Updated: 05-30-08 08:37 PM
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Updated:05-30-08 08:37 PM


Version: revision310508c
by: VagrantEsha [More]

Peek, whispered goosey-ganders for all!

There's now a sister-mod to Peek named Peek Alias, the relationship between Peek and Peek Alias is that the people who need to dispense information (likely a guild/raid or such) will have Peek enabled, and the leader will have Peek Alias. So the two mods bounce off each other well.

What's this? It sounds voyeuristic.

Oh it is, to a degree.

Peek allows you to send information about yourself at another's behest, and if they have Peek installed then you can get information about you. Peek acts as a server for dispensing any kind of information someone could require (almost), and it really is at its best when used in a guild.

Peek works by watching for its own codeword, and then an information request, then it dispenses the information requested.

For example, let's say your guild leader typed:

!peek xp restedxp money

You'd reply:

<Peek> XP: 49%
<Peek> Rested XP: 12%
<Peek> Money: 109g 80s 42c

Another situation could be in a raid, the leader might want to know who'd need the helm that Onyxia just dropped, the leader could:

!peek head

And you'd reply:

<Peek> Head: [Absolutely Dashing Toupée of the Aged Action-Star]

...or something like that.

Sounds interesting, tell me more!

Okay! Peek can also handle quest information, it can scan bags for item counts, it can check any and all equipped items, it can reply with combat rating information, and more's being added all the time! If you feel something needs to be peeked, let me know and I'll try and get it in.

What can it do right now?

I'm glad you asked! Here's the list ...

- list: Calls the following list in-game!
- amount-[item name] (andbank, optionally): Item count for item name.
- objectives-[Quest Name]: Printout of progress on objectives for that quest.
- reputation-[Faction Name]: Returns the faction reputation status.
- durability: Averaged durability across all equipped items as a per centage.
- maxhealth: Your maximum health as a number.
- maxpower: Your maximum mana/energy/rage as a number.
- health: Your current health as a per centage.
- mana: Your current mana/energy/rage as a per centage.
- crweapon: Weapon Skill (CR)
- crdefense: Defense Skill (CR)
- crdodge: Dodge (CR)
- crparry: Parry (CR)
- crblock: Block (CR)
- crmeleehit: Melee Hit (CR)
- crrangedhit: Ranged Hit (CR)
- crspellhit: Spell Hit (CR)
- crmeleecrit: Melee Critical (CR)
- crrangedcrit: Ranged Critical (CR)
- crspellcrit: Spell Critical (CR)
- crmeleetakenhit: Melee Hits Taken (CR)
- crrangedtakenhit: Ranged Hits Taken (CR)
- crspelltakenhit: Spell Hits Taken (CR)
- crmeleetakencrit: Melee Crits Taken (CR)
- crrangedtakencrit: Ranged Crits Taken (CR)
- crspelltakencrit: Spell Crits Taken (CR)
- crmeleehaste: Melee Haste (CR)
- crrangedhaste: Ranged Haste (CR)
- crspellhaste: Spell Haste (CR)
- crmainhand: Mainhand Weapon Skill (CR)
- croffhand: Offhand Weapon Skill (CR)
- crranged: Ranged Weapon Skill (CR)
- crexpertise: Expertise (CR)
- head: Helmet.
- neck: Necklace or other similar piece of armour.
- shoulders: Shoulder-pads, spaulders, et cetera...
- back: Cape.
- torso: Chest armour.
- shirt: Fancy non-armour shirt.
- tabard: Self-explanatory.
- wrists: Bracers.
- hands: Gloves, Gauntlets, et cetera.
- waist: Belt.
- legs: Leggings of all sorts.
- feet: Boots and shoes of all kinds.
- fingera: Ring on finger #1.
- fingerb: Ring on finger #2.
- trinketa: Trinket #1.
- trinketb: Trinket #2.
- mainhand: Main-hand held weapon.
- offhand: Off-hand held weapon/combat-item.
- ranged: Equipped gun/throwing.
- ammo: Type of ammo and amount.
- baga: Bag #1's bag type.
- bagb: Bag #2's bag type.
- bagc: Bag #3's bag type.
- bagd: Bag #4's bag type.
- xp: Current experience (per centage).
- restedxp: Rested experience (per centage).
- money: Print out of current amount of money.

