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I'm in the Cata Beta. I've pulled apart a random MPQ file or two and found something cool :

We now have Ogg Vorbis files

Oh that's going to be fun. Working out how to play those >_>

Running Mac OS X 10.5.8 PPC Mac btw
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06-23-10 08:06 PM by: Bluspacecow
Yes there will be a 3.3.5 update for this.

It's just that the patch struck when I've got a number of real life tasks to do first including taking 3 loads of washing down to the laundromat in the rain , dumping an old washing machine and getting in a new one (in the heavy rain) as well as some other tasks I want to get down before sitting down and manhandling a list out.

I have all the files extracted from the MPQ files I just need to sit down for a few hours and play around with them.

UPDATE : Have decided will work on this when 3.3.5 is released worldwide.

No sense spending time updating if some people can't even use it !
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04-04-10 10:29 AM by: Bluspacecow
Had some problems with text processing and path seperators.

This should be the final version please download again.
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03-24-10 04:15 AM by: Bluspacecow
Yes there will be a update to 3.3.3 . Blizzard released some of the Ruby Sanctum stuff that's going into 3.3.5 but it's not active yet.

Just not yet. I have a few other things to do first including and not limited to

* being able to connect - i keep getting disconnected on logging in. There's apparently a patch coming to fix this so I can't be sure there won't be new sounds included in there. I would rather be able to connect so I can test the new sounds.

* answering live journal posts to lend what help I can.

* answering wow forum posts - there's a lot of unhappy peeps on the forums that I need to see if I can help or not.

* household chores - dishes, rubbish , making sure I can at least see the floor of my room.

Once I have a free moment I'll sit down and make the list up and post an update.
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03-24-10 04:08 AM by: Bluspacecow

Now I can post news and it will show up in the author news tab of the front page