08-04-06 11:06 PM by: Cogwheel
NOTICE: The newest version of BuyEmAll (1.8) includes this information in its readme.txt.

After a conversation with Kirov on #wowi-lounge, I thought I should clarify a few things about the behavior of BuyEmAll concerning items that come in preset stacks. But before I get to that...

NOTICE - Despite the fact that you cannot click in the box where the number of items is shown and there is no cursor, it is possible to type in the amount of the item you wish to buy. This is true for the default UI, as I discovered yesterday while researching how to write this addon. Anyway, back to the point...

When you are chosing the amount for items that come prestacked, the amount you enter is the total amount you want to buy, not the number of stacks you want to buy.

The confirmation window will only show up if you buy more than the maximum stack size in your inventory, not the stack size that you can buy at once.

Example: [Refreshing Spring Water] - Stack Size: 20, Purchase Unit: 5

If you enter 18, it will automatically buy 20 with no confirmation. If you enter 23, a confirmation will pop up asking, "Are you sure you want to buy 25 of this item?"

In the next update, clicking on the left/right arrows will change the purchase amount to multiples of the stack size instead of moving one by one. See Feature Requests for more to come.