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Group Invite popup won't close
Bug #: 7108
File: Useful Extras
Date: 12-15-10 10:29 AM
By: EVmaker
Status: Fixed
Posted by Asteague on WoWI:
I know it's a bit late, but my problem is really starting to get annoying.

Somehow, the party invite window doesn't get hidden when having auto accept invite enabled. The invite itself is accepted without a problem.
It's also not a different addon that's causing this problem, as it happens when only EMLib and UsefulExtras are enabled.
To sum up my reply on WoWI, thanks again for reporting the issue, I have noticed it and I am working on a fix now.

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By: EVmaker - 12-18-10 03:42 PM
Issue is fixed and will be in the next release shortly.