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Feature #: 2213
File: FuBar - QuestsFu
Date: 04-10-07 04:15 AM
By: billi_wow
Status: Under Review

Great mod - replaced EQL for it and very happy.

Got a few feature requests if you ever have time:
- Add suggested group size to tracker
- Minimize button on tracker, for when you're not questing
- Fade the background in the tracker, but bring it back when you roll-over it. This is implemented in Quest-i-on (I think) and is quite a nice touch.
- Sort quests by zone in the tracker (already requested), although maybe if I used the auto-track by zone I wouldn't need this.
- Use Blizzard colours / fonts / styles for tracker as default. They're easy on the eye, and they're what people are used to

Hope you don't think I'm being demanding - just thinking of ways to make this even better! :)