View Feature Request
Extended Quest Log
Feature #: 2184
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 03-25-07 11:21 AM
By: Tweeker
Status: Under Review
Is there a way you can make QuestsFu compatable with EQL3 ?
It has soo many features that I have come to rely on, and i noticed the only way i can use your QuestsFu is by eliminating EQL3 :(
please please please
I'm sure im not alone in this, due to the massive amount of downloads EQL3 has.
Would be a great merger to see them both work together.
[2007/03/25 10:59:05-215-x1]: Quixote-1.0-28776 (FuBar_QuestsFu):184: attempt to compare number with nil
<in C code>: ?
AceEvent-2.0-30806 (Ace2):427: in function <Interface\AddOns\Ace2\AceEvent-2.0\AceEvent-2.0.lua:403>
[2007/03/25 11:01:55-215-x1060]: Quixote-1.0-28776 (FuBar_QuestsFu):184: attempt to compare number with nil
so none of the info is updated nito questsfu
Hope this bug gets some attention cause i rely on my eql3 but really like your mod too