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Nevcairiel's Portal : Bug List Sort Options Bug Report RSS Feed
ID Bug Date By Status Interface Comment Reverse Sort Order
3518 CyCicled no longer supported? 04-06-07 12:06 PM holydiver Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
3895 Hotkeys 08-31-07 10:45 PM Solister Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
3395 Typo 03-04-07 12:22 AM AndyBlak Flagged for Future Version Bartender3 None.
3797 Bar1: Button 6,7,8,9,0 Doesnt work 07-06-07 10:35 AM DrigonDraenor Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
3724 Some buttons disappearing occassionally, and attack button becomes a ? occassionally 06-10-07 12:31 PM break19 Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
3757 Stealth + unavailable buttons 06-21-07 07:57 AM tyrian Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
4121 Latency (lag bar) and its need 12-04-07 10:05 PM dogvetusa Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
4335 Can't get to options 03-27-08 05:38 AM Dahlaine Unconfirmed Mapster None.
4726 waterfall error from bartender when another mod calls waterfall 09-17-08 01:33 PM Norek Unconfirmed Bartender3 None.
6103 cant hide Statusicon 08-29-09 03:47 AM Gerunder Unconfirmed ag_UnitFrames None.