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FuBar-2.0.8960 Breaks QuestsFU Updating Bar Message Information
Bug #: 1969
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 08-25-06 04:47 PM
By: ilmorris
Status: Fixed
With the last update of FuBar (2.0.8960), the last message display is not showing from FuBar_QuestsFu-2.0.7516.

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By: Kemayo - 09-02-06 12:28 AM
This is fixed - you may have to delete your saved variables for QuestsFu before it'll look right, though.
By: Firedancer - 08-28-06 12:01 PM
I am using FuBar_QuestsFu-2.0.9316 from this site, and I also see no text next to the FuBar icon. There are no errors when checking/unchecking the different options, but nothing will show.
By: And - 08-27-06 05:43 AM
I experience the same problem, no text on FuBar, only Icon.

By: chocky - 08-26-06 05:49 PM
I have this as well.
By: Morgalm - 08-26-06 05:31 PM
Sorry update here i used /fuq icon to get the icon to show and now the tooltip works as stated above. But no text will display beside the icon.
By: Morgalm - 08-26-06 05:20 PM
Well for me the tooltip does not work and there is no icon/text showing where questsfu is and I can't find it by mousing. Also I downgraded to fubar2 .8891 (which it did work with) and it didn't fix it. Maybe a library problem?
By: Lewzephyr - 08-26-06 08:54 AM
The fact is none of the data show. the only thing you can get to show is the word QuestFu when you uncheck Icon. but all other data that you select to show on FuBar does not display.
Tool tip still working fine.
By: Morgalm - 08-25-06 09:29 PM
Agreed same problem here.