What is EMLib?
EMLib (EV's Mod Library) is a library I wrote, which has the functions I usually have in any mod I write (such as my table manipulation functions, print to chat function, etc..), as of the newest UE and Looter updates all of them have been updated to use it.

What does this mean to the average person? The mod you use (Looter, Useful Extras, any others down the road) will be essentially the same, the mod will be around the same size as it was before since the most used functions will just be in the EMLib folder instead of the mod itself, but if you use multiple mods I've made, then you'll be saving a fair bit, because those mods won't be duplicating the same functions in each mod and just referencing the single EMLib.

Also in the future I plan to 'integrate' EMLib into each mod (as a subfolder library) as per discussions with Everglow, rather then have it as an external library (one in the interface folder you enable along with the mod you use).