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Memory error.
Bug #: 7788
File: SLDataText
Date: 09-12-12 12:40 PM
By: jeffy162
Status: Unconfirmed
Doesn't happen constantly, but often enough to be a "pita". Here's the BugGrabber error:
Lua Code:
  1. ["message"] = "SLDataText-5.0.2\\Elements\\memory.lua:96: script ran too long",
  2.             ["time"] = "2012/09/12 02:27:56",
  3.             ["locals"] = "_ = SLDT_Memory {\n 0 = <userdata>\n}\nelapsed = 0.032000001519918\nint = -0.02100039459765\nSLDT = <unnamed> {\n 0 = <userdata>\n Guild = <unnamed> {}\n Exp = <unnamed> {}\n UpdateBaseText = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:78\n Coords = <unnamed> {}\n Locale = <table> {}\n Currency = <unnamed> {}\n SetupBaseFrame = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:12\n Gold = <unnamed> {}\n justTbl = <table> {}\n CombatMonitor = <unnamed> {}\n anchTbl = <table> {}\n fontTbl = <table> {}\n Friends = <unnamed> {}\n AddModule = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:127\n Mail = <unnamed> {}\n Frame = <unnamed> {}\n Latency = <unnamed> {}\n Bag = <unnamed> {}\n StatLine = <unnamed> {}\n GlobalErr = \"SLDataText Global is nil, %s module not created.\"\n Pulse = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:51\n Modules = <table> {}\n SetupPulseFrame = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:31\n stratTbl = <table> {}\n Clock = <unnamed> {}\n FPS = <unnamed> {}\n classColor = \"AAD372\"\n Memory = <unnamed> {}\n db = <table> {}\n Armor = <unnamed> {}\n ZoneText = <unnamed> {}\n Reputation = <unnamed> {}\n UpdateBaseFrame = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:96\n Refresh = <func> @SLDataText\\core.lua:201\n}\ndb = <table> {\n enabled = true\n strata = \"DIALOG\"\n tooltipOn = true\n fontSize = 12\n anch = \"UIParent\"\n font = \"Arial Narrow\"\n aF = \"BOTTOM\"\n aP = \"CENTER\"\n yOff = \"8\"\n forceShow = true\n name = \"Memory\"\n textDisplay = \"[MA]mb\"\n interval = 10\n outline = true\n xOff = -294\n gfont = true\n}\n",
  4.             ["stack"] = "SLDataText-5.0.2\\Elements\\memory.lua:96: in function \"Refresh\"\nSLDataText-5.0.2\\Elements\\memory.lua:66: in function <SLDataText\\Elements\\memory.lua:64>",
  5.             ["session"] = 28,
  6.             ["counter"] = 1,
Sorry, don't know how much of the error you really needed.

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By: asuang - 06-20-16 11:36 AM
same thing happends with me. only in combat. got 1352 warnings in 1 run lfr hf.
By: jeffy162 - 09-12-12 03:00 PM
Happens only when I get into combat. Sorry, forgot that part.