Why aren't SL AddOns on the WoWAce SVN?
There's a few reasons, mainly, as to why I have not (and will not) include the SL AddOns on the WoWAce SVN. None of these reasons, in any way, are meant as a slap in the face to WoWAce. SL AddOns are Ace2 AddOns and I consider them a part of the Ace/Ace2 community of AddOns.

First and foremost, I've been an member of the WoWInterface community for quite some time as not only a mod author, but as a mod user as well. I enjoy the site, the community it provides, and therefore SL AddOns are exclusively available here. I trust their system of AddOn distribution, they have a great reputation in the World of Warcraft AddOn community...and I will continue to support them in any way I can through hosting my AddOns here to increase their site traffic.

Second, I'm not a direct fan of SVN or "Beta Release" AddOns. While some of my newer AddOns will require some additional polish and a few patches, most should function and none released are considered Beta. Any Beta version are primarily listed as Beta AddOns. In association to this, I prefer for my work to be my own. While I will not argue the benefits of having a community of authors capable of patching/adding to my AddOns on the WoWAce SVN, I prefer for the work on my AddOns to be my own...and I agree with the WoWInterface method of allowing optional Patches/AddOns in association with an Authors work Without modifying the original code.

Third and final, I do not like the stigma which is associated with .EXE download/update programs for WoW's interface. And while WoWAce's updater has yet to be blemished like the WoWInc updater, I prefer for my AddOns not to be associated with an automatic .EXE updating program. Should my AddOns or any distribution method for my AddOns end up impregnated with a virus of any sort due to insecure access to a UI distribution site, I would like the moderators of that site to be in immediate control of what AddOns are pulled and quarantined. So far, this has been exclusive to .EXE's, and because of this the SL AddOns will not show up on the WoWAce SVN.

Do I dislike WoWAce? Absolutely not! In fact, I frequent their boards for ideas and updates on the Ace2 library, and try to contribute where I can. I apologize if my terms seem snobbish or rude towards any distribution site...but in terms of preference, I prefer to be here at WoWI. Curse, WoWAce, and WoWInc alike (and WoWInc especially) will not have my AddOns hosted not because I dislike them (except WoWInc...I don't like them...), but simply because I prefer for my AddOns to be a part of the WoWInterface community instead. :)