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Strange colorization techniques
Bug #: 446
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 03-26-06 08:51 AM
By: Boss
Status: Fixed
you appear to be doing things like

BossPanelTooltip:AddLine(nil, BossPanelUtils.Colorize("bfffbf",zone['zone']))

when the "proper" way to have colored lines would be like

BossPanelTooltip:AddLine(nil, zone['zone'], 0.74902, 1, 0.74902)

the 0.74902, 1, 0.74902 are the RGB values.

same deal goes for BossPanelTooltip:AddDoubleLine.

the API calls go as such:
BossPanelTooltip:AddLine("category", "text" [, r, g, b] [, wrap] [, justify] [, size])
BossPanelTooltip:AddDoubleLine("category", "lText", "rText" [, lr, lg, lb] [, rr, rg, rb])