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    12-20-06 04:50 AM by: Kortanis
    Sry the updates have slowed down a little bit this week. I've been preoocupied with very sad news.

    My raiding team BFE or Bobbing For Epics on Doomhammer has decided to disband after a year of raiding. BFE was created and formed by several members of The Applesauce Gang (TAG) right about a year ago. The idea of BFE was to take a unguilded group that was new to raiding through MC and if all went well, even finish BWL. This would all be done while maintaing a casual raiding schedule of only three 4 hour blocks each week.

    We started off in January quickly blowing our way through the Molten Core and killing Ragnaros by mid-April. Entering BWL soon after we killed Razorgore and Vaelastraz in our first week. By the first week of August, Nefarian was dead. We had completed the goals that BFE created for and we were in awe of what we had done. We had also cleared both ZG and AQ20 with our offnight raids. We almost immediately set out for the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and less than one month after killing Skeram, Sartura and Fankrss stepped foot into Naxxramus killing Instructor Razuvious almost immediately. However, with an offnight schedule that had turned almost religous for many of our team, the pressure of continued BWL raids in addition learning AQ40 and Naxx simultaneously took its toll. Repeated onslaughts against Huhuran, the Trio, and Anub'Rekhan proved fruitless; despite our best attempts.

    Unfortuanately, in October many of our members, feeling the stress of their studies or real life, combined with discouraging news about the looming expansion and foul rumors of our new gear soon gone to waste; our attendance numbers dwindled. The last two months in BFE have been long and hard, seemingly unable to defeat a new boss, many of us have still managed two complete our tier 2 sets, and complete so many other goals. Just recently we have had to cancel or refocus several of our raids due to low attedance. And so BFE meets its demise.

    The last year is not one we will soon forget. We all have been through so much, and accomplished more than we had ever hoped for. We've broken a few server records and surprised so many that never thought we'd come this far. The friendships that have been made will not soon fade, and we've all become so much more than we set out to be.

    It is with a sad heart that I say goodbye to a world that's become such a large part of my life. The people of BFE have kept me interested in WoW and made me excited over and over again to log on. The World of Warcraft suddenly feels so empty and I'm working to find something in game I might be able to enjoy as much as my time with BFE. If I can not not find anything that will hold my interest, I will regretfully be hanging up my spellbook and dismissing my minions for good.

    I will keep you posted on what I decide in the weeks to come, and again I apologize that many of the bugs in these addons have gone untouched this week. Should I decide to leave, I will be leveling up a few friends and getting these addons to a working condition first.

    It is my hope that people would continue to use these creation's of Cirk which I have valued so much in my journey's through Azeroth.

    -- Kortanis, Master Demonologist of Doomhammer