame
	plugin.setSelected = function( selected )	
		print("setSelected with ", selected);
		if selected ~= plugin.selected then
			plugin.selected = selected;
			if selected then
	return plugin;


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01-27-10, 06:38 PM   #110
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I have very very limited time during the weekdays right now, so I can't did into it very deep. My suggestion is to keep tinkering at it and if you're still stuck come Friday evening, e-mail me a copy in its current state and I'll take a shot at getting it going for you.

I hate to be this way, but my work schedule is just killing me.

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01-27-10, 06:43 PM   #111
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It's cool. It was just a query in case you could see something straight off the bat at first glance. I'll keep stabbing away at it though. I got there once so it's probably something stupid somewhere.

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01-27-10, 08:21 PM   #112
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Well think I have it working now but had to fall back to my mageports way of doing it which defeats the point. However the code is pretty much identical but the only difference is that this time round the infopanel system is initiating things and not the other way around.

Something to work on at least. I know I got it working before not doing it this way but I can't see what I am doing different this way. Maybe after a few days break from it something will jump out at me as it usually does.

Edit: And you Scott Much as I appreciate your offer... go work on nUI 6 when you have that fun time moment If you do get bored however, try and get that code you already have to work in an infopanel and I'll be happy Version 6 comes first

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Last edited by Xrystal : 01-27-10 at 08:24 PM.
01-27-10, 08:34 PM   #113
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To tell the truth... it's probably a good exercise for me to make it work as that will serve as a template for how I go forward with info panels in nUI6 anyway, or at least give me some food for thought on it.

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01-27-10, 08:47 PM   #114
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But yeah, it would be nice to have something small to demonstrate how you envisaged them working. And it would be cool if there was a way to toggle them on and off , but I expect that is more likely in version 6.

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01-28-10, 04:54 AM   #115
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Yes and yes.


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01-28-10, 08:09 AM   #116
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Woot, getting back on track.

Setting a simple infopanel flag in the lua file and doing a reloadui it will move the frame into the infopanel and back dependant on the flag. One step nearer. Currently using local unstored variables ready for the switch to user definable values.

I noticed a glitch which might go in our favor. The collapse/expand button doesn't seem to be displayed on the infopanel but then in the infopanel we don't really need to use it so for the present I won't worry about it.

Next steps to do:
1. Convert local data to saved variables
2. Have it remember position ( for non infopanel ) when collapsed and expanded, I did it before so should be easy to reimplement.
3. Add the slash commands for customization.

Something for later or another day.

And for those that want to play with it in its current state. Here's the latest version.
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01-31-10, 01:53 PM   #117
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In between playing Star Trek and searching for work I've been dabbling with this some more to get it to some resemblence to the way it worked before and my ideal code setting.

That said, I now have it remembering the anchor for the frame whether it is collapsed or not. I also did some more tweaking to the data variables ready for conversion into saved variables later.

And for those that are eager to try it out with these new changes. Here's the file.

Items still to do are :
1. Saved Variables
2. Slash Commands
3. Common Functions separated out into a different file
4. Hoping to separate InfoPanel functionality into a different file for easy implementation via function parameters into other addons.
5. Anything else I may not have thought of writing this rofl.
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Last edited by Xrystal : 01-31-10 at 01:56 PM.
01-31-10, 03:42 PM   #118
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SO, should this latest version show up in the inforpanel if you have nui enabled and are using infopanels? WIth the previous version, I placed it in the Addons folder, started up WoW, made sure it was checked and selected my Shammy. it showed up as a big box in the middle of my screen instead of in the infopanel. I have Hitsmode and Skada active in the infopanels with no problem. Am I missing something?
01-31-10, 04:38 PM   #119
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Yes, this is a slightly different way of handling infopanels. It's the way Scott envisioned it with the addon useable by anyone regardless as to whether they have nUI or not.

At the top of the file there is a line saying nUI_InfoPanel = false. If you set that to true and make sure nUI is checked to load it should place the tracker in the InfoPanel. Change your mind ? Just set it back to false and reload the UI. It will ultimately be a toggle that will automatically reload the ui for you but still working on that stuff.

There's so much code in there that is duplicatable for all the infopanel addons that I am trying to centralize most of the code and have each addon use what it needs and add its own to the list. And with how easy I broke it before I am taking things slowly and keeping copies of each successful incorporation that I have something to fall back to if something does go wrong

Edit : Basically the addon validates whether you have nUI running. It then checks to see if you have toggled the ability to have it in an infopanel ( just in case you don't want to - want a bigger list etc ). Based on those two choices it will either create an infopanel for it or it won't. Someone without nUI can toggle the infopanel to their hearts content but because they don't have nUI it will ignore it.

Edit 2 : Also, bear in mind this is still a work in progress, but so far it seems stable when switching between the two options and moving the frame around when I am allowed to. Once I get this fully finished and in the format I wanted it to be I should then be able to use it as a template for my other infopanel abled addons like mageports, guildchat and the still to finish guildinfo ( still seeing if its possible to combine the two in an infopanel space ). The others won't be able to work in the same way as they are not new addons as such but plugins for existing ones but it might help make the code consistent across all addons. But will see.

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01-31-10, 08:03 PM   #120
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OK, makes sense to me. I will give it a shot later. One thing I did notice was that if I collapsed the container and then moved it somewhere else on the screen and then expanded it again, the expanded box would be in its original location. Opening a closing it would toggle between the two locations. Basically, the collapsed and expanded containers move independently. I would think that you would want it to expanded and collapse in the same location once you move either the expanded container or the collapsed container.


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