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FPS Taking a Hit
Bug #: 1893
File: FuBar - GuildFu
Date: 08-18-06 04:29 PM
By: Istu
Status: Not a Bug
Sorry but reported this on the download page before seeing your portal site...

When tabbing between windows like say Vent and WoW the frame rate drops dramatically (around 60 down to 40) and the memory usage climbs (around 1.5 to 9) and it stays that way. Disabling both FriendsFu and GuildFu rectifies the problem. Looks like some sort of refresh loop triggered by the window tabbing (tried this with windows mode and non-windows mode of WoW btw with no difference).


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By: Istu - 08-18-06 05:29 PM
My apologies for the drama - it's not these mods; I forgot to disable another updated mod when trying to find out what was causing the problem.
By: Istu - 08-18-06 04:56 PM
Hang on, it may not be these mods - sorry!