This amount/objectives stuff, could you explain it more?

Ceratinly, let's cover amount first.

The syntax is: amount-[item name] (andbank, optionally)

- Amount is just the keyword to get the information.
- Item Name is the name of the item, you can type this (providing you apply the brackets) and you can use any case (all's good as long as the spelling's right). You can also supply an item link.
- Andbank basically implies that the bank should be counted too, you can supply the andbank operator if you wish the player's bank contents to be counted too.

Here's an example:

!peek amount-[mageroyal] andbank

This would return:

<Peek> Amount: 32

Next let's cover objectives...

The syntax is: objectives-[Quest Name]

- Objectives is just the keyword to get the information.
- Quest Name is the name of the quest, it can be typed but only if you add the brackets and type the quest in exact case (unlike amount, it can't be done in all lower-case due to restrictions in the quest API). The quest name can also be a link.

Here's an example:

!peek objectives-[Cleaning up Haus]

This would return:

<Peek> Objectives: Worried Bystanders: 1/10, Drunken Barflies: 4/10, Leery Barmaids: 2/5, Background Colour: 4/5, Rabid the Barkeep: 0/1, The Grogerator Mk XI: 0/1, Bobbin Threadbare: 0/1.

...or maybe not, but you get the idea.

Any other settings or fiddlywidgets I should be aware of?

A few.

If you don't want to see your own output from Peek (what you send after a Peek request), then you can delete the showoutput = true line in Peek.lua, that'll force Peek to suppress your own output text. So if that line is deleted and someone does '!peek xp', you won't see the '<Peek> XP: 32.19%' line.

If you want to block Peek from scanning a channel, there are a few lines at the top of Peek.lua you can delete, this is commented in the file so it's easy to understand. Just crack open Peek.lua in notepad and if, say, you wanted to stop it from parsing party chat, then delete the appropriate line.

Peek has a blacklist, too! Open up PeekIgnore.lua in a text editor and you'll see how that works, it's been fully commented with detailed instructions as to how it works. So if you want to stop folks from snooping around in your bags or the like... well, now you can! Now people can only peek what you let them peek.

I know I could add a GUI for these options, but that'd mean embedding libraries, using a GUI, having a SavedVariables database, and so on, and so on... and that'd be really taking away from the vision of what Peek is, wouldn't it? So I'm staying away from that. I accept that the users of Peek are going to be an intelligent niche of the community anyway to want to use a text-based transmission system instead of a GUI, so I don't think that this method of handling options/blacklisting would be hard for you ladies and gents at all.

So that's all, then?

Yup, that's what Peek does. It's designed to be an incredibly slim and lean transmission medium for information that friends/parties/raids/guilds would need in-game, but without any bloat or hidden channel-spam. Peek is what you see, nothing more, nothing less.

Any plans for the future?

I'd like to get in the ability to check whether players know certain recipes, but aside from that I'm pretty much almost done!

(No file updates this time, just an update to the front page text to cover the showoutput feature, which I forgot to detail.)

revision310508c (I'm a dunce): Note to self - Bad Esha, bad. No uploading mods at 4AM, when you do that you upload the wrong files. After you upload the wrong files, you get very confused about filesizes and make embarrasing posts about that. At least the code is good. Note to Otto - Thank you! I almost missed that... Gordon Bennett!

revision310508b: This shall be henceforth known as 'The Options Release'... or something. In this release I've (officially) included the options to filter out parsing of party/guild/raid/whisper channels, and I've included a blacklist so that you can select which peek items should be peekable, and which should not.

