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Stance Swith Actions
Bug #: 3749
File: Bartender3
Date: 06-19-07 09:33 PM
By: Avadakedavra
Status: Unconfirmed
Level 56 Rogue stance switch Stealth- nonStealth switch bars.

During combat, several buttons on the stance switch bars are becoming unuseable. No highlights when rolled over and cannot be mouse-click or hotkey activated.

I love this action bar set and would hate to have to change all 20+ charachters.

Please advise.

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By: Ghash - 06-19-07 10:50 PM
I am a druid currently experiencing this same problem. The problem seems to come from the fact that not all of the buttons on your stealth bar are filled. Only buttons that are in the place of unfilled spaces on your stealth bar will be affected by this bug. A temporary fix is to fill your stealth bar with trash (the empty spaces only, you can leave the rest how it is), and you should be able to use all of your unstealthed buttons however you choose to.