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My AddOns
    11-26-08 05:31 AM by: Roath
    Yup, I requested Cairenn to remove all my addons.

    "Why?" you might ask, and an answer you shall get

    I stopped playing Wow several months before WotLK was release, basically it bored me, nothing interresting for me (even though i was in author beta, working on my addons there).
    But then came WotLK release date and suddenly the postman knocked on my door, turns out that i forgot to cancel my preorder of WotLK collectors edition.
    But now i'm very happy that i forgot since the wow bug has bitten me yet again and i'm levelling away on my DK

    Now... history lesson is over, the real deal why i requested them deleted is very simple:
    I am starting from scratch.
    Many of you would agree that my addons were buggy to say the least, so starting from scratch is the only logical solution i can think of. Ofcourse i will still keep the concept of "using blizzards own graphics/actionbars but making it simpler".
    Hopefully sometime in December i will be posting the first public alpha version so that you all can help me get it running perfectly in WotLK.

    For now i recommend using SimpleBar since it (in my opinion) is the version with less bugs in it that works with WotLK (he/she even squished some of my own bugs, lol)

    I thank all of you who have requested an updated version of my actionbars, and i thank all of you who have taken my actionbars and updated them yourself even more.

    Now for some snazzy gibberish:

    Blueprint for planned features in Roath Actionbars:
    • Interface options
    • Slash command (well duh!)
    • Gryphons show/hide (remembers)
    • bags, system menu show/hide (remembers)
    • Alignment changer (some might want it at the side instead of center)
    • Out of Combat hide (for those who want to keep it minimalistic)
    • Choices of cap artwork (Gryphons, Lions, Bats etc.)
    • XP/Rep colors changable (never done this before, will be interresting)
    • Fubar/Titan support (No, not an icon, but the bar should now move if any of them is below it instead of displaying over/under it)
    • Make castbar offset from actionbars changeable
    Bluepring for planned features in Roath Unitframes:
    • Interface options
    • Slash command
    • Change artwork per frame (maybe even allow custom artwork?)
    • Allow beta/alpha DK unitframes to be used (if you're a DK)
    • Better alignment and position support
    • Remove target castbar
    • Add identical copy of player castbar to display target castbar
    Bluepring for planned general features in Roath Core:
    • Interface options in one place for all Roath addons
    • one slash command for all roath addons
    • it will be a required dependency
    Please remember that the above is a blueprint, i might fold some features into sub-addons so that the main addon is kept simple and small in file and memory size. To that extent i will also be using the Ace libraries instead of re-inventing the wheel.

    Please dont PM me asking for the alpha i'm currently using as i will release it here when i find it appropriate for public testing.