12-21-06 12:09 PM by: Cogwheel
Well, I've got three addons fighting for my attention at the moment:


BuyEmAll has a bug (blizzard's fault) that makes it calculate free space incorrectly for ammo pouches. It turns out all ammo pouches and quivers are designated as "Quiver" so there's no way to know whether a bullet will be able to go into it.

I've thought of a couple workarounds, neither of them are very pretty... One would be to hard code item ids for the various ammo pouches (much like I do currently for herbalism & enchanting materials). The other would be to assume the user is only going to buy the type of ammo that matches their quiver. This would be easiest and more future-proof, but I would hope that blizzard would fix the problem some time down the road.


CogsBar is ballooning in functionality, too. I am very close to putting the finishing touches on multiple state support. This will allow you to do things like:

/cogsbar create 12x1 ctrl alt
that will create a 12x1 button bar that changes mapping based on whether you have ctrl, alt, none, or both depressed. Some other features I'm planning:
  • Allow bars to hide depending on things like unit existence (target by default), combat, etc.
  • Remapping based on whether your target is hostile or friendly
  • More flexible bindings
  • Scaling of bars
  • And of course a GUI sometime down the road


I've been trying to get the new version of BD done for months now. I've got the GUI basically complete. I just need to write the actual tracking code and combine the two. Finding time to work on it is tough... I'm just not as motivated by it as I am CogsBar... Perhaps that's due to the fact that I actually use CogsBar on all my characters. Oh well.