revision310508: Got rep in there! So you can now reputation-[Timbermaw Hold] to see how your guild/party/friend is doing, and such!

revision300508b: XP and rested XP weren't showing as I wanted them to, they were showing in the format of "xx%" instead of "xx.xx%". I've also included armour ratings, which shows in the form of 'effective armour (base armour)', and finally I've removed some archaic function calls (as they didn't need to be there, they were slowing the process).

revision300508: Got in durability, maxhealth, maxpower, health (current), and power (current). More to come! Didn't have much more time to code... or type right now!

revision260508e: Bit of a bugfix/cleanup release, this. I've cleaned up the in-game list slightly so it looks a little bit nicer. I've fixed the issue where even if a person has the output set to hidden, it would still show the 'list incoming' line. And ifnally I've changed the CR returns so that they read better, for example: 2.39 versus 2.392743326 or however long it might otherwise be.

revision260508d: Objectives wasn't working correctly, and apparently it requires exact case. Part of my confusion was that the GetQuestLogIndexByName function requires two spaces before the quest name. I had one space but not the other. I mean... really though, what's Blizz smoking? GetQuestLogIndexByName("[space][space]Quest Name")?! Geez, guys... this is almost as bad as many of the sound files PlaySound can call being named Oepn instead of Open.

revision260508c: Peek can now report on quest objectives status and stuff, there's been a big code clean up too. Some bugfixes, some reversions, some new features, et cetera.

revision260508b: Peek can now report on inventory item counts, yay! Now if only I could figure out all the sticky little details of recipe scanning, once I've got that in my original vision of Peek will be complete.

revision260508: Got the feature in that DarkKnight asked for. That was a good call, dude. Really hadn't considered that, fool of a Took that I am. ...and now I'ma head t'bed.

revision240508f: Okay, had to do this one. This is an emergency update. I overlooked something in the last version, an error in a logic-gate, which could lead to spamming and complete breakage of Peek. Godammit. So, yeah... important update. Whoops.

revision240508e: Last one today! It has to be... because the next (and hopefully last) step of Peek's evolution is going to be something I'll have to sit down and plan out, that'll take time. Anyway, today's update is as the description dictates, it allows Peek to work with party, raid, and guild, as opposed to just whisper.

revision240508d: Smeg it. I give up. I'll never go a day without uploading and then having an idea. It's my curse (and that of those who have to validate these updates, I feel bad for them). Anyway, new update as the main page describes, wherein talent tables can be transferred over great distances! I was just thinking to myself that Peek is turning into a fully fledged examiner, almost. The only thing it didn't have was talent tables, really. I was a bit down about that, I thought... well, I couldn't do that, now could I? Moments later it came to me just how I could pull that off. Blast it.

revision240508c: Why, why... do I only get ideas after just having uploaded a few minutes ago? >< Gaw! Well, this update slims Peek down quite a bit, I'm quite pleased by it in fact. It removes the need for Peek to create its own frame and removes the registered event, too. This is a much less cumbersome approach, making this the best version of Peek yet... I think.

revision240508b: Code-cleanup. A couple of bits of archaic code were driving me a little nuts.

revision240508: The ability to get a list readout added and lotsa CR stat thingies are now peekable.

revision220508: Initial release.
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Unread 05-13-09, 04:07 AM  
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Originally posted by jadakren
maybe you can work out how to get this to happen when the user opens their tradebook?
No need, the addon should be using the 2nd return value from
GetSpellLink( "tradeskillname" or ID)

That 2nd return will have that player's tradeskill link, As far as i can tell it's available from login and dosn't matter if you opened the tradeskill window
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Unread 02-02-09, 01:17 PM  
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Made some modifications for my guild :

they are :
  • class checks when using gear :
    !peek head class hunter
    , am thinking of making armour type filter too
  • libHealComm version check
    !peek heallib
  • saved dungeon list
    !peek saved
  • list your crafting trade book links :
    !peek trade
  • respond with the tradebook link if your have the requested one :
    !peek trade alchemy

