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    12-23-08 06:35 AM by: Roath
    Ok, so developement on my actionbars have gone a bit slower than i would have liked... i blame santa

    Anyway, i do atleast have some good news for you

    All interface options depicted on the screenshots in the previous news post all work, except the hide out of combat one (i still suck at making stuff not taint the UI).

    I might end up having to use alot of the code use in nMainbar (Great work done by Neal) mainly because i have yet to experience any taint caused by his addon, so using his addon as a base for mine would be great.

    Currently some closed apha testing is being done by me and a couple of friends using a version based off of nMainBar mentioned above, it however does not include any of the pet/stance/possess actionbars and still causes taint (my code sucks )

    Who knows, maybe someone else will release an addon that does exactly what mine will do before i get mine done, just take a look at nMainBar, its not that far off.

    If anyone is up for helping me, let me know