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Bug #: 454
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 03-26-06 06:03 PM
By: OttoDeFe
Status: Fixed
New one w/ the update...

15:12-44] ...terface\\BossPanel_Quests\\BossPanel_Quests.lua:432: attempt to concatenate field `description' (a nil value)

Keep it up! May give up Quest Assist...

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By: Kemayo - 03-29-06 07:21 PM
This explains a lot. Thank you!

(It's listed as a 'monster' quest, but doesn't follow the normal '{monster} slain: x/y' format, so my code to parse that was failing.)
By: OttoDeFe - 03-27-06 08:14 PM
Here ya go...
17:52-55] Debug: Lost in Battle: lb1 (monster - Find Mankrik's Wife: 0/1)

Was interesting... apparently I forgot to /ace profile char BossPanel... that allieviated some of the issue...
By: OttoDeFe - 03-27-06 06:08 PM
Will do this evening... just got home and checking things out...
By: Lou - 03-27-06 05:53 PM
This bug apear on non-english client:

To fix it, find the line:
_,_,mobName = string.find(itemName, "(.*) slain") (around line 422)
and raplace it by:
mobName,_,_ = BossPanelUtils.Deformat (desc, QUEST_MONSTERS_KILLED)

This should work with all clients.
By: Kemayo - 03-27-06 11:40 AM
Oh... if you could perhaps install this debug version here: and let me know what error message it gives, that would help immensely.

By: Kemayo - 03-27-06 12:44 AM
Huh. I'm honestly uncertain about how that would come about. I'll add some error-checking code to avoid it, though.