Only problem with the trade one is that to refresh the tradebook links user has to run /peekscan when anything about their tradebook updates.

maybe you can work out how to get this to happen when the user opens their tradebook?
Last edited by jadakren : 02-02-09 at 01:19 PM.
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Unread 06-01-08, 01:34 AM  
A Kobold Labourer

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Originally posted by VagrantEsha
Where, in-game, do you see Spell Penetration? Is it in an item tooltip or is it in the Character Frame somewhere? If it's in the Character Frame then bonzai, Daniel-san I can work with that, I can look at the CharacterFrame.lua and find out exactly what the bloody hell it's up to. Usually Blizzcode is stupendously simple and easy to understand (not for the best of reasons, mind you)... so I'd be able to work things out from there.
I can't log on in-game to tell u where you can see spell pen, but I do know you can see armor ignore when you mouse-over the melee stat "Hit Rating"
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Unread 05-31-08, 01:57 AM  
Token Werewolf Fan
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And there it is.

Peek Alias has been uploaded, and by the time you read this it should be verified too!
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Unread 05-30-08, 08:32 PM  
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Blacklisting is in!

Blacklisting is now in Peek.

And my apologies to people who got confused when I uploaded stuff to the wrong place in the wrong order. I uploaded the Civility release that should've gone to the Civility page here, bug'rit. The actual latest Peek release is here now.
Last edited by VagrantEsha : 05-30-08 at 08:49 PM.
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Unread 05-30-08, 08:29 PM  
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Tried to get the update, got the new Civility! instead. Love'em both!
"They say
the pen is mightier than any saber -
any sword -
but if there's a war
I just don't know if a Bic will save ya..."

-- Last Offence
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Unread 05-30-08, 06:16 PM  
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Got in reputation stuffs!

I'm still looking into Spell/Armour Penetration, but those are confusing the hell out of me. I feel like Yahtzee when confronted by a Japanese RPG, it's all mind-bogglingly confusing and over my head! I'll keep looking into it... but it seems like those stats may be per item, instead of a single stat? If that's the case... well, if I were an arse I'd say that's beyond the scope of Peek, but I'm not. What I will say is that if it's a per item stat, I might have to roll in LibItemBonus-2.0 to get them, which'd be a bugger but it'd be the best way to do it.

Where, in-game, do you see Spell Penetration? Is it in an item tooltip or is it in the Character Frame somewhere? If it's in the Character Frame then bonzai, Daniel-san I can work with that, I can look at the CharacterFrame.lua and find out exactly what the bloody hell it's up to. Usually Blizzcode is stupendously simple and easy to understand (not for the best of reasons, mind you)... so I'd be able to work things out from there.

I'll let you get back to me on that, and in the interim I think I'll start working on PeekAlias because aside from those two stats I think I've covered all your suggestions, no?
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Unread 05-30-08, 01:20 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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- 3. Reputations

This one might be difficult... but I'll do my best to get it in there.

It would actually be easier (and more code efficient) if it worked by rep-[faction name], so that one could check rep-[Timbermaw Hold]. Would that be acceptable?
Perfect !

- 11. Armor Penetration

I have no clue what this is, either... I'll look into it!

- 12. Spell Penetration

Same as above, unfortunately.
Honestly, I have no idea about the events fired by Blizz and which event would correspond to these.

"Additionally, what would be really nice is to define "sets" to query.

For example, if I define a set called TankStats to contain Health/Armor/Defense/Dodge/Parry/Block, a "/w xyz !peek tankstats" should respond with all the stats mentioned. It might be wise to perhaps only restrict set queries to whispers, so as not to be too spammy if used in Guild/Raid/etc channels."

Hm, the trick here is not to bloat out Peek... I'll have to put some serious thought into this. What I might do though is create PeekAlias, where you could do something like this...

