Jayhawk's Eyrie : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
3874 Error SkillsPlussFU.lua 317 08-17-07 07:12 PM rza Fixed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
4170 Error Loading PetInfoFu 01-03-08 12:16 PM markcounselor Unconfirmed FuBar - PetInfoFu None.
4276 LibCrayon-3.0 not in dependencies for WAU 03-02-08 06:27 PM RockSlice Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
4381 Right click doesn't do anything. 03-30-08 06:40 PM Ryoohki Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
4384 Right click doesn't do anything. 03-30-08 08:15 PM Ryoohki Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
4482 might have trojan win32 - account got hacked after downloading this mod 04-26-08 01:45 PM aeriegirl2go Unconfirmed FuBar - PetInfoFu None.
5127 Attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value 11-10-08 01:08 PM Shabazza Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
5176 Errors & problems with the right-click menus 11-18-08 08:19 AM Zidomo Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
5169 Problem with Tablet menus on a 450 skill character 11-17-08 02:12 PM Zidomo Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.
5223 Not showing WotLK tailoring CDs. 11-29-08 05:43 PM Excelis Unconfirmed FuBar - SkillsPlusFu None.