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My AddOns
    09-09-06 11:52 AM by: Mpstark
    Beta 0.50 released. It's been a long road. Here's the changelog.

    (Beta 0.40 - Beta 0.50)

    MAJOR Changes:
    HUGE Restructuring!
    ->New localization.lua! Mostly German localized, but I still need French and others!
    ->Change-log / todo-list is no longer in the code.
    ->Just about everything has been looked over. Every thing should work smoother.
    ->Cut down on global name space that I use, along with memory usage.
    ->Addon is now split into 3 lua files, and 3 XML files. There should be no confusion with loading order.

    New Features:

    ->Removed most slash commands.
    ->Sleek look! =P
    ->Minimap button (hideable!)

    Script On-Attack;
    ->Lua script will need to go in here. THIS IS NOT A PLACE FOR MACROS.
    ->Needs some scroll bars... =P

    ->There are two stock modes; 'Default' and 'PvP'. You cannot delete these.
    ->Custom modes are created by the user. 'Tank' is a pre-packaged custom mode.

    Enhanced PetBar;
    ->Reactive shading, colors based on usablity. Mana/Focus checking only right now.

    Mood Management;
    ->Mood lock: Right click on a mood (Aggresive|Defensive|Passive) and lock your pet in that mood.
    ->More coming soon.

    Skill Management;
    ->Always on and always off toggles.
    ->More coming soon?

    Status Frame;
    ->Customizable; you can now hide plates and scale it.
    ->Focus Indicator
    -->Now fades in and out.
    -->Is not on a OnUpdate any longer.
    ->PetDPS moniter
    -->Now uses ParserLib, a embeddable library by Rophy.
    -->DPS is now measured in a 15 second sliding window from first hit.

    On-Attack Functions;
    ->Spell On-Attack;
    -->Any spell on attack will be cast. Just drag 'n drop in GUI.
    -->If spell is Hunter's Mark then it will check for the debuff.
    ->PetAction On-Attack.
    -->Added 'Smart' options, which check range and cast accordingly.
    ->PvP detection is much more flexible.

    Focus Management;
    ->Rewrote most of the code.
    ->Checks your talents for Bestial Discipline and adjusts accordingly.
    ->Refreshes on SmartButton clicks.

    ->Rewrote much of the code.
    ->Added the new Polymorph spells to the Breakable debuff list.

    PvP Taunt Management;
    ->Not incompatible with focus management.
    ->Switches to the new mode - 'PvP' on attack of a PvP target.
    ->Switches back on attack of a non-PvP target.

    Scattershot and Feign Death Calloff;
    ->Plays calloff sound when it is enabled.
    ->You can now select passive as a reaction.

    PartyWarn System;
    ->Completely rewritten from the ground up.
    ->Still sucks, because it needs to be more custimizable and such.
    ->Health-warn now connected to the partywarn system.
    ->Not localized, nor localizable yet.

    ->Thank you Snidely for helping out so much!
    ->Cast on first click if autocast is disabled, and autocast on second.
    ->Autocast on first click if autocast is enabled and cast on second.

    Pet Bar Scan;
    ->Reworked and rewritten.
    ->Scans rank as well as id.

    Slash Commands;
    ->Now mostly removed.

    Bug Fixes:
    Fixed bug on disable of PetExtend.

    Fixed an issue with tooltip scanning;
    ->Scattershot/Feign Death calloff should work 100% along with the Breakable Debuff feature.

    Fixed pet detection on startup;
    ->Now reconizes the new "Unknown" name as not a pet.

    Fixed warlock pet mana not updating the status frame with the new value.

    Fixed an smartbutton mouseover keybinding using the smartbutton if you didn't have a mouseover target.

    Updated TOC to 1.12 World of Warcraft Client Patch.