/peeka add [setname] [channel] [item1] [item2] [item3] [item4] ...

And then you could do the query via...

/peeka [setname] [, channel name, overrides channel in the set if supplied, can also be a person name if the set is a whisper] [, if the second is set to override the channel to whisper, this will be the name of the person]

/peeka add rings guild ringa ringb
/peeka rings
/peeka rings party
/peeka rings whisper name

/peeka add tankstats whisper maxhealth armour crdefense [...]
/peeka tankstats name

How does that sound as an idea? It'd be its own mod really, that way people could choose whether they want to have Peek, PeekAlias, or both.
I like the idea of PeekAlias, it would serve the purpose nicely. Perhaps you could have some default sets assigned in PeekAlias already such as TankStats, MeleeStats, RangedStats, CasterStats, HealerStats and the aliases like Rings, Trinkets, Weapons etc defined above.

Also, these aliases should be listed when you do !peek list since everyone's aliases would obviously be different.

Oh and one last thing; would it be possible to add toggle switches to various groups of queryable fields which would disable them from queries? For example, I don't like the idea that people can snoop around in my bank; since that information isn't readily available on the armory.
Last edited by aDd1kTeD2Ka0s : 05-30-08 at 01:24 PM.
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Unread 05-30-08, 11:39 AM  
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According to my research, resilience is Combat Rating #15 - Melee Hits Taken, this is how Blizzard registers it internally. Apparently the 'name' of it is just called Resilience, because COMBAT_RATING_NAME15 returns "Resilience". I've no idea why they named that stat so vaguely, but there you go.

So basically, Resilience is naught more than Melee Hits Taken.

I'll have another update up on WoWI soon, containing; armour rating, some code clean-ups, and an alteration of how XP is displayed. And that'll cover another request and some stuff I wanted to get out of the way.

I'm beginning to wonder if Spell/Armor penetration aren't also other Combat Rating things renamed, but I haven't had a chance to look into that yet.
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Unread 05-30-08, 06:15 AM  
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Thanks for trying Peek and giving your feedback, add!

As to your post...

- 5. Weapon (both mainhand and offhand)
- 6. Trinket (both trinkets)
- 7. Ring (both rings)
- 8. AllArmor (all equipped armor)

See below what I've written in regards to PeekAlias when it comes to these, as these would be aliases in and of themselves.

- 1. Durability

Good call, that's going in. Why didn't I think of this? I can be such a dunce.

- 2. Resilience

i actually have no idea what this is, but I'll look into it!

- 3. Reputations

This one might be difficult... but I'll do my best to get it in there.

It would actually be easier (and more code efficient) if it worked by rep-[faction name], so that one could check rep-[Timbermaw Hold]. Would that be acceptable?

- 4. Armor

You mean the armour-rating by this, yeah? That's a really good idea! You can consider that being in there for the next release of Peek.

- 9. MaxHealth and CurrentHealth

Hm, maxhealth I can understand for stats comparison, but I think for health itself, a per centage would be better? If one is just checking to see whether their friend is in trouble or somesuch, the brain works quicker if it knows that 100 is a roof value, and 0 is dead. So I could have maxhealth return the full number, and health a per centage, how does that sound?

- 10. MaxMana and CurrentMana

Same suggestion as above but for mana...

- 11. Armor Penetration

I have no clue what this is, either... I'll look into it!

- 12. Spell Penetration

Same as above, unfortunately.

"Additionally, what would be really nice is to define "sets" to query.

For example, if I define a set called TankStats to contain Health/Armor/Defense/Dodge/Parry/Block, a "/w xyz !peek tankstats" should respond with all the stats mentioned. It might be wise to perhaps only restrict set queries to whispers, so as not to be too spammy if used in Guild/Raid/etc channels."

Hm, the trick here is not to bloat out Peek... I'll have to put some serious thought into this. What I might do though is create PeekAlias, where you could do something like this...

