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Nevcairiel's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
8601 Bartender Exp bar not updating properly 09-02-16 04:32 AM Tolantra Unconfirmed None.
8862 No Moonkin Form action bar 09-20-18 02:13 PM xxii98 Unconfirmed None.
7131 Bartender4 calling protected function 12-24-10 01:49 PM Zyland Unconfirmed None.
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
3757 Stealth + unavailable buttons 06-21-07 07:57 AM tyrian Unconfirmed None.
3892 Bar 1 Suddenly Loses All Buttons and does not change upon shapeshift but changes when i press shift 08-29-07 12:07 AM Vexir Unconfirmed
By: Vexir
08-29-07 12:13 AM
ID Bug Date By Status Notes
7968 Minimized map bug in isle of thunder 04-13-13 03:07 AM Zahiouninette Unconfirmed None.