/peeka add [setname] [channel] [item1] [item2] [item3] [item4] ...

And then you could do the query via...

/peeka [setname] [, channel name, overrides channel in the set if supplied, can also be a person name if the set is a whisper] [, if the second is set to override the channel to whisper, this will be the name of the person]

/peeka add rings guild ringa ringb
/peeka rings
/peeka rings party
/peeka rings whisper name

/peeka add tankstats whisper maxhealth armour crdefense [...]
/peeka tankstats name

How does that sound as an idea? It'd be its own mod really, that way people could choose whether they want to have Peek, PeekAlias, or both.

- I dunno how much of this is doable, but it would really be nice to have these

Hey, always open to suggestions. Making Peek more efficient is definitely what I want to do... as it's almost my personal mission to prove that guilds can have information dispensation at their command without it being accompanied by an FPS drop.

- P.S. What exactly do these do ?

They're returns from the Combat Rating system.

I added 'em in because they were requested.
Last edited by VagrantEsha : 05-30-08 at 06:17 AM.
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Unread 05-29-08, 05:43 PM  
A Kobold Labourer

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This is a really cool mod, but I would love to see a few more queryable fields:

1. Durability
2. Resilience
3. Reputations
4. Armor
5. Weapon (both mainhand and offhand)
6. Trinket (both trinkets)
7. Ring (both rings)
8. AllArmor (all equipped armor)
9. MaxHealth and CurrentHealth
10. MaxMana and CurrentMana
11. Armor Penetration
12. Spell Penetration

Additionally, what would be really nice is to define "sets" to query.

For example, if I define a set called TankStats to contain Health/Armor/Defense/Dodge/Parry/Block, a "/w xyz !peek tankstats" should respond with all the stats mentioned. It might be wise to perhaps only restrict set queries to whispers, so as not to be too spammy if used in Guild/Raid/etc channels.

I dunno how much of this is doable, but it would really be nice to have these

Awesome mod once again, cheers !

P.S. What exactly do these do ?

- crmeleetakenhit: Melee Hits Taken (CR)
- crrangedtakenhit: Ranged Hits Taken (CR)
- crspelltakenhit: Spell Hits Taken (CR)
- crmeleetakencrit: Melee Crits Taken (CR)
- crrangedtakencrit: Ranged Crits Taken (CR)
- crspelltakencrit: Spell Crits Taken (CR)
Last edited by aDd1kTeD2Ka0s : 05-29-08 at 05:46 PM.
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Unread 05-26-08, 05:23 PM  
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I have been trying!

I feel like I'm really lousy at mod descriptions, and I've been putting a lot more effort lately into trying to write up something that people who drop by here would enjoy reading. I don't want someone to drop by and read only to leave confused and angry that I've just wasted seconds of their life in creating that confusion.

I still think my best is Designated Driver, but I am working on getting good descriptions for all my mods. So thanks for posting, it's nice to know that it's appreciated.
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Unread 05-26-08, 04:51 PM  
A Murloc Raider
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Oh what a fabulously eloquent introduction!
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Unread 05-25-08, 09:31 PM  
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I misunderstood what you were talking about before, if you read my post before the edit. It's early morning here and I haven't slept yet, so my comprehension isn't what it could be.

Anyway, sure... I can add in filtering so that you don't see your own output. I hadn't really thought of that. All it'll really take is putting in a Peek identifier in each line and using a ChatFrame_AddMessageEventFilter to strip those lines. Not a big deal, really.

Expect it in the next update.

Sorry for the confusion.
Last edited by VagrantEsha : 05-25-08 at 09:35 PM.
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Unread 05-25-08, 08:27 PM  
A Murloc Raider

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First I'd like to say the idea behind this addon is great. I do have one question though. Would it be possible to remove the inquiry from the server's chat window? I personally don't want to see 3 or more lines of text every time my friend wants to check my equipment.
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